Can Sup Forums solve Paul's riddle?

Can Sup Forums solve Paul's riddle?

IS the answer Loli sex slaves? 10 Years will be enough for them to be legal, righht??

Bitcoin. USD is useless funnymoney that can be printed into less value. Bitcoin does nothing but climb. Finite coin.

That's not a riddle

10 thousand dollars worth of gold


Select fire AR lowers

You stole my answer, fucker. I should of bought some last year. I'll enjoy my monopoly money I guess

certificate of deposit, build the interest over 10 years, make more than your original 10k with a guarantee interest rate from whichever bank you choose

$10,000 in rare MTG boxes

Bitcoin is winrar.


Obviously in the bank account

google stocks



Are you people retarded? Bitcoin will be nothing in 10 years time. Ammo is the only answer

came to post this. shieeet make it 20 years.


How does one "cash out" their bitcoin?

Gold or BTC
Dollar/bonds are shit


>Dead niggers.
>Aren't enough niggers to equal $10,000.
>The world is peaceful for all time.

Very carefully

Chinese treasuries

>t. brainlet

$10,000 worth of waterfront property in whichever place our new chink overlords decide to invest in next in order to avoid the chinese government and escape that pit of hell.

gold i feel is the answer here

It’s money. Money can be used for multiple things rather than one use.

>power grid goes down
>you're left with nothing
Bitcoin may be high right now but as far as a 10 year investment literally anything you can physically hold in your hands is a better one.

I'm going to go with $10,000 worth of 6 year old child sex slaves. Pussy has been used as currency longer than gold.

I'd like it in the form of contentment, please.

I want $10,000 worth of contentment.

I will also accept life satisfaction, or happiness.

Bitcoin is going to crash on the futures market next Monday

The obvious answer is Lybian slaves

1 bitcoin. Not worth it.

Real Estate

I came here to post this.
8 year old grill plz

gold obviously

$10000 (materials and manufacturing costs) of lightning links
I'm sure i'd have about 6 gorillion of them

Where can you buy waterfront property with $10k?

It was the only answer.

easy brand new 2017 nissan versa at 9,999 USD in then years I was have a classic car with 0 miles

I'll take it in VIXY thank you very much.


40% drop in player base over the last 3 years.
Your full Mox set ain't gonna be worth shit in 2027

In cash, in 1's and 5's

easy. land. you can't change the form. gold would stay gold, hard to spend. same with bitcoin. but after 10 years you can use land.

Can Sup Forums solve this riddle?

>spoiler: You don't
enjoy jail

Beanie Babies of course. What could go wrong?

>8yr olds, Donny

You won't find an interest rate higher than the S&P average these days

Basically. Bitcoin presupposes the existence of modernity. I guess it's not a bad investment in the sense that if shit did get that bad then very little matters regardless.

You don't have to have 100% ownership in something to invest it you slant-ape.

silver you fucks
silvers cheap now, but in 10 years will quadruple

Maybe if you mean stock in Orbital ATK.

Venezuela oil crypto currency...let's gamble with that 10 Grand

Doesn't matter. Give me 3 feet of waterfront property. I don't care. In 10 years time when the chink overlords come that 3 feet at $10k is gonna be worth like 10x that. Nobody will beat that ROI.

this is so childishly simple: a bank account with a card. the card stays in the same form: the account doesn't and the money is never literally touched.

This is what I was going to say. And this is the only correct answer.

Smart mfer right here.

I literally just bought 5k of BTC, finally punching my ticket to riches

Ron Paul's complete discography

there's only one currency that will survive the fall of man

thats not a riddle either

I would take it in the form of big stiff doggy dicks. I would love ten years of milking doggy semen and storing it in my fridge for whenever I'm thirsty. Been keeping my own for a while now ;)

The answer is Gold.


He never said a useful amount of property. Just enough to impede some Chinese real estate which they'll gladly overpay for later

10000 bucks worth of land isn't shit. and it can deprecate

>$10,000 worth of satisfaction

Real estate or physical gold. Maybe a transferable FA Mac-10 and then some other surplus rifles mixed in.,

$10k worth of unobtainium please.


Along the lines of what I was going for. I would've said some really rare firearm

Fuck off

Crypto currency


I am a nigger: The Post



AT&T stock IF the dividends are reinvested

You're all morons. Trump is gonna end the FED


Basically it's a stupid hypothetical as almost no one can even contemplate having that much money

Thank you, doggo


raw materials like gold, silver or oil

>he hasn't heard what's happening Monday
I sincerely feel bad for you.

The floor value of USD comes from US Government collecting taxes.

Where does the floor value of Bitcoin come from?

This is a funny post. How do I upboat?

Provided they make it until then.

i didn't say 10k worth of rims, jordans and fried chicken fgt

You have to find someone even stupider than yourself to buy it from you


Gold probably. Or US treasury bonds.

4K VR Porn

>The floor value of USD comes from US Government collecting taxes.
Hah, no. The value of the USD comes from the US Military.

fee simple absolute

Index fund

Jugs of water. Water will always have a use.

Jewish heads.