
Do you guys like pictures?

Going to post in chronological order.
April, 2017
Los Angeles






Protest outside Trump event in Costa Mesa


mixing B/W and color not really my thing but this isn't a gallery or anything





Trump rally in Anaheim

Bernie rally in Santa Monica, late May












After primary elections, Democrat voters in Los Angeles testify about suspicious irregularities.





These are from June

Meeting outside city building


Headed to Las Vegas for a Trump rally

Just another morning on the Vegas strip



Thought the girl in the center looked sort of angelic, but she sneezed when I took the picture.

Trump Rally in Phoenix, AZ



Some abstract stuff coming up, hope you don't mind







A boy reacting to Donald walking onstage



Election viewing party at uni
Nov. 8, obv

His first time voting.


>Le filter photographer - let's do some shitty photos and apply "artistic" filters, that will surely make them look professional.
you should change career, faggot

Time passes, everyone is in a state of panic or denial, except the pro-Trump people.


This. OP should gas himself and his pretentious jew pictures.





>meme flags


Went up to dorm to process, and saw this

>Not using the best flag
Even if you're a Eurocuck at the very least you could use a VPN to get it.


Putting that photography degree to use.. or rather abuse.

Why so mad? I thought you guys liked politics.

Do you submit to the White Race, Mr Shin?

Nice job OP, these are interesting.
Was quite a night. Didn't go to any viewing parties, watched a bit in one of our university cafeterias but didn't want people to know I was happy (in commifornia).
Biked home at 10 pm, the fastest I've ever biked, spent the rest of the night watching with my centrist roommate, avoiding our leftist housemates and feeling an enormous wave of shock, relief, and fear that he'd be taken out ASAP.

>June 7

What am I missing?

Left has crazy big features, like a fake disguise big.

Is that Sinbad?

Good stuff OP, thought the camera work makes it look like 1998.

America is amazing.

I like this one

2016, excuse me

Felow calicuck? Are you from here, or stuck here until graduation?

Also Californian, but I'm long past college.

>participating in politics in this way
this makes me kind of morose and nihilistic in a way. it all seems so ill-thought-out and futile. i hate the way the world is going in the countries my ancestors built. nice photography user.

Nowhere else on the planet is this important or exciting.

The United States is the biggest democracy in the world. It's not perfect but it's the best we have. Whatever the electoral college says goes, and it'll stay that way until further notice.

These are nice. Keep capturing political events for posterity user

I have some pics from the protests that led to the South Korean president getting impeached last winter, I'll dump them if anyone's interested

People are passionate about democracy here. It might be a little over the top, but I think it's better than indifference.


Not only that, but the United States is the beacon that world looks to. If things are bad here. They're worse everywhere else.

it may very well be a nice place to reside at the moment, but it's transformation is inevitable -- that's what makes me feel melancholy. people's support for the kind of ideas Sanders' espouses, while more and more immigrants move in, i can't feel anything but a kind of clairsentience for those of european ancestry who live there and how it's going to change.

i really disagree. most of those people have probably never given any thought to the inadequacies of the system which they so fervently participate in, as u say. their willingness to support such atrocious candidates on such a extravagant scale is saddening, and depressing if contemplated for any length of time

Maybe things will work out and maybe it won't.

i'm not hopeful in the long term. look at the rise and fall of peoples and empires throughout history and tell me the world will carry on as it is at the moment