Sup Forums I don't know what to do..

There's this girl, her name is Megan, we've been talking for over a year and over the past year it's been a wild ride. We got the cops called on us, we fought, we split like 5 times but always got back together, we talked about starting our own family, when she felt down I always cheered her up, her parents hate me, I fought guys because of her. They forced her to date this one guy but she didn't want to and denied his advances because she loved me too much the guys friends said. But her mom is kinda abusive to her. She keeps us apart and banned her from talking to me (but she does anyway). She always yells at her and tells her she's worthless and about how she's adopted and her dad doesn't do anything he just lets it happen.

After the forced split in June of this year her mom literally caged her in with guys who are renowned for sexually harassing women and touching them without consent. After this she tried committing suicide and her mom drugged her up on SSRIs and other drugs and then she blew like 4 guys doped up.

What do I do? I got her off of the drugs now and I'm making her actually happy and laugh for the first time naturally in a long time. But I just can't shake that she blew 4 guys.. I don't want to end it but I don't want to date her again because of that..

I don't see why her mom would do this to her. Her mom is infertile, and I know from here infertile women go whack so I can't help feel that is a reason. Another reason is I used to rant to her about Jews and Niggers, but I would think that's more of a "My mom doesn't want you talking to me about that kind of stuff" not a "well off comes your natural dopamine."
>inb4 underage
I'm a senior and she's sophomore

Sounds like she loves getting fucked by those guys lol. In imagine her tongue under that guys cock and getting filled to the brim lmao CU CKED

god Jesus you faggot you expected me to read that?! fuck. you want help 3 lines asshole.

She didn't fuck them, just blew

TF are women?

>What do I do?
Come back when you are 18

It takes 45 seconds to read it.

>What do I do?
Go back to r9k

Americucks, when will they learn lmao

None of us have ever had female friends. You are in the wrong place.

my advice is to blog somewhere else

She blew 4 guys bc she wanted to

She dated the other faggot because she wanted to

She uses drugs bc she wants to

There is nothing you can do that will “actually make her happy”

The sooner you accept this the easier it will be to know what to do

It still sounds like you're getting cucked. Grow a pair faggot.

>She didn't fuck them, just blew

Get clear of her. She's giving you the run-around. If y ou guys have had the cops called on you, and split 5 times; it isn't going to last anyway.

Don't be a cuck. NEXT.


too busy reading fake news.. what is it? can't get it up after trap porn?

you have to be 18 to post here


The fact you feel like this now means that it will never go away. Break it off.

I can't just abandon her..

Ban OP underage

I said I wasn't fool

Jesus Christ lad. why not ask her, if you're that close?

or break it off.

This my friend is false. You have forgotten to take of number one first. You are deluded. Pic unrelated

Did you lose your V card to this piece? Your attachment is weak dude.

You owe this slut nothing, grow a pair kid and get rid of her before she cucks you. Your 'relationship' isn't going anywhere. Way too many red flags.

It didn't start until her mom got involved and started verbally abusing her.

>she blew like 4 guys doped up.
gross, she probably got like mouth AIDS or some shit LMAO nigga u gay

>no other girl makes me feel like she does

Come to reality of what she’s ACTUALLY making you feel

Used-insecure-broken hearted-confused-angry-sad

THATS what she’s making you feel

There’s no such thing as what you think she is.
1) Break it off
2) Workout
Give it time and you’ll be ok

So much this. She's clearly a liar and you should definitely move on. Although my guess is the moment you do she will all the sudden have no issues being with you. In which case it just proves she's a manipulative bitch. She wasn't forced into anything, that's a crock of shit. Also you should be underage b& for posting this cuckold shit.

This story is fake and gay

Forgot pic.
Regards and hope for trips of truth

>She didnt even get anything out of it except for the satisfaction of listening to him groan as she slobbered on his cock. She says she was pretending it was mine though. Not cucked, I fuckin swear!

You're cucked. Learn from this and dont repeat these mistakes. Love is a lie. Dont surround yourself with a woman purposefully unless you are prepared to feel attachment. Make sure shes worth it, this broad obviously isnt worth it. The chick you surround yourself with, you shouldnt be having any tendencies of splitting like that. My first ex and I went through the same shit. Dont do what I did. It turned into years of wasted time, time i'll never get back.

Tl;dr but for the nice digits I'll give you some valuable advice. Move on. Find a better chick. Tou're young. Go smash some gash and stop acting like youe pussy is bleeding.


literally this.

>After this she tried committing suicide and her mom drugged her up on SSRIs and other drugs and then she blew like 4 guys doped up.

>The "Muh Mental Illness" is why I'm a slut excuse.

Run and don't look back.

I would say if this is not a LARP, that you should definitely not get involved with crazy women. Is she crazy?

>verbally abusive her
What does that even mean? You are fucking retarded or a massive faggot.

If you still considering to get back with her your'e not thinking with your brain..youre thinking with your HEART. And its not practical or productive.

Your'e being manipulated by your emotions user stop being a cucked, those niggers propably laughing at you now. There's plenty of fish in the sea, and a girl who blew( and possibly fucked) 4 guys is never ever the girl for the altar.

If your END GAME with her is just fuck buddy then its ok. BUT if it is a family building then might as well shoot yourself in the head. Imagine her personality disorder so fucked up she'll end up divorcing you and much worse ruins your child's life for a normal happy family.

>She didn't fuck them, just blew

>Her mom yelled at her so she sucked another guys cock.

Listen to yourself. You fuckin idiot. Women manipulate, thats how they get by in life. They have lower cognitive function so they compensate by fucking with people. Figure it out already, dude. My god. If you dont bail now you're going to end up hating all women forever.

There were enough red flags already before the little believable drugging incident. If you're a senior you still have a lot of work to do on yourself, not worth it to commit to one grill if she's not top notch.

Bro - she willingly blew 4 other guys behind your back - gtfo of there, what are you doing? Stop worrying about girls, they are horrific. Ignore them, unless one shows interest in you and approaches you; then rule her with an iron fist but also with fairness

Gtfo out of there bro

>those gums straight out of ren and stimpy
my nigga

Never thought I'd say this and I might have to kill myself after this post but....listen to the leaf.

I have to go take a cold shower and scrub myself with steel wool now.

>Sophomore, Senior
Lol, not even out of high school yet. Thinking that a childhood sweetheart will actually be a decent relationship once in the big open world with big open problems. Sorry mate, the first love usually isn't the best love probability wise.
You get older, you get wiser, get a job, pay taxes.
Mate at your age, I think she's playing you

>Hey guys my girlfriend blew like 4 other guys
>Should I be worried?

Crazy in what way? She cries easily if you criticize her

dump her user........these girls will ruin your life

i went from bright eyed talented college student to depressed neet due to a girl like this...took me years to recover from the break up

dump her

Couple of things. First, the Mom sounds insane. Hopefully you’re serious that she’s adopted and not genetically related to the mother, because that crazy might be hereditary and you may be in for years of misery. But even if she’s not biologically related, this chick is gonna have some serious baggage. Mental and emotionally speaking.
Second, SSRI’s do not get you doped or drunk up to where you blow 4 guys. She was coherent when she did that. But were you guys broken up at that time? If you were broken up, then you have to decide if you can deal with it or not. If you were not broken up, then run.
It doesn’t sound like this girl has much to offer you. Probably best to get out now if you can.


OP should fuck her mom.

not that you will listen neither did will remember these words

Your story is full of holes, I am 90% sure this is a larp.
But crazy as in, does she sneak in your bedroom window at night and sniff your clothes kinda crazy?

She's not related to her at all

and I know, SSRIs weren't the only thing she was on. She told me too that, she feels worthless and that she only feels valuable because of her body and that she felt like she couldn't form relationships so why not.....

sounds like a liar,my ex was the same,she told me she was raped by her step dad,turns out he did nothing and i almost killed him and wound up in jail

she used to say shit like she had keyhole surgery the other day without telling me she lied about stupid shit constantly

She gave me a pair of her underwear

Dump her but be nice about it. Chicks go insane if you dont let them down easy and smooth

shes bipolar user and doesnt understand that just cause she tells a lie people dont auto believe it

dump her



Idiot find a new girlfriend. It isnt hard. If shes such a degenerate why not go for an asian qt?

Do it
Just dump her
Man up and just do it

Female detected
>was she broken up with you when she blew 4 guys?

Doesn't fucking matter. She's a whore if she did. You're just as manipulative as her if you really think that matters. You either have values or you don't. You don't get to fuck other people up mentally because you can't distinguish between being a decent woman and sucking off 4 guys. Then think "oh it doesn't count because we were broken up when I completely shit on his heart"

Move the fuck on OP.

We aren't dating, we're just talking like friends. But she wants to sneak over and spend the night

Also you should NEVER get involved in a relationship until you are 100% happy without one

If you want some fucks then whatever do your thing...
You don’t have to be her emotional support to fuck her

>blew four guys
>all doped up
Probably has hep C, gential warts in her throat(hpv), herpes, and other stds now.



>inb4 underage
>I'm a senior and she's sophomore

FUCK OFF DUDE. YOU'RE GETTING PLAYED. Stop thinking that at 17 years old you know the ins and outs of what it takes to have a long lasting relationship. EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE AIN'T ONE.

She's preying on your sympathies dude. She probably doesn't even know what the fuck to do herself because hollywood and media fuck over every other nice girl into being some attention seeking glorified 'look at me boo-hoo' fuckernaut.


I don't think so but maybe..

>and then she blew like 4 guys

your a cuckaroo op

She blew 4 guys.

What the fuck is wrong with you kid. Go jump off a bridge.

>she didn't fuck them, just blew

Quick question does anyone know anything about hep C or A?

I went down on a girl and we fucked a few times and i later heard she had one of those hep things from using needles.

I know i should get tested just haven't had the time.
Am i fucked? Aren't they curable if i do have it?

NEVER EVER date a megan.

Well I'd go get tested and use a dental dam next time you kiss her.

>tfw all the girls I've dated have been named Megan
>except that art thot


You're a mess kys

Maybe I should date a eurasian girl since I'm part Siberian.

Yes now there is medicine to treat it, but the idiom goes prevention is better than the cure.

Depends on your hair color.
Blonde = excellent
Ginger = good
Brown = eh
Black = youre fucked

If you dont have red or blonde hair, dont date an asian cuz your kids will be horrendous

I have auburn hair.

you will find someone else,dont let her suck your spirit and by time you get back on your feet your best days are behind you

dont wind up like me user,it took till i was nearly 30 to snap out of it

You mean brown? Pic or youre a brown haired untermensch and shouldnt touch the oriental

Youll learn kid. Hopedully before any permanent mistakes. Drop her and move on. Itll be better for you. You wont listen and you wont believe me, but thats my advice. Your elders were there too

I'm not full white either, I'm tan and I have slight mongol slanted eyes.

>le 56% face


What are megans features?

What the hell did I just read?

None of this shit makes any sense.

Well, none of this matters any more, apparently. It is already ruined beyond salvation. Get on with your life.


You will have to bear it. It's unpleasant, it's painful, it's annoying, at first. It may take a few years. But it's infinitely better than ruining your life.

Pale blue eyes, pale, pale nips, brown hair, same roman nose as me, we both have perfect teeth, some freckles, thick full lips.

Yeah i know. I was a little worried about het back ground but she was hot. Looked like Dakota sky.
Also she just got out of prison so i think there's a chance she was treated for it in there

Either way i need to start making better life choices

Unless she makes sure not to watch a single Hollywood movie and doesn't listen to Top 40, she's prob a degenerate already. Given she blew 4 guys, there's quite the chance there.

Look mate, I'm only gonna say this once:

Even if she was a good girl, you're clearly not prepared. You're white knighting a clearly fucked up chick and saying you can't stand being lonely. You lack perspective because of your age, but I hope you learn in a few years how pathetic that is. I'm not trying to put you down, but I'm also not gonna lie to you like a fuckin SJW, because I sure as fuck wish somebody had done the same for me.

A worthy man thrives in loneliness, a pathetic weakling cries. Which one are you going to be? It doesn't take being Batman to consciously move towards improving yourself. Don't wait a month, a year. Do it now. If you can't be alone you have no business worrying about relationships. Even if she was a good girl you would not deserve her. A good girl will look for a worthy man. There are lots of spergs on Sup Forumscomplaining about how all they find are degenerates, while they are weak degenerates themselves. You're not gonna find good girls in the club. And if you're weak you will not be welcomed wherever good girls are at. Be sure to become the living incarnation of the hero you want to be, and I mean that quite literally. You can't expect a princess when you're a sewage cleaner. Get a gap year after finishing high school and work on yourself.

Look up /sig/ threads on the catalog and the archive at 4plebs. There is a lot to be learned, and if you learn those things that soon you will seriously be ahead of 90% of people. Don't underestimate the power of /sig/. And if there's anyone you should listen to on Sup Forums it's them, not some edgelords.

what was she in for?