
Literally nothing wrong with this.

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There is nothing wrong with this. Let the GOP do what they do. TRUMP MAGA!!!!!
amirite guys

Why are Republicans such hypocrites?

No one here is a republican love.

Reddit that way ->

>Pink News
Like I'd go there. Give me a rundown, ya big faggot.

Im not gay but Id let him fuck me in the ass

Some people are unfortunately afflicted with an innate tendency towards homosexual sexual sin. Some of those people chose to become degenerates and some don't. The ones who don't are constantly tempted by the degenerate ones who control the (((media))) to give in to degeneracy, and this frequently results in conflicted individuals who succumb to temptation. This calls into question whether they should be in positions of power like politicians, but beyond that they deserve only pity if they are sincere about wanting to overcome their urges.

Everyone on both sides are disgusting. It needs to be cleansed

>Shortey appeared and was wearing a shirt with a reference to the Bible verse from Ephesians 5:22, which called for women to “submit to their husbands,” Fox 25 News reported.

what a creep

This just in. OP is a faggot. So what if he likes sucking cream through a mans love organ, so do you.

Why the homophobia?

I literally said there is nothing wrong with it, sweetie.
Only issue is he should've learned from Roy Moore and asked the parents before dating teens.

what better way to cure homophobia than sucking a hundred random cocks? We should gibe this man a medal for beating his demons. Surely Canada has a cock sucking award? Other than Prime Minister

You have gay marriage.



literally cannot wait for the rope and you fucking faggots will have to go back to hiding like in Russia we will literally bring back the original meaning of faggot. fucking sick of the thought any of you still exist

woah there dude chill out

What's wrong with being gay, you homophobic bigot?

so 5:22 is now homophobic? mkay sweetpie

Nah, it was just a funny detail.

so a heterosexual male who dislikes homosexuals is proven wrong in disliking homosexuals because his heterosexual behaviour debunked his convinctions? Logic much?

What the fuck are you on about

I know you're all about dat twitter but I'm sure with mo money fo dem programz you could understand periods comprised of 4+ words honey

You ok hun?

are you? cis hets seems to make you uncomfortable


In what world is fucking a 17 year old being a pedo?

Also, AoC in OK is 16.

He paid gay teen prossies for sex. Multiple ones. He was clearly doing more than just what he is being prosecuted for.

so you're saying that he ALLEGEDLY made something other that you still can't prove? Why the homotards fall for conspiracy theories so easily?

Oh wow, another gay man turns out to be a pedo, who woulda guessed?

It is pretty clear he was doing this regularly, user.

It isn't

>be homotard
>bash cis het people for believing skydaddy
>assumes thing a priori without concrete proofs
what to people do in their bedroom is their business

Gentlemen, you need to mentally prepare yourselves for the fact Mike Pence likes to fuck men behind his wifes back.

It's going to come out, construct your defences now.

This is the same mental illness the liberals have with rapists and sexual degenerates who crow about women's rights, the most staunch anti-gays are ALWAYS poofs.