Should women have voting rights?

I am currently looking for books that argue for or against giving women voting rights. You guys got anything?

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No, they honestly shouldn't. They are basically just teenagers at best.

I'm starting to think no one should have voting rights

Id fuck the dog shit out of that saggy titty whore, also look up women against suffrage

>fat woman wearing a trump hat eating greasy pizza
Can't make this up, muh wheat fields xD

No. This is why Trudolt was elected. Women and people equally retarded, potheads.

If anyone gets to vote, women should also. They generally vote more with men of their class and tribe than against them even if it's at a lower percentage. However, that percentage could be critical in a close election.

No. That's just an obvious one. They shouldn't be educated except for home schooling. They shouldn't vote.

>They generally vote more with men of their class and tribe than against them
My Mother always votes against my Father. There is no vote synchronization with them. They are upper middle class. Pretty sure you're wrong.

Women need our love and guidance white men became basic bitches and let them run rampant

>hug the hooker heels out of your daughters

Husbands should redpill their wives. Get married get 2 votes.

I want to fuck my children into that three-holed semen demon

White women voted predominantly for Trump this election so it's possible.

Explain all the white women that overwhelming voted trump?

Poor virgin boy. Move to saudi arabia if your that scared of women, fuckhead.

women hate other women, plain and simple. Their insecurities couldn't allow for them to have a female leader.

Nobody should have voting rights

why is the woman in pic related using her top hands to eat the pizza and not her bottom hands?

Why do you need books when there is a shit ton of empirical evidence, statistical evidence, and examples on how they mostly vote for stupid nonsensical shit


And neither should blacks,

Or Hispanics,

Or Asians,
Or whites
Infact let's just END all this voting and government crap. AnCap all the way


No and neither should anyone else thats not a land owning, tax paying white male over the age 25.

You only say that because it would be capable of maintaining a functioning society and government


Imperialism Thread? Rollem!

Democracy is a meme, nobody should have the right to vote we just need a dictator

>top hands
>bottom hands

Not really. My sister's were actually excited about Hillary until they learned about how crooked she is. My mom is old enough to already know so she of course voted Trump. My grandmother voted Trump because in her words "the Clintons pander to niggers and wetbacks"

you're a leaf.

Voting should be based on a test or some requirement.

The only issue is relative objectivity and reasonable standard for it.

It ends up fairly circular as every test anyone conceives will conacioualy or subconsciously be designed seek ng a specific outcome, rather than an objective determination of who is knowledgeable and pragmatic enough to be voting. No one is able to perfectly able to balance an ethical and pragmatic argument to design a test that allows people who are ethical, pragmatic, and knowledgeable to vote without allowing some in who don't meet those criteria but fit with he designers world view for other reasons.

Honestly, psycho pass, the anime, is pretty much tie best we can hope for.

A neural link of sociopaths forced to arrive at unanimous deciciouns in their gestalt brain for maximimozed ethical and pragmatic decisions sans whimsical human input.

Imagine you met someone who promoted the idea that everyone should get two votes instead of one. Giving women a vote is just as pointless unless you want to fragment and destroy the cohesion of families.

Explain all the White women that voted "refugees welcome" in Germany?

Only if they pass the Standardized Civics Test, designed to prove adequate knowledge of politics and economics. Same goes for men.

That bitch is fat and the dark bags under her eyes lead me to believe she's a rock monster mud shark. Sage nigger.

Trump won bigly among white women without college degrees. That's a demographic that usually goes Republican but Trump had a yuge margin with them. According to this CNN article 61% of white women without a degree voted for Trump. College-educated white women voted for Shillary but there aren't as many of them plus she didn't have as big of a lead with them so white women without college degrees swung the whole of white women to Trump. But women still shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Voting is retarded. Bring back Monarchy.

here you are




holy shit LOL


Yes pls

I'm sitting somewhere between no voting, or a aristocratic class permitted to vote based on their personal contributions to society.

I would slap that fucking pizza out of her mouth, throw her out of bed, throw the hat in an incinerator and make her get on a fucking treadmill and lift some granny dumbells. Holy shit, disgusting!

A woman who reminds me of pic related once confided to me that, 'no', they should't.

That girl, yes. Others, no.

No, women should not vote. Feminism (all of it) is a disease, a symptom of the degeneration of our society. It should not be tolerated.

Implying that they need them already admits that the two sexes are at war. Why can't they just trust their men?

Anyone that says no is a fucking retard, plain and simple.
White women are the only reason why Trump won the election.
If it weren't for them, Madam President Hillary Clinton would be in the oval office right now.

women voting is the reason we are in this mess in the first place you shit-eating kikelover

I know that girl I knew she voted for trump didn't know she owned a trump hat.

this is written by a Jew tho...

All women are not equal. The fact that you paint them all as one group proves your stupidity.

It is literally shopped on.

Your grandmother is a good woman and a genius.

What kind of rights?


The fact that you think women should vote proves yours.

Egalitarianism is dogshit, divide and conquer kikery.

I see I know her personally
That girl all ways votes Republican

You mind giving me the state that she resides in? also checked
Mayor goes insane over 'White Privilege'

>Should women have voting rights?

Rhode island

>Egalitarianism is dogshit
And yet you're the one that thinks women are a single unified hive mind.

>plebs calling her fat

She thick

This is a thick thread now

Different girl you are thinking of unless she lived in Texas for a bit.


Perfect pubic hair

Anymore ?

Thick thread


Smash. Hard.

Holy FUCK who is this BRAPHOG?!?

christ sake guess we having a thic thread now

Women are on average cuntier than your average man from my personal experience and even my mum would back me up on that. It's weird that my mum voted Trump and my dad voted Hillary tho.

No equality is bullshit. Give an inch they take a mile.

Natalie Austin


Not "thicc". Fat. You fucking chubby chasers should neck yourself.


She's obese. I suspect you may not be white

When will America conquer the solar system?

Hoppe can explain why nobody should have voting rights.

I still find it crazy that there were recently a vast amount of royal families and kingship. now we have sand niggers.

She works at a red pilled pizza place

She fuckin the drivers or what?

Also I need more, she’s so cute


I’m in love.

Nice body for someone with all that pizza access

I tried a reverse image search on her and they are authentic. If he's dating her then he's a lucky bastard.

The red hat of braindead idiots.



you sir are a prince.

Keep me coming my man

Only if they have a higher education in a stem field, are over the age of 50 or have served in the military

I think she's a burger. I got them off Sup Forums

Once a girl farts in front of you and you smell it, its OVER. It goes straight to your soul and you will never see her the way she was before. She has changed forever. The smell will never leave you. There is nothing she can do that will redeem herself. It's worse than seeing her all ugly without any makeup. Women know this. For when they fart in front of you, it breaks their spell they have on you. Their whole lives were spent presenting an illusion and the fart breaks it. It's stronger than any redpill.

That it?
I need some ass shots
Oh bull shit man, I’ve lived with my gf for 2 years, I’ve been sitting on the couch with her and she’s farted ,not loud but it was god awful.

And I’ve Gone in the bathroom after her In the morning when getting ready for work and she’s poopied and it’s still lingering (her poopies have an interesting smell. Unlike other poopies I’ve smelt, I can tell which one are her to)

Yet I still love her

10/10 would impregnate

Nobody should vote, least of all women. Both "Propaganda" by the jew Bernays and "Propaganda" by Dr. Jacques Ellul came to the conclusion that a society with mass propaganda cannot coexist with a democratic state. Whoever controls propaganda mediums, controls the way the public votes. However, we can't get rid of our mass communication systems. That would put us at a massive disadvantage in war. We can't become pre-propaganda, so our only choice is to become post-democracy