Occupy Demofags

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Niggerlover, Kikelover.

Nightmare to dream

War criminal, populist

actually i think they got it right

nothing to nothing. it's all the same and it's all (((wrong)))

Nigger, White man

Democrat to republican

weimar republic to thousand year reich

Coffee pot, coffee pot

brown globalist elitist
white globalist elitist

utopia to dystopia


self-interested elite to another self-interested elite

Box of soy milk to an onion

Nigger to a Combine Harvester

2 bit tranny hooker to a virginal Aryan goddess.

>Not Coffee pot, Covfefe pot
you had one job

Monkey, man.

Emotional wreck
Intellectual genius

Sand paper to KY jelly

Mouth herpes, zesty breakfast burrito


Nig nog, the great white hope


nigger, white man


Crypto-Muslim, Crypto-Jew
That's an awfully hot coffee pot

>cheese grater

Amerrimutt, inbred

Meat clever, dream weaver
shit splatter, death adder
nappy nig, bigly wig
cotton picker, ass kicker
africoon, tycoon
Jungle bunny, sgt gunny


from a blue to a red

Blackened boy, shabbos goy

Going from a Lincoln to a Dodge