Is there a reason you haven't taken the Mansonpill?

100% White, anti-System, and Revolutionary. Helter Skelter is exactly the ideological direction the resistance movement needs to take.

Other urls found in this thread:


>wanted to kill all whites so he could rule the subhumans alone
Absolutely Jewish

Why would he want to kill his qts?

He suggested that niggers were justified in starting a race war.


100% under mk ultra control too

look up his connection with pedo polanski and see if you still want to support this mind slave patsy that worked for (((them)))

Any strike against the Jewish system is welcome. No matter the culprit. And who's to say they aren't justified?

>Has a harem of redpilled white babes
>Continues to get laid even with a life sentence
>Always down for his homies on the inside

What's not to like?

Don't forget the hilarious racism! I know that sounds like I'm some faggot leftist who said that sarcastically, but I mean it. Manson is a dude who had those murders carried out so they'd be blamed on niggers and start a race war. He thought he and his cult would hang out in the desert while it blew over and that, while the blacks would be victorious, Charlie just KNEW they'd be too stupid to actually lead or build a society and would look to the nearest white messiah to be their king. I mean... it's not the most rational argument but I'm also not saying that there isn't anything there that can't be built upon.

Genius. Build a revolutionary climate in society so things can be destroyed. Charlie knew that degeneracy wouldn't be fixed through law and order or playing by the System's rules.

Oh no, Manson was a faggot schizophrenic with a slightly above average IQ. The resistance to liberalism should be ripping the unborn children out of white women like animal niggers or pro-choice doctors ourselves? Get fucked and get better heroes, you retard.

What tribe did that unborn child belong to?

has anyone in this thread listened to manson's music pre lockup? it's actually pretty damn good

seriously guys im listening to it right now "look at your game girl" is the name of this song, hes a fantastic singer. im not trollin. opinions aside, he made some damn good music

"people say im no good"
listen to this shit its some good hippie shit like bobby jameson or love seriously i love his music no opinion on his actions

it would have to be a leaf dumb enough to believe CIA lies like this

where did you get this picture? is this squeaky? she's so qt I LOVE YOU SQUEAKY

I think it's pretty good for it's time, even then I'm downplaying it as he was good enough to do some backing tracks with the Beach Boys. That said, how fucking crazy was Manson that Brian Wilson was like "Nah, this guy has to go He's fucking nuts, stop bringing hippies home, Dennis."

lyrics are super redpilled too no racist shit just revolutionary anti big brother. I think he was just mixed up, obviously he was super intelligent. I've done some real dumb shit on drugs and alcohol, consistent use of drugs and alcohol has warped my mind and when i get sober for awhile im like "wtf?" cant understand where my mind was at the time. I think he's just misunderstood. OBVIOUSLY made some mistakes but all in all just a product of society. when your that intelligent you cant swallow the blue pill and live a normal life but being "redpilled" means a lot of different things to different people and when you step out of the hive mind mentality things get weird, i think redpill is just anti conformist I'm not racist, im prejudice but i consider myself red pilled. I dont buy all this SJW bullshit and Im a millennial. but... idk im fucked on beer and benzos. ill end my rant but im blown away by his music thats my only real point.

Squeaky and Blue on the left. Two girls who fought for our air, tree, waters, animals, and white race long after the murders.

whos brian wilson?


i personally love him in many ways, but manson was a SHIT musician lol

he was mad because he couldn't land a record deal and dennis wilson basically told him to go fuck himself
and rightfully so. he was terrible.

Sandy Good meeting with James Mason of the National Socialist Liberation Front and later Universal Order.

That's actually not a bad counterpoint. I still think my point stands. The savage butchery of collaborators with the Jewish establishment is not a point we're really close to at all. Not in a way in which that would actually help advance the racial far-right. I do like seeing a fun Manson thread on here though. I just can't bring myself to show any respect in terms of ideology to a confirmed faggot who would carve swastikas in his forehead while his ultimate dream before being imprisoned was to lead the niggers and assorted mud races after the death of the white race, which is what he hoped for. I don't see you getting much of Sup Forums on the Manson bandwagon when a large part of his delusional plans involved the extermination of the white race at the hands of niggers.

Musical genius part of the Beach Boys. Also incredibly crazy. You're making me feel old, user, despite being under thirty. Apologies, obscure references and references older than what I should know are kinda my thing.

Really? because he wrote a song that made the pop charts:


lol well comparatively speaking i suppose he wasn't that great of a musician, but hearing about manson growing up (im 23) and then just recently discovering he was a musician i was like holy shit, this is good stuff its not crazy at all.

i could understand that though. I love bobby jameson but he just couldn't make it in the music world couldn't land a record (except songs of protest and anti-protest) and he bitched and bitched about it. played with some of the greats tho, mick jagger, frank zappa. same story tho they told him to fuck off because he was a hippe and he was fucked up all the time. songs of protest/anti-protest bobby jameson bitchin about the "raw deal" he got

why do you love manson?


ill have to look him up. i like beach boys. lol i feel u im 23 and i have a fetish for old cult movies. i hate modern music/film. Show my friends some eighties movies like Scanners and they don't get it

fuck you man im 23

Ain't nobody over 16 talkin' like this.

eat a dick

Listening to a music group called the beach boys
Wonder why Tyrone kicks your ass so easily.
I've heard of it. The name. And never had an interest.
Faggots. Whats next mamas and papas fuck you people are gay

>The Eyes Of A Dreamer

Dude. Don't do this type of stuff.

what type of stuff asshat?

I'm glad this turning into a Manson music appreciation thread

Just realized this is why they ate the watermelon

what are you babbling about you fucking retard

I considered that reply too user. If I were a betting man, and I am because it's socially acceptable in some circles to scream nigger at the television because you have money on a game and those goddamn monkeys on the field won't cover the spread, I'd put money on this being a goddamn child, or an idiot, or both.
Christ dude, you really aren't making it easy for anons to think you're over 18. However as for your "fetish for old cult movies" I'll suggest you watch an old Swedish film called The Seventh Seal. I hope you appreciate it.

Bergman doesn't make "cult movies".

I honestly said that because I did think you to be a kid and I thought "If I'm dealing with an edgy teenager, I'll at least give the courtesy of steering them towards my favourite thing from my edgy teenager phase." Nothing personal, but... Brian Wilson really didn't ring any bells? Christ man, I would think that just through the years one would hear it referenced enough to at least have some basic idea of "Brian Wilson = Beach Boys member"

Ecelebs are trash. Even analog ones

Well fuck you both then im out. Ill look up the The Seventh Seal though.

You're talking to OP you race-traitor, kike-ally, cop-loving leaf.

Your home is where your heart is

>when you are at a party, covering manson on guitar, and lefty normies like it