Ahhh yes, it is a mystery, literally nobody has ever talked about this before

Ahhh yes, it is a mystery, literally nobody has ever talked about this before

Other urls found in this thread:


Absolutely...nobody...has an answer for this...

I'll take earning a bit lower than what my productivity is worth in a capitalist society instead of earning not even enoguh to feed myself you god fucking damn kike commie.
>Kill yourself.

The removal of standardized money.

Jesus Christ those numbers are rising and only communists can save us.


This is why you should automatize your production. Robots can't be ungrateful.

I mean, we're probably closer to having fully automated luxury space communism than we ever have been. In an age of supercomputers, ever increasing levels of automation and distribution chains like amazon the possiblity of full communism is not far off.



forgot pic

Bloomberg you niggers

Why dont they pay for the failure?

Progressively more progressive policies lead to a decline in compensation....so basically the answer is...Jews. it's the fucking Jews.

> Implying workers aren't richer than ever before in history, in capitalist countries at least.

It's almost as though America has been flooded with shitskins in order to depress wages for the working class. If only a politician had the balls to put an end to this....

Reeeee it has to be one of the other because my brain works like a light switch

They will eventually. Tax cuts and the inevitable cuts to social services will bring people back to the socialist movement just like austerity did at the beginning of the 20th century. all of this is cyclical. We're already winning the youth over. despite this reactionary permavirgin shithole of a board

Hey that man is a jew, hey all the CEO's are jews, hey all of congress are jews, hey all Academia on social studies are jews, hey all big banking families are jews, hey all tennants of advocacy is overrun with jews, hey whole media companies are run by jews

What could be the problem OP?

It's really, really far off. You're fucking stupid and kill yourself.

>winning the youth over

Yes, because the majority of the youth are non-whites who love hands out and despise work. I wonder what kind of country you'll end up ruling over....

we know mass immigration helped (sarc)

that made bernie interesting

his voters were whiter than trumps

non whites hated him and backed hillary

i dont know why

>implying we havent reached a point where wealth levels are leveling off and atrophying for the working class.

Bruh when people realize it's the white guys at the top and not the colored people at the bottom who are fucking them over you guys are finished lol

Fully automated luxury communist removal helicopters will be within our lifetimes lads.

Production can be increasing due to investments in capital goods, not labor. Read an economics book.

What happened in the early sixties.
>Gold standard
Fuck FDR fuck Nixon

It's because the blacks weren't interested in a Sanders who doesn't have any chicken.

That's because blacks vote as they're told. The Democrats who run them told them to vote for Hillary, so they did. The few blacks who thought for themselves saw how little she cared for them and abstained from voting. This is why black turnout was lower than it has been in decades.

Are lesbian women welcome in the alt right movement?

next time around he's gonna win over POC and ya boy trump will be dead in the water

Bernie woulda won and you all know it lol

also they will vote for a fellow black person

as we all know they abandoned hillary in droves for obama during that primary

"interesting" voters


It's not the white man or capitalism holding you down, retard. It's your own culture. Niggers need to speak English, marry their child's mother and pull their pants up. Why is this so difficult?

>why don't workers benefit when a machine does something

>Absolutely...nobody...has an answer for this...

It could be that open borders and free trade reduces the ability of labour to negotiate higher rates of pay, since cheaper workers can come into the country and off-shoring the production or service is more viable than ever. Then the communists' only response is to propose ideas that would only throw fuel on the fire by driving away the industry altogether.

here, try this.

It's fifty years ago. You have an accounting department with 70 accountants. They invent the computer and write accounting software. Now, ten accountants can do all the work. Do you say "hey guys, all 70 of you can make the same salary but you only need to come in one day a week each" or do you fire sixty and pay ten the same they were being paid for a regular work week?

that's why the profit from rising productivity doesn't end up with the worker

you're welcome

>people don't have as much money

If you think it was immigration and not mechanization or automation you need to stop working at the racism factory and read a goddamn book lol

>> Implying workers aren't richer than ever before in history, in capitalist countries at least.

No. The spending power of workers in real dollars was greater in the past.

What could have happened?

>implying I'm black because I use vernacular
>blaming culture for systemic automation that will push people to the fringes and relentlessly destroy good-paying jobs,

buddy I got news for you

No shit. What the fuck man

The entire argument for immigration is that "these people do the work natives won't." The point of bringing them in is to undercut us on wages. This is why Pajeet comes here to code and why Jorge comes to build houses.

If automation is taking that many jobs away, then we need to stop importing a million people a year to compete for the shrinking number of jobs.

I don't know what you are, but I don't know any self respecting white person who says "bruh."


>for the shrinking number of jobs.
It's not a sustainable system whatsoever. Any society that favors marketing labor towards out groups which DEVALUE society at large is doomed to fail.

The graph takes into account low IQ and low skilled n*gs and sp*cs.

Importation of millions of slave wage third worlders undercutting American workers means the companies don't pay their workers as much money.

Super Simple Stuff

you talk like they give a fuck and aren't in it solely for the money. countries are temporary, money is forever

The nature of statistics are inherently (and usually intentionally ) deceitful.

The idea of a productivity statistic oversimplifies the real world, assumes the data collected is accurate and assumes a lack of bias in the messenger. None of those assumptions are valid.

Also, this has been a talking point of leftists for 150 years and capitalism has totally wrecked any validity of the idea.

Automation, Union busting, Ronald Reagan

Women truly begin to enter the workforce. Increase supply of labor, decrease earning power for everyone. If you count that today we have near as many women as men, then you've doubled the workforce, but... you probably halved the earning power.

Because the workers aren't being more productive. They are in no way responsible for that rise in productivity. It is purely the increased efficiency of the capital machines that augment the natural worker's productivity.

I will say though, it's interesting that mass low-skill immigration began exactly when the divide began in that immage.

Of course they only care about the money. That's why these societies collapse and why the Wandering Jew never rests, there's always somebody else to fuck over.

Good plan, let's just redistribute everything and produce nothing. That will solve our long term problems.

Based Poland

Because a dollar is worth less than half it was the day I was born, faggots.

Well you see when we had gold standard it fit our population but the post WWII baby boom led us to have too many people for it to be sustainable so in 1971 we dropped gold for fiat currency which there is practially infinite amounts of as it isn't reliant on how much gold or whatever there is and our increasing population and free floating currency exchange devalues the dollar more and more overtime but it's not a problem as money is just arbitrary numbers now.

Because profits are for the elite not the slaves.

It’s almost like this graph doesn’t take the scarcity of labor decreasing and this flooding the market and correctly display it.

It's not hard, you globalist jew.

irrelevant Marxist nonsense...

Is exactly what they did for 30 years.

People will make up all kinds of outlandish shit, but the reality is Herzberg two-factor theory.

If you go back into the 60s and 70s people would just assume that you needed to pay well to get good work. Frederick Harrisburg finally went out and get the research and found out that people are more likely to be motivated being told they did a good job versus getting a raise.

It doesn't matter that people got more productive with computers. If people demanded more money they would get more money because companies could afford to pay it.

Taking the US off the gold standard had nothing to do with jewish tricks and everything to do with the establishment of the Dollar as the world reserve currency in the mid-20th century

Ah yes a jew has answer as usual

Bretton Woods

It couldn't have been that when the women joined the workforce, it cut the value of each worker by half.


This, and they flooded jobs overseas where left-wing, totalitarian regimes do not protect workers or the environment. Despots become rich off the US trade defecit, as do American CEOs, and together, they buy up all of America's assets.

Remember when liberals used to shame corporations for overseas sweatshops? Now it's only a retarded hodgepodge of niggers and communists clamoring for jew-administered gibs. Only the worst, most retarded breed the next generation.

They typically do if their idea is what lead to the improved productivity.

Fucking idiot leftists and their one dimensional thinking. It's like their ideology only looks appealing if you're stupid or something.

Machines have increased productivity. Whats next soy boi?

ah yes, the solution is killing all the farmers and starving ourselves while redistributing wealth and power from the elites outside of the party to the elites within the party. great idea comrade.

1965 immigration act
Gtk rwn

>nothing to do with jewish tricks and everything to do with the establishment of the Dollar as the world reserve currency
oy vey rabbi

i want to see the graph before 1947

Because communist jews keep fighting for more cheap labor, open borders, women in the workforce, etc. while pretending to care about the working man.

Fucking robuts. The end.

100 million dead

There are various reasons for this. 1. The decline of trade-unions reduced workers bargaining power. 2. the rise of computers and cheap credit made automation more profitable. 3. The liberalization of trade meant that American workers now compete with low-wage workers in the developing world. I don't think that we are going to stop automation or offshoring, that would reduce total output. One thing we could do is make sit-down strikes and secondary strikes legal. That way organized labor would have some kind of leverage to use to capture the gains from trade and technological change.

The monetary system that destroys the money slowly over time is part of it.

The other part of it is women entering the workforce. Suddenly, the labor force almost doubles, and wages start to drop toward equilibrium. Then you have both parents working, making similar money as the father used to make, living a similar life, except the kids don't have their mother looking after them, and both parents are stressed out, exhausted, and hate each other, and you end up with a swath of divorces, unstable, unhappy people who remain this way because being single is even more expensive than it used to be if you want to live decently.

seriously, the fucking of the labor market by pushing women in to work was the most evil trick ever played upon civilization

Because productivity increases have nothing to do with workers and everything to do with the computers their employers buy and pay for. This is elementary shit.

You don't invest in machines to raise productivity only to then reinvest the money saved in unproductive employees. You buy more machines. Pretty simple concept really, humans are lazy whining break-taking benefit siphoning uncompetitive sack of flesh, we are obsolete.

Data doesn't tend to go back that far.

Productivity gains either need to go to workers or consumers in the form of lower prices for there to be benefit in it.

The million dollar question:

Is everything that's counted as productivity actually productive?

Productivity is just real GDP.

(((No one knows)))

You mean (((white)))? I don't know many, if you can't get a 80k a year job then you just don't have much value to society in industrialized countries. No political system is going to make you valuable.

wow what happened in 1965????

blacks already have gibs they don't give a fuck about some white boi

>obamaleaf shows his true colors
>they are communist

sasuga, desupai

Don't forget that allowing women to vote allowed parties to drive a wedge between spouses on inane issues and destroy the family by focusing on individualist issues rather than issues of the family.

We would never pander to all these faggots and dickchoppers if it wasn't for this because neither can have a stable family.

Nigger have you been to the Dollar store, on Amazon or purchased gas lately? Shit is already cheap

This man has all the answers

hes like a better American version of Marx

Ok let me ask with a specific example: Did Bernie Madoff increase the GDP before his ponzi scheme collapsed?

Maybe because...

When you don't take the risk you don't get the payoff, you dumb commie.

>going to the dollar store
I'm white.

>missing the point

I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with immigration from 3rd world countries and the introduction of women into the workforce.


It’s the Jews at the top holding us down and we already realize this

Yes. The financial sector has grown much faster than any other sector in the last 30 years too. Really makes you think.

Gibs are included in GDP as well.