/tcg/ Traditional Catholic General - Christmas edition

Resources and Further Information:

SSPX is a traditionalist Catholic fraternal society that practices Catholicism as it was known prior to Vatican II. It is still in communion with the Church but rejects all teachings not in accord with the faith as it has always been taught. Because SSPX does not reject any teachings of the infallible Extraordinary Magisterium or Ordinary and Universal Magisterium, the fraternity is not heretical or schismatic. However, it is rebellious to a certain degree.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church is not a binding document. It is a teaching document and resource for local bishops. Catholics are not required to follow any teachings that are received from a non-infallible Magisterium. The entirety of Vatican II falls into this category, hence why it is possible to reject it and still remain in communion with the Church.

This thread is a calling to Catholics to learn more about your faith and undo some of the misconceptions you undoubtedly have. There is a great deal of misinformation in the Church because we are in a time of crisis.

The Pope's own remarks on Vatican II:
>"In view of the pastoral nature of the Council, it has avoided proclaiming in an extraordinary manner any dogma carrying the mark of infallibility.`` --Pope Paul VI, Audience of 12 January, 1966
>"The magisterium of the Church did not wish to pronounce itself under the form of extraordinary dogmatic pronouncements…`` -Pope Paul VI, discourse closing Vatican II, 7 December, 1965

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Oh yussss

Now this is a good general

TLM best M


Christmas is heathen. Santa is Odin.
Red & white= blood & snow


This some real brainlet shit senpai.

More brainlet than hijacking Yule and turning it into your own c.ucked holiday? You fags can't even make your own holidays.
Easter is stolen too.


Well what is it? Are we a jewish or pagan religion? We’ll probably be called Hindu too at some point.

What does the fact that Christians timed their holidays around the prevailing culture at the time have to do with anything related to... well anything? I just don't see your point.

It's foreign and not white no matter how you look at it.
just a (((coincidence))) right???

It's not a coincidence. Christians were oppressed in some cases and in others converts. It makes perfect sense that they would choose to make their holidays coincide, either to not attract attention or for logistics or because it was culturally appropriate or convenient. Then it became a carry over. There's nothing weird about it. The fact that you are so confused by basic history/sociology/anthropology is frankly embarrassing though.


Jesus was a jew but jews as we know them didn't exist until after jesus
Jews hate christianity
Jesus was born in the fall, the roman empire wouldnt have a census in the middle of winter. The winter solstice was a pagan holiday. The pope basically culturally appropriated the holiday to support christianity.
but there is a theory jesus travelled to india when there were no records of him (age 14-29), and he returned to be buried in Kashmir. There was a man named Yusaf Isaa, who came from the west (i.e. israel) at age 14, learned teachings of hinduism and buddhism, returned at 29, and returned at 33, is buried E-W in the jewish tradition, not N-S Indian tradition (or vice versa). There are also carvings of hands and feet with big scars on his sarcophagus, which has yet to be exhumed because muslims.
Jesus was given a white solution right before he "died" during his very short crucifixion (3 hrs instead of a typical many days).
And his teachings
While there's no school in the levant where he could havelearned these things, his teachings are highly compatable with eastern religion. The meek will inherit the earth, love thy neighbor, etc.
just search "jesus in india"

They stole the holidays to trick white men to convert. Those who didn't convert they killed like savages.

Stop lying or you'll go to hel.

Source please

Sounds like Christianity is pretty alpha then, huh. >the virgin pagan
>the chad eternal life christian



Just google or yt search Eostre or Ostara/Ostare senpai

Kek. Heathens are still here though. So we'll see in time.

these posts are both accurate

but the Nazi is wrong to say Christmas is a Pagan holiday
The date was moved to a pagan holiday by the pope
Santa is based on... get this... St Nicholas, any connections of modern santa to Wotan don't make christmas a pagan holiday you loudmouthed retard

The solstice celebration (goes from around DEC 20 and goes for 12 days) predate all of christianity. Try again.

Christmas is dead

are you fucking illiterate? you basically repeat my statement then call me wrong? No shit it predated christianity, THATS HOW THE CELEBRATION OF A CHRISTIAN HOLIDAY COULD BE MOVED TO IT. turn off your meme flag you'd be in a camp with the disabled and the jews

user why re you so angry

you have to be 18 to post here
I expect people to at least have a high school level reading comprehension

>Santa is based on... get this... St Nicholas

Stop lying faggot

You are literally a retarded person, and definitely underage
>can't even explain a comic made for children

>st. nicholas is not st. nicholas
Sure will be worshipping trees now

>has no argument
Santa is Odin. The holidayis celebrating the birth of the SUN

>has no argument
Santa is Odin. The holidayis celebrating the birth of the SUN.

I knew you couldn't explain the comic. That's why you're an atheist. Amazing, but it must be you people's Achilles' heel. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Not an argument.
Have fun larping queer.

I think it's really cool how Santa is a weird hybrid of a Greek Christian saint and a Germanic deity. I don't know what people always fight about Christmas being pagan vs Christian holiday. In it's modern form fully fleshed out, it's both. It's a hybrid of the European pagan winter holiday and the Christian celebration of Christ's birth. I think it's been done quite nicely.

lol your brainlet rage is palpable. nice job quitting as soon as you're confronted with your own lack of knowledge. bet you do that a lot in life
*tips fedora*



How do I into prayer?

Santa is Odin

>meme goy website
You mean yule is jus tsucking dicks as Captn Sweden

>Santa is Odin
>Santa is Odin
how deluded are you? Do you worship santa claus? have a shrine to presents and reindeer? I guess you must by your infallable logic. Was Saint nicholas just a fairy tale person?
Your argument is that worshipping santa is worshipping odin. There is nowhere to begin in explaining the absurdity of this because it has no substance. Even if santa has influences from Odin, that doesn't mean every christmas when we go to church we worship the pagan gods. All santa does is bring presents anyways, get over yourself, you're not going to convince anyone that the major holiday of the largest religion in the world, that essentially consumed the holiday of another religion, is now somehow worshipping that consumed religion again, it doesnt make sense
>inb4 santa is odin

Stop appropriating my culture wana be heebs. Santa is actually Odin fyi.

Birth of the SUN>Birth of the son

Just a (((coincidence))) right?



Catholic is poop.



>inb4 Odi-
fucking kek
>meme image
woah looks like we worship cola and closed eyes now
>meaningless statement
>meme parenthesis
I hope you're a shill, I can't imagine anyone being this stupid

kek i was wondering when you faggots would resort to that.

Odin was a faggot that drank semen

Using not Jewish sources that Odin Drank semen including Runes Mandrakes and Gallows.

got any more?



oh yeah LOTS


>yeah but the winter solstice happened when jesus was born, so that means we worship this old one eyed dude
this is who you're arguing with
you know you got a good argument when you resort to laughing girl posting



Glad you enjoy

Yule and Easter are heathen holidays. Heeb LARPER


what are the main differences with mainstream Catholicism, it's the first time I hear about it

Hitler HATED LARPers

Fisheaters was home of trannygate kek




Hitlers forces were marked with heathen runes you fucking dumbass

LARPing is literally from plebbit

Ask varius about that

>we had chicken feet inscribed on our memes




MERRY CHRISTMAS. ANd stop trying to Steal Christmas You grinches

W-was that supposed to be an argument?

W-was that supposed to be an argument??

Both of your most sacred holidays are actually heathen.



how can cristards ever recover????????

That's it anons merry Christimas

What are you doing in my country, O.P.? Go elsewhere and be in the sort of place you people create.

>in the vatican-romanist thread, virgins are scorned
This is quite telling.

I'm going to be a giant thorn in your side this whole month. Kek.

Truth shall be set free jewlad :^)

Reminder to disregard all posts from users with troll flags.

Nice. That will surely trick the goyim

>30 posts

Lmao fucking triggerd amerishart pagan larper. Show ur flag bitch boi . Let's see them red white n blue colors

It's the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Friday.

You are going to Mass, aren't you?

He couldn't even explain a simple comic made for children. I fucking couldn't stop laughing. I even showed people IRL and made a post on a Christian forum about how mentally challenged atheists are. It was hilarious.

user., Anglosphere is for Christians, not heretics. Why don't you move to peru?

Disprove anything that I posted you stupid fucking nigglet

The nazis win again

You have to win once to be able to claim to "win AGAIN"

Kek. Have you been living under a rock?

Everyone is either a nazi or a commie in cy+2

christians are commies fyi

>2425 The Church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modem times with "communism" or "socialism." She has likewise refused to accept, in the practice of "capitalism," individualism and the absolute primacy of the law of the marketplace over human labor. Regulating the economy solely by centralized planning perverts the basis of social bonds; regulating it solely by the law of the marketplace fails social justice, for "there are many human needs which cannot be satisfied by the market." Reasonable regulation of the marketplace and economic initiatives, in keeping with a just hierarchy of values and a view to the common good, is to be commended.


>pagans are based and tradit-

>mental gymnastics

how is communion not a satanic ritual

t. would like to be Catholic

i too can cherry pick images to make my opponent look silly.

Explain to me how stating the teaching of the Catholic Church in a "Traditional Catholic General" thread constitutes mental gymnastics.

Man is part material and part non-material. Similarly, in the Eucharist, because the priest has been delegated the authority he has from being part of Christ's Church, the physical bread also gains a non-material aspect. This is as Christ told us to do at the Last Supper.

You're larping as a jew with heeb tinged European traditions.

Why are you afraid of admitting you're wrong? We're anonymous after all, so ego can't be a reason.

Catholicism is the worst kind of Christianity, the least of the original message is preserved