Why hasn't the USSR attacked USA like this, Sup Forums?

Why hasn't the USSR attacked USA like this, Sup Forums?

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Because they lack force projection

What would they have to gain?

Because they aren't retarded

Because they got all of their zog agents in the highest levels of your government without a single bullet. Dumb amerimutts.

Because we have this thing called the 2nd amendment ya leaf.

Unlike World in Conflict they're not going to be able to do much transporting a few tanks on some cargo ships.

Because the only thing in the world that could defeat the American Military are American civilians.



and the Chinese got ours

>2nd amendment
>year 2017

hope you're enjoying the public mass shootings

don't you still have the queen on your currency?



I guess the 1st amendment only applies to things printed on an old school hand-pressed printing block, by that logic. There's no way the founding fathers could have foreseen the internet and such a vast network where information is so easily and rapidly exchanged.

Do you really think the US govt will use Abrams tanks and predator missiles on its own soil and against its own infrastructure? Do you think drone pilots don't have families? A drone might not bleed, but their family certainly will.

Is an F-35 going to kick in my door and search for contraband?

Mutually assured destruction.

Sam Dastiyari

Nice fake news commie scum

what would be the point? trying to take over and occupy a foreign country in this day and age as far apart as russia and the u.s. is stupid as fuck

what, are we all going to start speaking russian and just forget about the US and hail the USSR as our motherland?

no, its retarded. it's like if america tried to invade and occupy china. Would the chinese suddenly be americans, love america, and turn into a colony? no. it's dumb and pointless. Taking small neighboring countries that speak the same language is what you would do for an invasion to work out in the long run.


2nd amendment is useless in this age

How do you perceive my statements?
I'm by no means saying this is a good thing.
I'm just acknowledging genuine ties between political parties and foreign interests.

They have no force projection

because psyops in spreading societal equality is more cost effective

what if USA along with NATO attacked USSR? Would that make them "bad guys"?

>tfw tankbro sacrifices himself against the ruskie hoard


I thought they had? That's what the media keeps telling me.

RIP Bannon

There's almost as many citizens as there are guns in this nation. Even if you combined the military and the police, you'd still be understrength by about 347 million. Figure that at the least, a quarter of the armed services defects to the "rebel" side with their shiny hardware. Whose to say one of those drone operators you like to give the foggybottom isn't gonna lob a hellfire missile at the entire cabinet when they're bunched up?

What if there's Abrams tanks rolling on the WH lawn firing away?


our black budget is miles ahead of everyone, nobody but kim would be that dumb to risk open war with us. besides putin feels about us the same way we feel about germany. when this bs blows over i see a real chance at an alliance during trumps 2nd term. it likely would have already happened if not for the deep state interference propaganda.

Russia did! This past election was a cyber 9-11 !

because they dont exist

Time to wake up to reality m8

Ummm...they did sweetie. We made a documentary about it called Red Dawn.

With what?
Beet soup and old lady porn?

Because the USSR died in 1991 and the modern Russian Armed Forces are but a pitiful shadow of the Red Army

And even at it's height, the Soviet Union would find a direct invasion of the United States an impossible task. Their navy, in comparison to ours, was shit. It's even more shit today. They had absolutely no ability to project sustained military force far from their own borders.

The other reason is that both sides knew that a conventional World War III could and likely would turn into a total nuclear war.

The Soviets could very well have successfully conquered Western Europe from any point between ~ 1950 to 1985, though. The fear of getting nuked is what held them back.

I really like alternate history and this game but the star wars angle never made sense

dat berlin wall tho

the west made them give it up

>America will be invaded like that!
only exist in video game and movie
>let's attack a continent you can only access through sea, share his borders with Canada and Mexico, and that also have the biggest army on the planet!

because world in conflict showed them that a ragtag american batallion will single-handedly kick their ass

>The Soviets could very well have successfully conquered Western Europe from any point between ~ 1950 to 1985, though. The fear of getting nuked is what held them back.

Mostly agree

It must've been fucking horrifying for them to watch the Gulf War, where the American strategic doctrine of high tech over numbers turned out to be 100%, and a well-armed Iraqi army equipped with new Soviet equipment and doctrine was effortlessly massacred by precision-guided munitions, stealth aircraft, etc

>Thank the ghost of Stalin we didn't try that shit