Well Sup Forums? Can you say anything nice about the so-called snowflakes?


ur a pussy just like us XD

>don't call us snowflakes, because we are snowflakes
The absolute state of the left

fucking snowflakes!

"W-W-We're not oversensitive snowflakes and delicate flowers, YOU are! Remember when I said something and you called me dumb and disagreed with it?! HAH! SNOWFLAKE!"

I love it when you sparkle but I hate it when you stick around.

I like being a snowflake. I wear it as a badge of pride because then I can do whatever I want.

They melt under any examination, just like a real snowflake

Snowflake skill has increased!!!

what the fuck is this even real? it doesn't make any sense
>don't call us snowflakes or we'll prove it's true by being snowflakes


>Can you say anything nice about the so-called snowflakes?


how dare you limit my freedom of speech you snowflake
I should get millions of your kind and build millenial snowmen

Bullying is a good thing. If they kill themselves over being criticized then they're culling themselves from the human race. natural selection at work

BWAHAHAHAH try being raised by BOOMERS

>snowflakes are so mentally weak they can't even take "snowflake"

T-this has to be fake, right?

>the absolute state of millenials

Don't call them snowflakes, snowflakes are natural and beautiful, call them rape enabling terrorist sympathisers instead.

Or someone can be bullied so much they get a nothing to lose mentality for fitting in. With this nothing to lose mentality they feel no need to do anything people want because either way they will be criticized.

I'm proud to be a snowflake. It pisses off everyone who wants to kill off my individuality.

suck it up, buttercup. there are no safe spaces in life.

>HAH, drumpfkins are such snowflakes!


>say something nice?
They're very soft so they're easy competition. For the longest time I hadn't a clue that showing up to work was considered exemplary for a millennial.


no source is no.

Thats something a snowflake would say

>Don't call us sensitive, it hurts our feelings

How would they know what their mental health needs? They wouldn't be crazy if they knew what they need.