Aus/pol/ General

>Up to 13 MPs are at risk of becoming fresh casualties in the citizenship imbroglio

>Melbourne byelection looms as Labor's David Feeney falls into citizenship trap

>'Chilling effect': Charities slam foreign donations ban

>Andrew Robb's secret China contract

>Why One Nation's national socialism is rising


>Dusty's dad could be one step closer to returning to Australia after case dropped

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA every nan and her dog has a dual citizenship it seems well especially if your a politician.

Labors new political plan to get more voters is to have lax immigration laws and create more citizens in order to gain their votes.

Other urls found in this thread:





lads my bant folder is running out of images





fuck the mod has autosaged the thread


when did you come to this decision mate?

When I found out my landlord is a Chink

>Looking for work
>Some local joint is advertising fo a Casual Trades Assistant
>HR License and High Risk Forklift ticket mandatory

Two years ago a HR License would get you $110 an hour, now they ask for that for a fucking $20/hour CASUAL position for fucks sake. Why the fuck would anyone with a HR license want to work as a TA anyway?

>$110 an hour

Wait where can i get my HR license

That was driving trucks in the mines before the bust m8.

how did that make you go to kill all asian people?

damn aye bring back the boom

>No article links
>No edition name
>OP is meme flagging faggot
0/10 auspol thread

Found the Chink

anyone here thinking about learning Chinese? In Sydney it'll pretty much be a requirement in the next 5 to 10 years

all the articles are from the link i provided
the edition is now johnny howard stole our guns
meme flags are fun

10/10 OP

debate is raging on about this in parliament right now lads

>about this in parliament right now lads

about what in particular?


shorten is trying to pull a stunt with moving a motion

keep us updated

watch live , shorten is giving his excuses now
parlview (dot) aph (dot) gov (dot) au

Quick rundown?

You can thank CFMEU for screwing that up for ya cunt

Take what you can mate. I knew blokes in the boom that wouldn't look sideways at anything under $80hr. Now they're working for $28-30 and glad to have it.

he's about to lose 4 members to the high court, he's trying to drag some coalition members along with him to drag out the process

I can't take it that's the problem, I haven't got a HR ticket. All the shitty jobs are going to people who are massively overqualified and I can't compete.

5 non-coalition members might get the boot!


Ahhh fair enough. Hows the job market? I switched to nursing from construction and now have no problem finding work.

>work in AV/Home Automation
>clients all top 5-10% wealth bracket
>make $23/hr
>noone else will hire me because not 1 year experience and training staff is some how anathema to growing your business
>already outperform my boss in the IT arena
>biding my time till next year

The amount of research, skills development and technical knowledge required to do my job and I could get more $$ working casually at a bottleo.



The job market is completely fucked. As I said you have tradies with 35+ years experience flooding the market of entry level jobs going for gigs as TA's and offsiders/

Sucks man. Do you have a plan?

good stuff

>Bob Katter wants to ignore the constitution
Independents were a mistake

Good choice if you can stomach it.

Wife is a nurse and have relied on her ability to get a job within a day everytime we've moved interstate

member of mayo is on her way to the high court

wants to drag some coalition members with her

>tfw Katter takes to the floor

>member of mayo is on her way to the high court


Good to see milo stirring up the pot over the ditch lads.




whats milo done lately?

You gay cunt. I just made an auspol. Yours is just spam


No fuckin shit I make less now as a lawyer with 3 years' experience and a Masters than I did as a bartender during uni.

Retard cant use catalogue and is an autist who would of thought.

Now he blames me for his mistake and now has linked his thread into this one and will split up the posters.

Oh well.


Fucking kek

Lel. I respect nurses a lot but I have to try to not laugh when I see a male one.

gimme my gun

She be risin like the sun, again and again

Don't fkn mess with Pauline boys, She's QLDer and we can't have filthy southerners messin with er

dear /AusPol/ who is your favourite aussie politician

fresh OC

Shit is so nuts. Something is going wrong. Even in 1998 most full timers I knew doing factory work and shit were on $30 an hour.
20 years latyer and every cunt is stoked to have a $24 per hour job?

Even qulified tradies are starting to hit these dogshit wages. Dudes installing kicthens and doing electrical workd.

>Why One Nation's national socialism is rising

Dude they got fucking rolled in QLD, ON is about to die like it always does cause they have a useless leader...

What is the general consensus of Australians regarding aboriginies?
I can understand Americans and Brits brushing off the black-white IQ gap as nurture as its only 15 points.
But in Australia the gap is over 30 points. Do people generally accept that aboriginies are naturally less intelligent?

>meme flags are fun

When you really think about it it is a combination of the Catholic Church, Zionists, and the Mafia that are fucking up this country. It is really simple. And they are able to fucking scare and manipulate all the fucking bored squaring housewives, the young adrenalin fueled males to go along with it. We are fucked. More fucking bogans. This country is fucked, and all so that we can run around pretending to care about a few individuals.

I wish that the Chinese were in some way responsible, but they are just sitting back letting the Triads play around the the bogans. We are fucked. Please for the love of God don't have any children Australia, the few who are already born are going to cost so much. See if they are worth it first.

we are fucked.

before i clicked the photo i thought it was that war criminal who suicided photoshoped on katter. i am unimpressed

Funny story
>My Neighbor is a vet who moved out to where I live from the big city
>When he arrived he was totally convinced that abos were just poor victims of racism and the evil wypipo
>Within a week of arriving he'd been assaulted twice when he'd tried to talk to some of them, seen two fat old abos having sex in broad daylight on the side of the main street, and seen an abo bitch get her face beat in

It was fucking hilarious seeing him get redpilled on the matter via suppository.

Most people have this mentality of 'the poor old abo', we generally feel sorry for them.

Over here we recently had politicians whining about how blacks are 3 times as likely to be expelled from school and 4 times more likely to be in prison.
>Prime Minister Theresa May said institutions must "explain or change" after the audit she ordered exposed the extent of injustice across health, education, employment and the criminal justice system.
I would explain them but I don't want to be arrested for hate speech.
Does this stuff happen in Aus too?

In reality they don't live in civilised society unless they're drunk homeless in some hippie tows. So it's more like out-of-sight-out-of-mind

Auscunts on Sup Forums make it seem that they see "noongas" more as wildlife than humans.

see They literally live in their own little bush communities, and if they're anywhere near civilisation, they're drunk homeless ferals

some of these towns near their communities have gone alcohol free to try and curb the insanity

Tfw i got my drivers licence

robots are doing that now


Yeah it's fucking bullshit, I can't understand how this situation has come about.

I expected to get more money when I start up-skilling myself but somehow I'm going backwards?

Degree finishes in 2 years so fingers x'd my legal friend I get a pay bump instead of going down to $20/hr....

>not posting the uncencored one

>Why One Nation's national socialism is rising
I thought they were right wing populist; fascist at the most. But NatSoc? What?

>Labours new political plan to get more voters is to have lax immigration laws and create more citizens in order to gain their votes.
Jesus fucking Christ the pussies. Come up with better policies not more retards. Although saying that, we’re more likely to be a Chinese and Japanese colony then anything.

Their culture makes them utterly unable to succeed.

Abos who end up making it are bound by essentially cultural law to help their fellow subhumans whenever requested.

So if one has the brains and drive to 'make it' all and sundry relatives end up asking for handouts/help without regard to the impact it has.

Add to this the fact that they're generally speaking, worthless drunk/drug-addled trash with no regard for anything other than getting fucked up and you take a guess how we see them.

>redpilled on the matter via suppository.

sometimes things have to be done...the hard way

I'm 24 with those licenses and I'd do it



Katter's speaking boyos, tune in. Super stuff lmao


The government is in chaos!

The absolute madman. Also, checked

KATTER LIVE ABC "we are a vanishing race"

Holy fuck. They cut him off!!! House rises as soon a step Katter mentions white birth rates!!!

What do you think is really going on in the Parliament? I reckon its a purge but who's doing the purging?

The only thing Tones is purging is brain cells

don't worry, when the economy goes bust, hitler will reincarnate and lead the revolution

Australia joining Japan would be more beneficial than joining China

Britain is best though

>Katter is Lebanese
>is also the only Australian besides the one nation bitch willing to stand up for Australians

So how did that happen anyway?

Katter seems to actually work for a living unlike the rest of our pollies. He seems to understand the plight of rural australia to boot.

>I say seems because I don't pay enough honest attention to his policies.

I know what that clip is, but there's not much point without the sound, mate. Shapiro played it on his podcast recently.


blame gook for not letting non /gif/ boards upload sound like its 1989

Fkn Bruce.
I hate and love this meme at the same time.

They were considered fauna (animals) by the original settlers.