Hey Nazis,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are racist, trailer-trash, no-lifes who spend every second of their day harassing innocent minorities. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever even met a minority before? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take it to a whole new level. You guys are even worse than Trump himself.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I maced 16 Nazis at their own rallies (and got away with it each time lol), and give lectures all across America about the dangers of Fascism. What do you guys do, other than "Pretend like you're going to start a race war but really just sit there eating Cheetos,drinking Mountain Dew,and posting right wing memes on twitter"? I also own many guns, and just recently got an Ak47 (Just fired it a few hours ago, Shit was SO explosive haha). You are all little bitches who wouldn't last a day standing up to an army of my comrades. Also, fuck Capitalism and long live Antifa. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: A collection of my many guns that will be used to kill Nazis
Hey Nazis
Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck did you just fucking say to me you little bitch?
>no timestamp
You've never seen a National Socialist rally son. And if you did you would run (or join).
Alt-Right = Jews
Hey John! Nice model 28 s&W. I'm curious as to why you think I sit around harrassing innocent monorities all day. Also, why do you think it's likely I've
Never met a minority before.
Not a Nazi but white antifa never made sense to me. Racial tribalism is real, you can play pretend and take the other team's side but in the end you're still gonna be white and be killed just as dead as an actual Nazi, once they don't need you anymore.
>if you live in a city
Niggers will rip you apart
>if you are rural
People like me will kill you and take your stuff
OP has apparently never met a nigger.
Lets see how many newfags respond to this pasta as if it were real...
fucking sage nao
Hi there John! I got enticed by your comment, first of all would like to give you a friendly reminder that the Nazi ideology is just a meme to refer to a wide variety of people from a right win perspective. As you can tell I'm part of the right wing axis, and also share some rooted hate against a type of guy that we call "stormfag", these guys are basically the stereotype of the "white power" convict all tattooed wish swastikas and eagles and they turn our right wing movement into a cesspool and a joke. I would greatly recommend for you to focus all of your efforts to kill stormfags that way you can tell that even "the other nazis" like me will be on your side.
noone cares who you hate or how many guns you have faggot go have another soy latte
Shit-tier guns in a shit-tier LARP.
Google Image search bitch. Those are Ghana LARP guns nigger.
There are too many newfriends on Sup Forums.
I've seen many of your "National-Socialist" rallies and you guys are nothing but a bunch of fat neckbearded nerds lol. You're all big talk on the internet but in real life you're bitches.
Dear John, the person I'm responding to here is what we call a newfag and a faggot. He should go back to r/The_Donald.
>tfw white nationalist dating a mexican
what do I do lads?
Those aren't your guns, faggot. Think before you threaten people online when you're unarmed. It won't end well. For you. forensicmed.co.uk
Because if you actually met a minority you'd find out that they are just normal people. All this hate of minorities that gets talked about here is just because you're all brainwashed by right wing capitalist media.
>Pic Related: A collection of my many guns that will be used to kill Nazis
suck a fucking AIDS dick, commie
Dear John,
Kill yourself.
Warm regards,
T. Nazi
>The capitalist media put beaners in my neighborhood and bullet holes in my house.
Good to know.
Hi john. I hate you too.
>no rifle
>gets shot in head at 100 yards
>world goes on with 1 less faggot
10/10 bait. Keep it up.