Mfw white bois dont realize they're gonna lose the race war

mfw white bois dont realize they're gonna lose the race war

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I wonder if that's what the Jews said right
before they got annihilated.

Yeah but we outnumber you guys 3 - 1.

nnggff yeah?? well ill loose this!



black people ruin civilizations they are destroyers and whites are creators even if you did win you would miss us

fuck you and your hate speech. America united is more powerful than your 3rd world shit tier country.

dassa kangz pharo muffuga

>mfw niggers think they can win a war against the white man


Slide thread

Because Africa is such a flourishing country proving how advanced and superior they are?

dumb as shit
kills each other daily
nice try famalamski there are men that train in the woods every weekend praying for a race war

But white people are the reason why Africa isn't more advanced.


TMW niggers with bootleg firearms go up against veteran and people who larp as ww2 soldiers for fun on the weekend.

You never win.

How do you have the energy for this kind of low-quality trolling?


That's one smug pepe

We can simply take your freedom away again if needed. It's not difficult when you enslave yourself with blind rage.

Have you ever seen black people shoot? They don't even use the sights...

Have you been watching planet of the apes?

AIDS and and other STBs are doing their job nicely in the black populations. Your welcome.

Good thang I gots me a shotgun and ma coon dog you nigger.

>zipper abs

Tfw you realize heterosexual working class men dont have time to lift weights

And men who actually do physical labor for a living can out work, out lift, and withstand far greater stress than fags who spend all their time at the gym.

Also white......power

Like africans can anywhere nearly compete against whites in modern warfare

yea all those great African armies of the past...

that is fine
you all will be in mud without whites, kangs

that would be too good to be true i am afraid

don't forget about all the powerful African military advancements

But I am not a felon so I can vote and own a fire arm.

it wont be long before most buff niggers deflate once the white man cuts the steroids supply