What videogames would make decent anime/manga/LN material?

What videogames would make decent anime/manga/LN material?

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Disgaea need a new season

Also, I think The World Ends With You would be a great anime.

My penis agrees one hundred percent.

Chaos Rings.

That story was awesome

Katawa Shoujo

Anime when?

Dark souls

Gal*Gun obviously

Is this that house of the dead but it's highschool haremshit edition?

Asura's Wrath. If it weren't a game it would have been an anime to remember.

Funny thing is the main goal is avoiding the haremshit ending

Trails in the Sky

The OVAs do not exist

Legend of Zelda
anime original Link

so thats the game that was played in NGNL

It's basically like TTGL but with fists and tons of ham.

it was basically an anime that just happened to have gameplay in it

Bizarre Jelly 5 would be an astounding hit across all nations.


Devil May Cry 3

I hate these threads. It's like you guys don't even care that Sup Forums is here.


>tfw MGS anime never

Back in the day if you didn't play both videogames and watch anime you didn't know shit about being an introverted loner. Nowadays everyone just shitposts on their phones I guess.

Ar Tonelico 2