Almost every asian is related to him

>almost every asian is related to him
>blew the chinese out
>blew the arabs out
and best of all
>blew the jews out
is there a more based and alpha chad in history? We should retire the name Chad for "Kahn", in his honor, and hang up a banner.

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Kahn just means king or leader, doesn't it?

he was probably a 5'2 manlet so i doubt he was that alpha

You know who blew him the fuck out? The Japanese.

>conquers most of asia and creeps into Europe
>claimed to be god's punishment for men's sins
>not alpha

sounds like an evil villain to me

that's atilla

He essentially was. He would make a great anime villain

Would have been a decade-long rape fest.

The fleet was fucked up by storms. Twice. The nips have a name for it, but I forget what.

Was it? Guess I have my asian conquerors confused.

Sauce on when he blew the Jews out

Both claimed to be the Scourge of God

Kamikaze, "Divine Wind", "God Wind". It didn't decimate all of them. The ones that washed up and survived were impaled on Katanas.

Kamikaze is the name of the storms. Kami means god and Kaze means storm, for a meaning of divine wind

He was also a hapa.
Truly hapas are a menace to the world

Inb4 he is a Fate series character.

Forgot to add, it happened twice! TWO TIMES, LMAO Huns btfo

he also brought culture and civlization to russia

The Mongols didn't try to invade Japan until Kublai.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was a Rider

Why the fuck didn't he kill all the jews

still fucked more bitches than you

I would unironically kill myself if this was me
Im not saying that up, I trully mean it, I would be so depressed and humiliated by what happened that I would find a quick way to end my (short) life

it scares me just how close they came to truly delving into europe
imagine no Renaissance, no industrial revolution, what the world would look like
thank god Ogedai died when he did and Tsubudai was called back

Don't forget he killed millions of Mudslimes. One bad thing about him though, is he killed so many men all the Asian race has left is betas so a new Genghis Khan can never arise.

How many mudslimes and jews did he kill exactly?

Bullshit, Central Asia produced yet more bloody warlords, like Timur for example, who conquered much of East and India.
Also, ask a Kazakh descendant of Khan anything.
Fuck civilization, industry, destroyed ecosystem and Jewish consumerism, I would unironically prefer to fight, pillage and rape with my fellow honor bound horseman.
>ride the great steppes under the stars
>fight toughest opponents, from deserts and great cities to ice forests
>make love to beautiful slaves
>worship Tengri instead of some bullshit jew or sandnigger
>whole Europe looks Finnish
>dual for honor instead of shit posting
This is living

epic bro
i too enjoy dying of tetanus or being considered a village elder at 30
muhh war and honour born in the wrong generation

Fuck living past 40 anyway, I intend to overdose sooner. We still fight for honor here in Russia and Kazakhstan, not same though.

>steppe gooks browse Sup Forums and use coherent english
these are strange times indeed

Almost all Russians are gook mutts, retard. Even Putin.

Nice meme.
If you lived here you would know what exactly I'm talking about and how ridiculous you sound..

Yeah, more coherent than your punctuation and use of capital letters. Besides, Kazakhstan is already a better place to live than Russia, I intend to return once I finish my education.
That is a literal meme

Russia was never civilized.

Genghis didn't invade Japan you retards, his grandson did.

If it's already a better place then why aren't you getting education there?

In Xanadu did Kublai Khan
a stately pleasure dome decree

Khan wasn't his name though. Khan was a title that basically meant leader or emperor
His birth name was Temujin. Chinggis or Genghis would also be more accurate than Khan.


Russian's aren't 100% white, retard. One drop rule. You are all gooks.
No it's not. Post some Kazakh bitches.

OK. Now tear down that memeflag and we'll determine which kind of non-white you are.

Nyet. Dosvidanya, gook mutt.

>thinking he could ever conquer europe

>We wuz chinky horseman n' shit.

Im amazed you fags dont know that genghis khans grandson converted to islam. Get this, the three major khanates of the golden hordes and the rest comverted due to "influence from wives".

what do you actually think was going to stand in their way?
Knight's Templar got BTFO, they'd already BTFO knights in plate with the russians multiple times.
There is no fucking way they'd have been able to actually keep it as an empire, since they only kept the actual one because it was so fucking empty and the population was so sparse comparative to Europe, but even heavy conquest could have set Europe centuries behind

so? it didn't alter their policy at all, they simply didn't give a shit. It#s like their wives telling them to wear a pink robe cos it's fashionable.

Timur the Lame killed 5% of the world population. And I'd put Genghis' number somewhere in that ballpark.

Genghis Khan would have conquered Europe because the Vatican was ready to roll out the red carpet for Genghis Khan.

The Pope, at one point in time, believed Genghis Khan was the fabled Christian King of the Far East they were searching for aka Prester John.

Yep, the Vatican was ready to be Khaned.

Ghengis Khan was basically not involved with the invasion of Europe at all. It was pretty much all Tsubodai and the large part of it took place after he was dead


Besides the fact that european landscape was and still is vastly different from the large steppes, deserts and mostly flat fields that constitute most of the land area of Genghis's empire? Gee, I dont know. The mongols crushed what at that point were the russians because of the significamt advantage they had and the tactics they could employ in open fields again them.
Guess what, though? Europe was covered in hills and forests and populated with people of an arguably higher quality tham what the russians were. It wouldnt be thr knights that would stop them, but what would stop them would be what stopped the holy roman knights 200 years later during the hussite wars, when they lost against underequipped and undertrained czech religious fanatics which didnt even outnumber them. That is, swamps, stakes, defensive positions around hills, etc. If you think the mongols could have conquered europe as easily as they fucked eastern europe and russia, you're gravely mistaken.

Doesn't matter. The Vatican just knew that this Khan they kept hearing about, could be Prester John and were literally willing to be Chinked/Mongoled/Khaned, etc

Also forgot to add in my post, if you really think that that had any chance of happening in any scenario, you're delusional.

The Mongols could have easily conquered Europe. They destroyed all the Muslim fortresses Europeans failed to destroy.

The Mongols also had a navy and were already using gunpowder in their offensive warfare far more often than the Europeans

Prototype grenades were already discovered among Mongol sites and prototype grenades were mentioned in Mongol war treaties.

Mongol equipment was also much more high quality and mobile than European equipment.

See You're the delusional one because you are in serious denial over how retarded Christians could act during that time period.

They really did believe in the Holy Grail and the Crusades happened not only because of the desire for land grabbing but to seek mythological treasure as well.

The fable of Prester John was treated like fact during that time period and the Vatican would have let down their guard due to it.

You haven't adressed the main issue, though. Muslims too lived in an area excellently suitable for all of the weapons you have listed. The coalition the pope has sent against the hussites too had better equipment. When the ottomans tried invading europe beyomd the balkans (which are just like russians of a lower quality), they had far more guns than the defending forces of the holy roman empire and poland amongst others. Yet they still failed.

I can see why you think that the mongols could have succeeded, but you should come to cocnlusions as quickly without checking out similar scenarios throughout history. One does not go about conquering whole europe easily, even if they are european themselves.

Sure thing, pal. And I bet you also believe that the church was selling letters of indulgence because they really believed that by making their citizena pay them the citizens would be forgiven by god.

Oh lala such a surprise from a frenchpoleon

Katana wasn't invented until some time after the Mongol invasion.

Hey guys, I just wanted to apologize for my fellow burger.

Who exactly was in that 5%?
>And I'd put Genghis' number somewhere in that ballpark.
All or just mudslimes and jews?

Also isn't pretty much proven the cutlass could easily cut through a katana? I mean the japs have done some cool shit, but they aren't white.

Ghengis Khan just means "great leader". The guys name was actually Temudjin.

>Genghis Khan would have conquered Europe because the Vatican was ready to roll out the red carpet for Genghis Khan.

He was pretty much Asian Hitler. Funny how history books seem to glorify Khan, despite the fact that he committed more atrocities than Hitler. He successfully genocided and wiped out several ancient cultures in central Asia for example. History is truly written by the victors

If i ever spot you i will pick you up and carry you.

Its fine, the naive retard isnt here anymore

Literally the greatest man ever to live. No one else can compare.

The katana isnt even the sharpest Japanese sword.

Taoism a fucking meme. Go shoots balls of energy and do your reiki healing faggot. Fucking kek.
Zen is the truth. Everything else has too many frills that are unnecessary for enlightenment. I.e. Praying to salt rocks is fucking stupid.

It was in typhoon season. So keeping defense line is enough for Japanese samurai at that time.
Mongol could not break Japanese defense line for 2 months. Then typhoon came and hit Mongol 4,000 battle ships.
It was on planning for Japan.