"I'm wasting away my prime breeding years telling lonely preteens political talking points they like to hear for money. I don't understand why conservative men don't like me? I mean I'm #tradaf. Remember to like, subscribe and support me on patreon!"

Roasted by social media and patreon bucks. Poor chick. At least a real roastie got to have some nice orgasms. Must suck to be a beta orbiters planet. huhu


>implying she wasn't getting dicked out the entire time

Since it's relevant

It is fine to make fun of her on here but don't attack her on twitter or run her off. She funnels guys into pol.

Stop criticizing me on the internet.

Poor girl. She going to age like shit

Stop telling me what to do

from my Twitter but I have literally zero followers so here u go
my masterpiece

Stop being racist.

>I like you

>Taraista Harahanan
Kek I'll bite what's your twitter?

Part poo yet promotes white nationalist.

As if street shitters will be allowed into the white ethnostate.

Makes me want to fuck with her more


OP is an unlaid white fag boy.
Like all the white cuck fagboys of /pol.

(((Tara))) is a jew indian mongrel. She is a worthless roastie who is only in this for the fame and shekels. She spent her 20's being a liberal and riding the cock carousel and now is in her 30's and is in a panic to have kids. Since she is a shit skin i hope she doesn't

but you'll only get an ethnostate if you agree to be meat shields to ethnically cleanse india which you fucked up severely because of the kikes you love so much. nigger :)

also, get ready to accept a female as your dictator amerimutt bitch. i've had quite enough of your degeneracy. fucking kike merc army fucktard, you deserve islamic sharia, yet i am still going to save you.... yet i am still going to punish you, because you fucking deserve it!

Stop burning coal.


Someone needs to roast that pussy.

why? oh right, because this whole thing is organized outside of pol

Just try and stop masturbating to me dressed up as an anime character.

It's becoming increasingly easier to spot the bitter vengeful beta virgins who have experienced nothing but rejection and now are trying to find solace in rejecting women entirely in an online community.

Huh? I see you Schlomo!

Pretty easy after finding out she got BLACKED

Hi Tara

is she semitic or something? she looks a bit off or mutty. not my type really.

fuck. O'Sullivan just blackpilled me

Dude, we all know most people on Sup Forums are virgins. The only reason we know is because people talk about it constantly. I normally don't resort to calling people bitter losers because that's what the left just does to everyone but in this case it's so clearly absolute reality. Watching a bunch of childless and unmarried men who are promoting traditionalism attack unmarried childess women for promoting traditionalism couldn't make it any more clear. There is no reasoning or logic to it. It's just you bitter little beta faggots trying to have control over something for the first time in your life.

So, you really do masturbate to me dressed up as an anime character.


She's claimed heretofore to be mostly white with some Indian and (iirc) slight Jewish admixture but it appears her real name is Tarasita Hanrahan so there's that

I would bang her.

Tits or GTFO.

my instincts told me this, glad you showed me these though

This is the problem. If this mudshark isn't called out for what she is, the entirety of the #AltRight loses its integrity. By white knighting this cunt, you are losing your integrity.

Lauren Southern is a mudshark. A nigger lover. A race traitor. She deserves to swing. This is not a joke and you are treating it as if it is.


>another fucking lefty purity spiral thread

She does have nice eyes, and DSL

How old is Tara McCarthy?

Not very fair. She's early twenties and as has already stated, she isn't going to come out and say if she is pregnant regardless, given the amount of shit and harassment she already receives.

the thot question is real folks and we must conront it. the future of the west depends on us brothers

Except this isn't even remotely about Lauren. People are saying no woman should be speaking at all. I also highly doubt any man would be told to leave if it came out he fucked some black chick some years back. Also, trying to get people to abandon degeneracy and race mixing can't work if you never give people an opportunity to redeem themselves. It's either bitter virgins or a shill campaign that was latched onto by bitter virgins.

> beta orbiting r9k soyboys wasting their time listening to menstrual prostartions for beta bucks
> Wondering why they are poorfags, dumbfags, and get pussy from women.
> mfw kikes have this generation perfectly programmed w/ their most primate desires
> mfw all the /ourgirl posts
> mfw you idiots are falling behind women in the real world because everything you talk about centers on them
> mfw roastie posts when all men know whores are gonna whore
> mfw muh white race preservation posts center on roastie pussy
> mfw 90% of what is discussed here is trash bin fire Reeing about being a cuck instead of a man




I'd prefer to listen to Britanny Pettibone or Tara or Blonde In the Belly than a bunch of inarticulate obscene retards who are probably on /gif/ jerking off to the endless blacked threads when not on Sup Forums. You guys are going to sail this ship straight into the iceburg.

thot spotted. we are calling you shekel whores out, and there ain't a thing you can do about it.

mother fucking right
god damn thats goooooooood

>Wondering why they are poorfags, dumbfags, and get pussy from women.

>Making fun of people because they actually get laid

>If you say mean things about girls you are going to ruin everything!

The absolute state of roastieposting.

george with the bantz

1) a man having sex with a woman is seen as the man dominating the woman - it's the females race that's getting dominated. The psychology is different. I agree that male race-mixing should also not be allowed.
2) Most normies don't even race-mix. Most democrats don't even race mix. There is no necessary reason why race-mixers need to be offered second chances. You're acting like there would be nobody left if we had such high standards.
3) Lauren shows no regret, rather justified her actions.

tara literally did nothing wrong

debate me


You are telling half of all white people, the half needed to make babies to fuck off because reasons.

I like it bro
If I had a twitter I'd follow you but I don't want to support the site by having one

>If you don't treat these disgusting lowlife roasties like princess it's like you're telling all woman to fuck off!

She threw a tantrum on twitter and gave (((Salon))) a headline to publish.
Her and Lauren were baited hard, and they fell for it.

>surround yourself in a political belief system and Internet section that is well known for hating women
>surprised when you get hate

Women and minorities who subscribe to alt-right politics are retarded.

What do you going to? This motherfucker’s already at the bottom of ocean.


>Except this isn't even remotely about Lauren. People are saying no woman should be speaking at all.
Women have no place in the political arena. That's just biology. Sure, a few women can handle it, but for the most part they should let their men speak for them. Is he not good enough for you?

Men have responsibilities that women don't have nor would they want. Women should not be in the military, other than maybe a nurse at a strongly fortified basecamp. A lot of you women think that because we say that women don't have a place here or there means that there isn't give or take or that it's some kind of oppression. Take a look at the Russian Duma, I think there's only 2 or 3 women in there. I'm fine with that. The first computer programmer was female, when the supposed "patriarchy" reigned supreme. I'm fine with that. But the general, over all tendency is that women are not suited for the political arena. There are plenty of men who don't belong in the political arena either. It's not a hardline rule, but a generalization based on group behaviour and biology.

>I also highly doubt any man would be told to leave if it came out he fucked some black chick some years back.
I fucked some nasty hook nosed Arab whore in college, but you won't see me shrugging it off the way Lauren did. I feel bile in my stomach everytime I think of it. And I'm not a leader in this movement, I'm just some asshole on the internet. If you're in the spotlight, you better have a near spotless record or a really good excuse.

Absolute Gold user

Here are my balls as evidence. Be jealous of their size and of my comfy jammies, faggot. They've also actually been jumbled around with by several different female hands.

She gets heavily harassed by her own side because she dare to talk about issues she find important while having a vagina and also because she's not a pure bavarian phenotype. how nationalist women are treated by a portion of the alt-right was a conversation that had to be discussed a long time ago.

as for the salon, she's not responsible for that

Escept it's you all who are the disgusting low lifes and you know. You know damn well you're an awkward, ugly and obscene loser with absolutely no social skills. You all fucking know who you are so stop trying to project this shit onto other people.

>I'd prefer women to educate me on political and moral philosophy

yeah, consider it done. Fuck off to plebbit to talk about BASED BLACK DICKS and how you have the most tolerant female political commentators that you get your information from.


>Lauren shows no regret, rather justified her actions.
This is the prime issue here.

>y-y-you're n-not really a-a-alt-right!
Okay. Fine. Don't care. You can have the "movement." I never wanted to be called anything anyway.

The same old thing will happen. What you stole will go to shit because you have no convictions. Then you'll go sniffing out what I made next.

But it's people like her who are the problem.

Why is Tara REEEEEEEEEEing anyways?
I thought Lauren was on trial, not magic carpet.

Reported for appropriating nigger culture with a Nazi flag, leftynigger.

What's with these pathetic soyboys feeling the need to announce to the whole world that they are going their own way? Can't they just go off and do it instead of whining about women all the time?

What particular tradthot slut has you as her paypig? You're being findomed, you know.

Don't come back

>I'd prefer to listen to Britanny Pettibone or Tara or Blonde In the Belly than a bunch of inarticulate obscene retards
that's because you're a subservient cuck retard who lends more credence to the opinions of women than men

But my dude is laid on the regular did you not see him say so

If you are a spokesperson of the right (or you at least larp as one) you need to understand that people are going to come out to get you eventually. At the end of the day Lauren and Tara let nazbol trolls get under their skin and that's literally what caused all this.
The "alt-right's position is well known and hasn't changed for years, if Tara has a problem with things then that's her cross to bear. But she needs to understand that their are people who will troll her and to not take everything at face value. It's her naivety that bothers me.
The only thing Sup Forums can do is carry on as normal. This movement is too important for one single person, be it Lauren/Tara/or anyone else to derail it. All this shit is a petite distraction.

>thinks women of high intelligence and beauty are bad for a political movement
>wants to wave around nazi flags and sieg heil

If you have no women you have no future. And considering how many guys in the alt right have never had a woman I think it's easy to guess where this whole thing is going.

It was fun while it lasted but eventually your personalities were going to catch up with this whole thing.

>the edgiest.png
don't cut yourself on all that edge kiddo

Oh no! Not shaming tactics!

These aren't women. But keep being a beta orbiter

not even hot

Are you African French or Arab French?

Ooga booga.

We're being raided again.

Do you see any attempt of redemption? It is not about - oh, i'm sorry, forgive and forget, I am one of you now. Redemption is about acting, not saying, for her it would be finding white man, getting married and having children, she is still capable of that. So far she is repeating Sup Forums memes and reducing their bluntness.
Do Sup Forums as a society require such a person to represent it to outside populace?

>women of high intelligence and beauty
They are dumber than shit and LS was the best looking out of all of them at a hard 7/10, not even memeing. What fucking crack are you smoking, the hapa civicnationalist is cuter than "our" e-sluts, ffs.

That was a big shlong, what a shame.

No dipshit, Sup Forums is retaking the fucking board back. There was a time when if someone tried to post Molymeme they'd get blasted for posting e-celeb shit, waaay before Lauren Southern existed. This shit has gone on long enough, everyday half the board is drama and twitter shit.

We're always being raided. We raid ourselves. It means nothing and it's honestly barely noticed.

You have literally no criticisms. There is no substance, reasoning or logic behind any of it. Just blindly repeating tradthot over and over doesn't add any validity to your eternal virgin behavior. I've never heard an actual intellectual criticism of even a single one of these alt right girls. It's just unfounded claims that they are in it purely for money. Completely unfounded, inarticulate, angry ranting by social rejects. That is what this is. Get you're pathetic life together and stop trying to destroy the momentum of this whole thing. It's utterly embarrassing and infuriating.

A few white women having kids isn't going to recover the general white fertility rate. This is such a stupid fucking criticism so I don't understand why it's so appealing to people. Women like Tara are absolutely more useful by normalizing white nationalism to tens of thousands of normies. Having kids isn't jack shit compared to that.
Does that mean we shouldn't promote the message of having more kids? No. But it also doesn't mean we need to scrutinize particular individuals as if their couple kids are going to change anything.

Yeah, I lost my virginity at 15. You will never lose yours and you know it.

Oh no! Not more shaming tactics!

What do you expect them to do, marry one of you ugly, bitter, neckbeards and have your rotten spawn? These women are out in the limelight effecting real change in the world and you're still in your parent's basement wearing piss-stained sweatpants, posting pepe the frog memes and crying in bewilderment as to why no women on this planet wants to fuck you.

jesus, she's gorgeous

wtf is going on here?