How does this image honestly make you feel?

How does this image honestly make you feel?

I know this is a map of religions, but a fucking key would help.

Islam is green, Orthodoxy is purple, Protestants are blue, Catholics are red and everything else is trash

Makes me feel like I don't know what the colors represent.

Second that.
Green must be completely removed.

Proves that race and religion are intertwined and none of them are right


Cool map, but Catholics in Antarctica?

> Let's differentiate between Orthodoxy and Catholics
> A fuck it, all Islam is the same thang anyhow
> Hope goym don't find out

And what is grey then? Are you telling me eastern Germany is just fucking about together with the Czech Republic?
Are the Netherlands also non-religious?

Sad. One day humanity will be freed from y*hweh's grasp.

>How does this image honestly make you feel?
About as apathetic as usual

Too much grey. Communism is its own religion: China should be all one color.

There's around 1000 to 4000 people living in Antarctica depending on season

Why the fuck does bulgaria have so many muslims? Aren't they firmly anti-immigration?

there are two permanent civilian settlements in Antarctica - one is Chilean and one is Argentinian. as you can see, both of these countries are heavily catholic, hence catholic Antarctica

Muslim Bulgarians and Turks

Red is Catholicism
Blue is Protestantism
Purple is Orthodoxy/Coptic Christianity/etc
Green is Islam
Black is Judaism
Orange is Hinduism
Yellow is Buddhism
Magenta is "Folk Religion" (any native pagan religion)
Grey is non-religious
Lighter colors mean it's less of a majority. So for example Greece is super orthodox but Belarus is less so. Estonia is super atheist but the Netherlands are less so.

Note that it's hard to tell the Magenta apart from the Purple so some places appear Orthodox when they're not

Thanks, that's really cool (pardon the pun).

Actually I was wrong, Magenta is tradition Eastern religions and Brown is "other religions".

Interestingly, Mormons are in the same category as African fetishists and literal fire worshiping pagans. Seems fitting.

Whats the grey in east Germany?

>How does this image honestly make you feel?
based fedora tipping greyfags

>Not black (pun not intended)


Grey means gaytheists.

Do I see a hint of green in London perchance?

Lot of people officially registred as "confessionless" in East Germany. But second to that its fairly protestant.

>shit colored

lmao fuck everyone here who thinks albanians are based, fucking disgusting muslim dogs....fuck bosnia too

fucking muslims in europe, we need to purge them...idc which christianity claims those areas afterwards

So here's the distribution without all those extra colors confusing it.

no legend, no compass, and no title

It would be even better to have Shias in a different color, and also to remove most of the green in North Africa because it is 99% empty desert.

Also, I'm very suspicious of an image that has central Saudi Arabia as anything but the darkest shade of green.

No fucking way in hell does it have a < 90% Islam population.

I just used the bucket fill-in tool in paint, adding new borders and stuff is a bit too much work. But you're right, they were awfully specific when dividing up low population areas in Canada and Russia (Christian countries).

>tfw muslims are already 1/4th of the world population
Didn't they say that shit wouldn't be until like 2040? It's already over 25% apparently.

Look how unified Europe would've been was it not for the kraut forrest nigger "reformer".
And orthocucks are schismatics too.

Mate, what's the pink in WA? Fucken converted emus or what?

East Germany grey is because of the commie's I think.


Don't worry, I think it's just weak Catholic. Stupid colour key.

Albo here, you don't know what you are talking about Serb boi.
Half the country is agnostic/atheist. About 30% is Muslim, the rest Christian (Orthodox and Catholic) and the Muslims in Albania care more about Enver Hoxha and Skenderbeg then they do the Koran. But you don't care because you are a Serb who just likes to bitch and fight everyone all the time.

Protestant Europe is best Europe.

fuck off catholic cuck, you religion has killed Rome,Byzantium, and the Spanish empire.


United under the current year Pope?

Too much green

I feel like it needs a key.

>Burger education

Albanians are cool, I never had any issues with any of the East-Euros I've met.

Actually I take that back considering this one super faggy Polish jew I knew once.

Is there a green dot in London or that's just my imagination?

If you were occupied by the libarators would you have faith in God?

Yes and no. No, as in it's light blue, but yes, as the light blue is probably due to Islam.

Warm and fuzzy

Map is irrelevant because it leave out The Freest Country in The World™

Nitpick Islam into denominations like the map does with Christianity, or unite Christianity. Then look at the map again.

They did it just for a soft drink, clever missionaries...

makes me feel like playing ck2

>implying islam isn't trash
the absolute state of leafs

spain and italy should be green.


Anglo revival when?

I'm Italian and that map doesn't agree with your post

Did it here

There are a lot of foreign workers in Saudi Arabia, a lot of Christians and Hindi. It's also the reason why that small part of Oman has a Hindi majority.