Genuine Smiles

Post genuine smiles.










What the, someone took a picture during my date with Nepgear yesterday.




>genuine smiles
I got it


What a nice Thread.



from our wedding





god damn

Noa is legitimately too cute. It shouldn't be allowed.

I learned what gamine meant because of Noa

It's not exactly inaccurate.

This is fanservice done right.


But she's not for lewd.

This motherfucker here styling all over the place.

Too suave.


You have more, don't you?

get fucked Yuuko




Sup Uni

I will protect that smile

ara, you're right








sleep tight


Good thing most of these involve smiles.

Genuinely happy Haruhi is a miracle

>off by one

ah yes

What the hell is Noa even up to here?
That is true.

>nobody posted it yet

>What the hell is Noa even up to here?
bein cute.


Now that goes without saying. It still doesn't really help me out here.


Stay mad Yukinofags and Yuifags.

Where did you find these? They don't seem to be on most of the usual suspects.


I guess it has its uses. I think it's generally more the community that people take issue with than anything else.
Keep posting.

also I just found a ton more from some chink website.






Too lewd. Watch it.






Now that's not smiling at all!




>That kid on the right wondering who the fuck this chick is

>yfw you outsmarted Mello, Kira and Mikami in just one big bet

he wants to join in!

Noa is not for sexual. What the hell is this?

Join in with the crazy lady running around like an idiot in public?


I want to touch the tomboy butt and I'm not cool with that.






What do I win?





sasuga Takagi-chan
