Possible predictive programming active-measures?

Because who the fuck is going to literally and/or figuratively buy a Hillary Clinton (as an) angel tree ornament?

at the very least, I cropped out this fun Hillary angel

>Hillary Clinton as an angel
I like the ironic nature of this

>some bitch who plays tennis good is more important than the son of god/santa

needs a higher res face photoshop


Who is the son of santa?

rip hilldawg

>half wing implying she's fallen

yep. Satan confirmed

yah i need a better source image. was a quick shopjob cause...its just so damn fun. I shop a face on if the og source is shit

>Hillary Clinton
>posed as some sort of counter-cultural figure


Par for the course considering Christmas Trees are paganistic Satanic totems. May as well top it with Satan herself


> 2 men
>1 old hag
Men are better at everything

Professional Barbie doll Beyonce is 'badass' to ladybrains

if Hillary did have wings they'd be leathery to match her horns and tail

that is an excellent question i have no idea

>be ZOG
>shill for Hillary until normie libtards think she's a saint
>produce Hillary Christmas tree decorations, and make a ton of shekels off said normies

Ingenious, really.

The Lord works in mysterious ways

This. The tree-topper is literally breaking up the triangle shape and creating a trapezoid.

Santa Jr.

feed me, senpai

or is this image just some 'golly gee, what would it have been like' chapter in a catechism book?

>pagan customs = satanism
suck a dick you cultureless cunt



I've been putting a white woman angel on my tree for the last 24 years

God she's so fucking edgy. I should have voted for Hilldawg.

Buy this...make noose....hang her from tree...