It's okay. You can admit it. Beer sucks. You...

It's okay. You can admit it. Beer sucks. You, like so many other men at some point in your life decided to see what the big fuss was. You took your first sip of that watery, bitter, amber liquid and recoiled in disgust. "but I'm a man," you think, "and men are SUPPOSED to like beer. It's the natural order of things." So you kept drinking. You drank until your tastebuds became numb to its yeasty bite. "Aha!" you proclaimed in your secured masculinity. " Looks like I finally acquired a taste for beer!"

Yet still, upon every night out on the town, as your female company orders their grape juice and tequila infused slushies, you look upon them with wistful envy. "I'll take a beer." you say to the bartender, a sadness behind your eyes. Because men drink beer. It's the natural order of things. And you are a man, aren't you?

Fuck off


OP = faggot

I love beer, fuck off cuck

You sounds like a fag.

no I actually like beer you faggot. have you never tried craft beer? keep drinking your gay ass wine coolers.

real men drink liquor


I literally drink a fifth of cheap as whiskey every night and I have the gout. I'm slowly killing myself and enjoy every painful minutes of it.

pic related is what happens when you drink fruity microbrews, drink more scotch

Fuck off OP

Beer is delicious but I have to drink so much of it to get a buzz that I just stick with vodka and whiskey now.

I love beer to a fault

You're just a fag

Never drank beer, never will. Only retard plebeians that will dump anything into their mouths because they don't care about nor appreciate taste drink that shit piss

U r gey

Drinking the liquid jew

Beer is for plebs.
Also, you're a fag. KYS.


i don't drink alcohol. It is poison and increases the risk of developing dozens of types of cancer.

Beer does suck. alcohol in general is the worst drug you can take, arguably worse then smoking. Terrible tradeoff. Thats why they are legal.

Really made me think

When you say you look upon a taquilla-infused slushi with wistful envy, your opinion becomes worth less than dog vommit.
You have nothing to worry about. You arent a man by any strech.

I like beer, but scotch is better.

I have tried various spirits but I have not found anyone of them to be particularly good, except for vine in food. I don't drink unless I attend some special social event.

Beers good. You're just a little faggot bitch boy, or 10.

I like beer, if you don’t like it then don’t drink it.

Why come to Sup Forums and spill your spegehtti all over my favorite board


I'm not above getting an XXL Midori melon margarita when I go out for Mexican on occasion. That shit's good, better than any beer, may as well get fucked up on something that you enjoy every sip of.

liquor > beer