Youjo Senki

This is your military duty today

The OST on this are really good. Gives me shivers.

Agreed. Loved the tracks during the Salaryman scene.

>that creepy ugliness
They have to do this on purpose.
Fuck them, seriously.

It's on purpose

>Gott mit uns
How did Tanya avoid snapping until this point?

>explode self
>get only broken bones
What about burns? Surely she would have had burns?

It's made pretty clear that she didn't explode herself.
They assumed that she did it

notGermany magic shield is best shield senpai.

It's magical kaboom user.

she also used a shield spell, the fragments are around her

She also prepped a barrier otherwise she'd be dead too.

They rushed and ruined the side story. Damn cunts.

>creepy evil loli is made to look creepy and evil

What a shock

Was there new chapter dump or is it tomorrow?
I'm afraid to look through shitposting - the thread plagued by MM shitposter, he's not here yet luckily.

Why do you think anyone who reads the LN says the manga is trash

Why do you talk for everyone reading LN?
Who delegated you to do this?


>Gott mit uns

Did Horriblsub get this right or did they fuck it up hard?

But you have exactly 1 guess

They translated what was said in japanese, if you want meme subs go to commie

Not creepy evil, you idiot fuck, but creepy ugly. As in it is creepy how ugly it is, not actually being creepy.

holy fucking shit
I didnt know how much I wanted some midget to tell me I was tempting her

Tanya a cute

Aoi was really great this episode.

The evils of libertarianism

I like this show it's one of the few that makes me excited every week for a new episode

wait, what does Tanya have against fucking other guys? Is she gay?

Is that chapter 7 or there was chapter 8 dump somewhere and I missed it?
With all the samefag shitposting I wasn't regular to these threads.


if a transgender man doesnt like men is he gay or straight?

At least it was better than the first episode.

she just want to make a man out of them
they're new recruit



Explain her plan to me Sup Forums. It doesnt seem like she's the type to risk suicide, so how did she know she'd survive that self explosion?

Because they are up their asses? It is a lot better with the slight comedic twist of the manga. If that is not there it is just another typical for Japan stupid-ass story.

All the monologue was fucking great, the after credits scene is amazing and not-scandinavians fly with skies.

Amazing episode.

Why does nobody even mention the fact that Tanya is female? In reality it would be a big deal, even only taking into the account the male/female ratio we see in the show. This is really ruining my immersion.


Because in this universe even women get drafted in the army, especially if they have magic powers.

Why would they?
There are female pilots in countries with lack of manpower and suitable male candidates.
Mages are the same.

did you miss 2 guys said she's younger than their sister, daughter?
they basically mean army is not a place for loli

I got the impression that she rigged the other guy's magic equipment to explode and pumped all her remaining magic into her barrier but everyone was under the impression she overloaded her own instead.

Only if they have magic powers. It's voluntary service otherwise and even then it isn't frontline duty.

>he didn't go to an English speaking course

Read the thread. There are broken barrier pieces around her when she falls, and she landed on the back of the solider probably to target his vitals.

So the plan was just to go down as safe as possible while still being wounded. Like being covered by the explosion and assumed dead by the enemy.

I want my crazy Tanya back.

Sorry Aoi but I can't stand your voice acting in this one

>blow a hole in the wall of the building just to discipline a few rookies
This seems incredibly out of character.
I mean from a cost benefit analysis it's obvious the property damage isn't worth it.

She turned him into a bomb and used her huge mana supply on her own barrier

What are they supposed to say user?

>risk suicide
She's a soldier fighting enemy under orders.
Fleeing from engagement is punishable by death.
She has no choice in these matters but to fight to the last breath.

That is not true. Why are you even trying to argue when you probably haven't read a damn thing? Even weirder if you did and still claim that.

It seems like an obvious device overload to me with her magic trinket giving a nice crack before the boom.

>She has no choice in these matters but to fight to the last breath.
Or rather pretend to while saving her ass

Couldn't she defect to the other side and play the role of a confused and scared child soldier forced into her role by big mean adults?

They mentioned her age, not her sex. In real life women can have certain combat roles, but if they were an active combat ace like Tanya it would be mentioned all the time. "Wow, that Ace is a girl!" and shit.

From what we've seen over 90% of the Imperial Army is male. The fact that her gender was never even mentioned is simply silly.

>We've seen zero female soldier outside of the mage or support role
>Even officers are almost all male
Stop with the fanfiction user.

Not him, but only female orhpans are conscripted in the army.
Actually we've only heard that all orphans are conscripted, we've yet to see any conscripted females out of special situations like with refugee Visha that had to pay off her debt of Empire taking in her family.
Well that's one approach.
She even ranted patriotic shit on radio to raise her points more.

I mean it's pretty obvious that she's mentally unstable. I'd say that it's fair to write that off as being one of her episodes, and after the fact she'd regret it or try to justify it to herself.

That was the other guy's magic trinket though.

They already did last episode. There was also trainee comparing her to his imouto, the guy with his daughter.

Find a flaw
you cant

Probably because mages are a great advantage while also being in relatively short supply so considering we haven't been given the male to female rate in which mages are born we Can't say for sure if its all that uncommon to see female mages on the battlefield

How do you know the accepted gender roles of a parallel world should be exactly the same as what you think it should be?

That episode was surprisingly good. Bad thing - no one uses glasses. That's go for fucked up char design part and nothing can be done. Rest - animation, music, SFX was very nice and isekai scene is now my favorite transportation scene in all isekaishit.

>slowpoke watching ep2 now
>MFW they did the God almost right this time compared to manga and LN

Maybe notGermany is not as sexist as you ;^)

Yes but first impressions are everything, It wasn't so much directed at the rookie as it was everyone as a whole. As far as making a statement that will define peoples opinions for the rest of your career I'd say it was pretty cost effective.

i want to be a bossy loli too

And even Visha is a mage. It's highly likely she'd have done something else if it wasn't the case.

Not after being seen as the forward observer for an artillery strike that got countless numbers of the enemy killed.

I can't marry her

Yeah the isekai scene was fucking great.
Much better than a corny stereotypical God figure actually showing himself directly.


>cadet incident
>manga messenger commenting on her being small and cute
>that doubting captain who advised her to leave military
They do mention it constantly though, they just shut up after seeing her worth first person.

God tells you that you can be reborn as Tanya but you have to be hit by a train first

What do?

I'm not the cute loli nazi she's fawning over ;_;

>that Overlord poster on the station wall

Look again, iron cross. You can also move back to the cadet training and she's wearing the same.

She was merely an observer at that point.

After directly killing their men she crossed the point of no return but before that an incredibly adorable prepubescent girl can easily play the pity factor.

Masturbate to her doujins.

How does being a Prisoner of War not make her life massively worse?
Not to mention that it's Sweden while defectiong from Großdeutschland.
Because outside of fiction defectors aren't trusted

That's a question with only 1 answer user.

Deal no takebacks

Yes her own magic trinket broke.
But some part of the swede's equipment started glowing


>Maybe notGermany is not as sexist as you ;^)

Sexism is based upon nature, tradition, and objective reality. A militarist nation who cares about results is going to treat women as lessers simply because it's true when it comes to war. The false narrative of universal egalitarianism can only exist in a state of privilege where no lives are at stake and higher ups are free to virtue signal their progressive goodness. A nation as portrayed in the show not being rightfully sexist is simply unbelievable.

Being a guaranteed a living PoW is massively better odds than taking your chances against an entire fucking platoon solo.

That is high risk gamble also unlikely she would be given any position of power or prestige.
And Tanya is about career.
She can ditch the Empire when her skills and valor are universally recognized by all opponents.
By the time Empire is at the brink of collapse the not-America will start to look out for the next Big Bad Guy - the Union that rebuilt itself after the revolution and re-started it's industry.
Without Germany invading it's lands they must've been buffing military and industry unobstructed.

Nothing, i don't want to have an even shittier life.

She has double the size of pupils and volume of eyelashes than other kids her range.

She probably figured that defecting to the other side would eventually lead to death as well considering that the other country was planning to cross the boarder in such a nonchalant attitude plus defectors always have the chance of being locked up and never getting a chance to take up arms again so she would be in the same situation as before she joined the military.

are you dumb
they specifically said "daughter, sister" not just a child, toddles etc to emphasized on her gender
clearly you cant catch any message in dialogue so fuck off to what ever holes you crawl out, may be Sup Forums

Except magic levels the playing field.

So lessened sexism against female mages could easily be justified.

Must be all that magical power.

It's clearly a sign of her magical ability

>pilots = mages
>highly qualified soldiers with unmatched firepower\mobility ratio
>Don't need strength, only good mana pool and endurance
How do women does not fit that role?

That can easily be arranged. Deal.