Hinduism general

>What is Hinduism

Hinduism is the oldest organized religion in the world. It is the Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Law. It has no known origin and no founders - it is a synthesis of various Indian cultures and practices from as early as 4000 BCE.

Hinduism differs from Christianity and other Abrahamic religions in that it does not have:

>A single concept of deity,

>A single holy text,

>A single system of morality,

>A central religious authority,

>The concept of a prophet.

Hinduism is neither polytheistic, monotheistic, trinitarian or henotheistic, yet it is all at the same time.

The development of Hinduism was influenced by many invasions over thousands of years. The major influences occurred when light-skinned, nomadic "Aryan" Indo-European tribes invaded Northern India (circa 1500 BCE) from the steppes of Russia and Central Asia. They brought with them their religion of Vedism. These beliefs mingled with the more advanced, indigenous Indian native beliefs, often called the "Indus valley culture."

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/reneguenon/1921 - Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines #page/n3/mode/1up

>Political significance of Hinduism
All the decadence of the world today has been predicted by Hinduism.


Prophesied events during a Kali Yuga

>Rulers will become unreasonable: they will levy taxes unfairly.
>Rulers will no longer see it as their duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will become a danger to the world.
>People will start migrating, seeking countries where wheat and barley form the staple food source.
>At the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen of the three higher varnas [temperament] and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser.

Kali Yuga with regard to human relationships

>Avarice and wrath will be common. Humans will openly display animosity towards each other. Ignorance of dharma will occur.
>People will have thoughts of murder with no justification and will see nothing wrong in that.
>Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable and sexual intercourse will be seen as the central requirement of life.
>Sin will increase exponentially, while virtue will fade and cease to flourish.
>People will take vows and break them soon after.
>People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs.
>Teachers will no longer be respected and their students will attempt to injure them. Their teachings will be insulted, and followers of Kama(lust) will wrest control of the mind from all human beings.


>Introduction for westerner

archive.org/stream/reneguenon/1921 - Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines #page/n3/mode/1up
>Bhagavad Gita









>Ramayan anime


Buddhism blows Hinduism out of the water any day

Buddhism is Hinduism for Plebs

>not polytheistic
The hell its not

Buddhism is enlightened Hinduism made for those who can use the Loo

Explain how its is polytheistic, look up the definition might help you case
Kek, all Buddhist philosophy stems from Hinduism, it lacks the social aspects of Hinduism it is Hinduism made for export

>Explain how its is polytheistic
many gods.
>Buddhist philosophy stems from Hinduism,
Sure. But it differs in many aspects. Especially the most important ones and turns Hinduism on its head. It's Hinduism perfected.
>t lacks the social aspects of Hinduism
Good. The social aspects of Hinduism are shit (literall, thats all it is, collective fecal worship)
>it is Hinduism made for export
No such concept really back then so you're full of it

>many gods
All forms of the same cosmic consciousness and polytheistic nature of a religion only bother cut dicks for some reason gods are unimportant

Ok I'll bite explain how is Buddism different apart from change in terminology?

Buddhism is Hinduism for the egoists.


>All forms of the same cosmic consciousness
Doesnt matter. You still worship different Gods seperately
>Ok I'll bite explain how is Buddism different apart from change in terminology?
Literally in everything starting from the fundamentals in philosophy.
If you really have to ask that you clearly dont know enough about Buddhism.
I'll give you one for a start
There are no Gods.

>muh religion is old therefore its the best one
Nice jew logic

literally the opposite of the aim of Buddhism and its philosophy

sounds like bullshit to me

>from the fundamental philosophy

>go ahead, keel me *sniff* maybe you will learn something from seeing my dead corpse and so on

So Christianity is poly because of the holy trinity? Blow it out your ass faggo - there are even sects within hinduism that are atheistic

Did designated shitting streets originate with Hinduism or was it influenced by a foreign invader?

"hey, look at me, I'm so enlightened, if I sit cross-legged for a long time I can defeat karma and show middle finger to this imperfect world."

It goes back 13,000 years and is the religion that dates Atlantis. U r a faggo

Okay then
Kek. I foresaw the Hindu trying to make that argument but not a Burger. You must be a Pajeet in the US.
You dont worship three seperate Gods when you worship God in Christianity. The concepts of the father the son and the holy spirit are all aspects of one singular God. There are no idols of seperate worship.

The aim of Buddhism is to reduce suffering in the world.

bullshit, suffering the same important part of the evolution of consciousness as pleasure.

Wtf is Hare Krishna

You dont know much about Christianity, clearly. This issue has caused serious division within different xtrian sects whether or not they need be worshipped and this is not even getting into Cathliocs and the reverence of the Virgin Mary and Saints


Yes through escaping the cycle of life and death, I wonder where that comes from


In this prophetic visionary video Kali rises up at 4:22 when Christ comes to smite the evil that is raging upon the earth, and again appears at 4:58 when Christ smites the botnet. Do you feel the rising fury of the of the global war against evil Hindu bros? Do you feel the goddess being incarnated to fight such terrible demons as afflict us? Is the great Indian culture about to be reborn to participate in the great global awakening which must come after a period of cataclysm?


It will go down way differently that you assume, we need a reset a purge won't do

Heathens look at your country it is literally a shit heap.


You're making a lot of assumptions about my assumptions...

Currycel shitskin niggers worship cows and take a shit wherever.

The only thing that makes Hindus noteworthy is their hatred and killing of muslims. Keep going.

Well thats just like your opinion man
If you want to live like an animal you're welcome to.
And yet none of them think they are three seperate Gods.
Sure. They got the concept of samsara from you. So?

>not worshiping cows

Hinduism is satanic bullshit. Go fuck yourself.

>satanic bullshit
Actually the Hindus have been the eternal enemy of the Semitic peoples; and in reality Christianity itself is the first and possibly most successful attempt by (((them))) to lead the Aryan peoples away from their true self-empowering faith. In reality, Semitics are the satanists.


Pindus also worship shit.


Proud muslim reporting in.

>first fucking word is shalom

Pindus are not aryan, retard. Persians are.

That guy supports race mixing and married his daughter off to a nigger.
This is bait, kys.

They're called Farsi you fucking filthy LARPing little shit.

>LARPing as a mudshit Iranian on Sup Forums
Don't you have anything better to do with your life like kys?

Hinduism is redpilled as can be.
It literally transcends the monotheism/polytheism binary.

I bet the Hindu civilization will save the world in the end of days.

t. catholic theologian white man from the heartland

None of his daughters are old enough to get married. Pindus are such shameless liars.

Last time I did mescaline I saw Shiva and Shakti

they did not acknowledge my existence, feels bad


So true.


Mahayana Buddhism > all other Dharma

I have yet to meet a Dharmic non-Mahayana practitioner I haven't beaten in formal debate.


Fucking dirty, smelly Pindu. Go take a shower.

nihilist one worlder xenophile fetishist scumbag

This is a thread for Dharma. In the Absolute, division between self and other, white and black, and so forth do not exist. These are merely conventional designations, icchantika.

"Before one studies Zen, mountains are mountains and waters are waters; after a first glimpse into the truth of Zen, mountains are no longer mountains and waters are no longer waters; after enlightenment, mountains are once again mountains and waters once again waters."

Are you a Brahmin? If you're not then your religion says your opinion is worthless. And even if you are a Brahmin why are you not renouncing the modern and physical world?

Zen is not nihilistic. I follow the eight-fold path, which promotes good behavior, icchantika.

Isn't this the guy Pindus use to say that Kung Fu was invented by them? Again Pindus are such shameless liars, they even claim that the Buddha was Indian.

Pindus are more WE WUZ than niggers.

Read the shit about the Kali Yuga, it describes our current society precisely.

' > than dharma'
>your religion says your opinion is worthless.

Jej, was the Buddha a chink now?

Wow thats only all of history. Every civ has cycles of growth and collapse.

kek'd and chek'd

>they even claim that buddha was indian

good bait m8

Buddha was 100% east Asian ethnicity and Nepalese, fucking Pindu.
>Pindu spouting pseudo intellectual garbage in his shit language

Icchantikas are not allowed in this thread. You shall be reborn as a hungry ghost.

There is no White, no Black, no attributes, within the formlessness of the Dharmakaya.

“Since the possession of attributes is an illusion, Subhuti, and no possession of attributes is no illusion, then by means of attributes that are no attributes the Tathagata can, indeed, be seen."

The true body of Buddha is formless.

>there is nothing wrong with inter-racial marriage

Try me.

You're a literal brainlet if you think there is no god in buddhism

>Pindu spouting pseudo intellectual garbage in his shit language
It only comes off as pseudo-intellectual to you because you are an icchantikas whose mind does not flow freely, and you choose to dwell on the "dust" (i.e., desire for sensations). You ardently cling to phenomena because you are simple-minded.

>meme flag
Dude he's from Pakistan and is trying to troll good Hindus and East Asian Buddhists. The way to get rid of meme flags is to stop giving (you)s.

According to Pindus they are aryan, 100% white, the first whites, descendants of Buddha and the man who created Chinese martial arts.


These are the four main Hindu denominations.

A good link to give a more in depth quick rundown.

Don't feed mudshit trolls.

Don't you have some shit and cows to worship, Pindu?
>Pindu mad he can't get a white girl
Sour grapes.

The entire world cringes at your white women worshiping.

Tell me one thing that can be clung onto in this life. Tell me why you choose to have a monkey mind rather than looking into your inmost nature, which is prior to thought & formless.

It's not necessarily inaccurate but reducing it down to a chart obscures a lot of the actual philosophy behind it.

You are merely talking to mirrors. Have your thoughts and inner monologues ever connected with anyone? Do they conform to reality-as-it-is ("suchness", or what Western traditions call "noumenon")? Have your mental constructs ever gone beyond your own mind? Why do you seek to grasp or attain that which is merely impermanent, which will fall through your fingers before you know it? Why not see into how your self is merely a bundle of disparate thoughts without core? Amitabha, icchantikas like you are more concerned with ambition and greed rather than pacifying your minds and looking into your true inmost nature.

>white women worshiping
I don't want a white whore you moron; I'm marrying within caste as soon as my grandma finds a suitable bride. Unlike mudshits, we have pride and standards.

>one thing that can be clung onto in this life
>why you choose to have a monkey mind
I love the spirit of Hanuman and his eternal devotion to Rama, it inspires me to get out of bed and be the best man I can be
>looking into your inmost nature
Been there, done that. It's Hanuman-ji.
>prior to thought & formless
Meme words; the beauty of Godhead is the ability to perceive and appreciate

>It's Hinduism perfected.
>The world is suffering and inherently terrible
>This is a good ideology
Might as well be Christian

I'm currently trying to find a good quick rundown on Advaita Vedanta to post her. I'd imagin that Advaita Vedanta of Yoga would be most appealing to westerners.

The six demographics of Hinduism are

>Nepal has been a hindu kingdom for thousands of years on India side of the Himalayas
>they wuz chinks

Yeah this is bullshit.

Chaos cannot be clung too.

In fact, the interpenetrative flux of reality precludes the capacity to hold onto anything in life. It is only by ceasing to grasp, pacifying the mind, and finding one's inmost nature, that he or she can attain Buddhahood.

>more pseudo intellectual Pindu nonsense
>I'm marrying within caste
Enjoy your dalit.
>we have pride and standards
Have you seen your women, mate?

Wanna know how I know you're LARPing?
>chaos cannot be clung to
Wrong. Have you ever sat in bed on Christmas morning wondering what's in that big wrapped up box? That's clinging to chaos; there is an infinite well of creativity in the divine mind, and the corollary is there is infinite entertainment in asking and pursuing what can/could be.
>interpenetrative flux of reality
Nigger what?

>It's another episode of Iran /Pakistan has the most beautiful people

>have you seen your women

>>more pseudo intellectual Pindu nonsense
It is only pseudointellectual to you because you continue to use your cognizing mind to apprehend that which is beyond the limits of thought. Quiescence of mind can you bring you closer to your true nature, which in fact is right there, like clouds that obscure the luminous moon.

This girl shares my caste.

>there is an infinite well of creativity in the divine mind,
I agree there, but it is found in the mind that is pacified, quiescent and aligned with Infinity. Then it spontaneously produces that which is aligned with the limitless.

Kashmir is Pakistan.
Shitskin dalit.
>even more pseudo intellectual Pindu nonsense
Shitskin southern Indian black dalit.

>ywn be kshatriya

>i agree
So I win because all you do is throw big words around in unintelligible sentences?

Reminder: Ancient Indo-Aryans were dark haired whyte people, there's virtually no mention at all in the Vedas or any other ancient Vedic texts or records of blondes. Just light eyed, light skinned people. So do with that what you will Sup Forums. They were definitely whyte tho and distinct from current Brahmins and obviously the Dravs

No, you're the one who lacks nuanced understanding in your tradition and how to engage in Dharmic discourse. Have you even read figures like Adi Shankara and more? Also, what sects of Hinduism think they can cling to chaos? You're just making shit up, my man.