Cucks who support Jordan Peterson

What kind of worthless person still worships this guy?
Didnt they have a father to tell them to clean their room?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Cucks who support Jordan Peterson
I don't think it means what you think it means.

The guy's raking in good money, don't talk shit about him, commie.


>meme flag
calm down soyboy

I donated a few times in 2016 to get his maps of meaning book. His maps or meaning and personality lectures are brilliant. I'm glad I found out about him through the free speech stuff, but I don't watch him for that. His followers are insane. It's a bit like a cult

>I am a Christian
Do you believe in God
> ....... Well



Is your whole life made out of Sup Forums and youtube?

My life's got better in pretty much every aspect since I started watching his lectures.
Never spent a dime.
Peterson is gaining momentum, and you silly bois can't do anything about it.

This board is full of manchildren spouting about asian women, sexbots, "mommies" etc.
As well as depressed, blackpilled lazy faggots who need to start to get their shit together.

Every single one of those needs people like JBP.


>What kind of worthless person still worships this guy?
People who haven't read Kevin MacDonald. Millennial woes is spot on about him in his recent video

It is shilling bro. If you have been on this place as continuously as I have (I know, lame) you start to see the spikes and dips of the shill waves. You also start to see new trends picked up by them. They are using old /b and /pol posters as shills in large amounts. One or two mods are working directly with them. It is a favorite lefty trick.

Notice the really good shit that used to occasionally appear here is harder to find? That is not a coincidence.

Try making a thread about the franklin scandal, or Iran Contra. Four out of five times the thread gets pruned within a minute.

Don't give up guys.

>persuasive motivational speaker
>spends career studying ideological capture
>followers cannot handle any criticism of their dear leader

He's more persuasive than right. Take away the faith you put into his rambling and there isn't much left besides the great ideas of his favorite authors. He makes those ideas more accessible which is worth something. But don't forget to think critically. His recent idiotic tweets about race really disappointed me and shook me out of his spell.

>Don't give up guys.

This. A lot of things have just disappeared the past year. It would be no surprise that a mod is working against the board as leftists seeking out positions of control is pervasive. I still think /pol is an very important front. If it wasn't then we wouldn't be getting shilled against. But I find it really tiresome lately and want a better outlet

Follow the unique wisdom of Dr. Peterson or you are on the road to ruin, boyo.

>all these buttmad Storm fags
You guys are really upset that he doesn't want to deport all immigrants, aren't you. Not everyone is an extremist, you idiots.

Wow thank god you posted this thread for the 500th time. You forgot to change your flag senpai
>dis doesn't mean wut u think it means
You absolute reddit faggot, fucking leave

>jews are just genetically superior, that's why they're all high IQ übermenschen, but what's white? race is just a social construct, buddy.

>deporting immigrants

Since when has the west gone to full shit? In other parts of the worlds its completely normal to deport immigrants, especially if they are criminal.
Here you could get deported if you speed over 40 km/h or participate in demos against japan or against japanese allies. Thats considered normal anywhere but the west.
What happened. I think 15 years ago it wasnt that bad.

>Here you could get
Forgot my location turned on, sorry. Wish flags wouldnt stay saved.

What the fuck, dude?

>Since when has the west gone to full shit?
Since western women convinced western men that sex is not for them. And found themselves stranded with nothing to fill their pussies. And figured there's plenty of foreign men who won't heed, just smash that pus.
They just want strong men, who will tell them to get on all four.

I supported Peterson's fight for freedom of speech that he had but his recent behavior and tweets have revealed a lot about his character. He's living in a fantasy world and is a bit of a petty person. Time to move on

>Didnt they have a father to tell them to clean their room?


More D&C


>I don't know how to define white
Maybe this will help.

Hello fellow Soros shills! Did you get your payout today? I sure did! Thank you papa Soros!

guys dont worry, your room can stay dirty for one more day

>hfw SJWs are again trying to remove him from his uni

what a cuck. Jordan Peterson is a fucking faggot like any other leaf

>recent behavior
He already suddenly sperged out when he went on molymemes show.
Randomly talks about
>the monsters that we fought in ww2!!
He is smart but a typical boomer who thinks individualism will solve everything and spergs out if you name the juden.
People can achive great things in groups, religion, nation, race. Dont know why he is so against any form of gathering.

Well yeah. Women always test men how far they can go.
For weeding them out.

This. Can't go one day without threads telling us to hate JP or threads with poorly photoshopped images of Styx.

The fact is, regardless of his stance on race, Peterson has legitimate life advice. And so by latching onto the one thing that sets him apart from the majority of Sup Forums gives the shills something to use to drive a wedge between Sup Forums and Peterson.
In other words:
>"Peterson doesn't agree with you goyim on race realism so stop listening to him about everything else!"

Its the same old divide and conquer bullshit

>Peterson has legitimate life advice

clean your room?

>being proud of your culture is cultural appropriation

So we aren't even allowed to have our own culture?

im not mad. after being really not upset by your comments i thoughtlessly perused 3 months of your twiiter feed, and i must say im good because your bad. ps my preferred prefix is doctor

imagine being this guy

You kinda remind me of the people during the American election who said we shouldnt vote for Trump and instead just vote for someone else of the republicans, because they would have a higher chance of getting elected
>"oh so what if they dont wanna build a wall, they still want border security"
>"oh so what if they dont want a muslim ban, they still are conservative"

>>Didnt they have a father

found the token minority of the thread


You okey Jamal?

hey look, another devide and conquer shill thread. fuck off soros


Peterson was never one of us anyway.

I haven't seen the thing with molyneaux but on the orginal JRE podcast that seemingly catapulted him to this fame I thought he was great if a bit spergy but it was about a symptom of the problem whites are facing as a people so it was worth being spergy about. Since then it appears thats all he had. Especially after his recent condecending tweets. He turned out to be a major dissapointment with paradoxical views.
>We must stop these Communist SJW's
>Lets attack the only people trying to oppose these Communist SJWs

Hey buddy you seem to be lost. This is a National Socialist board.

Soros rakes in good money. Does that mean we shouldn't talk shit about him?

>Divinding from us people who still in the "Whats white?" level and not only that, he is also a hypocrite who can't even associate with faithy goldy because she wasn't harsh enough on some natsees

He certainly had fun acting like it though. What a traitor. depends what you mean by believe
....and it depends what you mean by god.........and you............ and do and in..........

You're trying to box me in aren't you?

Meanwhile, one of his favorite inspirations..


If he called himself a Christian, why would this question be so difficult to answer?

I don't call myself a christian, despite being confirmed catholic (thanks, parents), and if I was asked, I would say that while I appreciate what Western Religion has done for the world, I do not concern myself with whether a deity exists or not.

Remember to sage E-celeb threads

>groyper account getting owned by peterson
yeah I don't see anything wrong here, just more twitter retards polluting the "alt-right" being fucking stupid

Why sage? A lot of people here look up to this post-modernist liberal professor as some kind of hero.

Stupid how?

t. hedonist scum

I don't put people on pedestals. He's good speaker and makes the left look bad in debates. I don't have to like everything about him to appreciate that.

>Sup Forums expects a Boomer exposed to years of academia to be rational on the subjects of race and culture
>Gets mad when Kermit-voiced, soft-hearted leaf can't break 30+ years of conditioning
Come on, guys. Give the fucker a break.

>He's good speaker

What seperates the millenials from boomers?

This cuck should have stayed clear of topics like these. No one would have pressured him to go GTKRWN, his problem was coming from the left but he decided to punch right. Oh well, now he'll lose everything

a few years

People who haven't read Murray Rothbard

Wow, a bottom feeding youtuber who has made a name for himself by mocking literal retards and autists and making videos about edgy memes a few months after they stop being funny, just called out Peterson for not giving a yes or no answer to a question that has stunned philosophers forever. How will Peterson ever recover!?

Philosophers have been asking whether Jordan Peterson believes in God for centuries?

Regardless of what people think, boomers got the worst of the (((indoctrination))) from universities and media. Millennials, at least, had internet before their brains stopped developing.

>all these people regurgitating what they heard from metokur
You people are fucking sheep, I swear. Listen to Jordan Peterson and think for yourselves.

Is Denmark bringing the bantz? Hard to tell.

Have you even watched the video in question? Probably the mildest critique Jim ever delivered. JBP deserves and needs critique; he is a fallible human, and we don't want him to drift off.

Seriously need to revist yuri's lectures. How important do you think the internet was to reducing the strength of the indoctrination?

I only had to read his tweets to realize I've been looking up to a brainlet. It's buttshattered neckbeards who can't process any criticism of their surrogate father and have to dismiss it as shilling without engaging the content of the criticism. He said any criticism of Jews is due to jealousy, yet can't figure out what it means to be white. He's a craven hypocrite, and I lost all faith in him.

He's making fun of people's spelling or their twitter names to dismiss their arguments about race. This is Reddit behavior and people are defending him.

Character assassination thread spotted.
We know shills when we see them.
Praise LAIN.

I am apparently missing the reaction image that said, "I was almost forced to question my entire belief system, but I saw you made a grammatical error. Nice try, kid."

Have this one instead.

>Is a professor in one specific field
>Is over-opinionated on everything and oversimplifies everything into a ridiculous strawman
>Speaks a lot of sense on the one thing he proficient in
>Speaks utter nonsense on everthing else
>Fans are militant man children that religiously worship him
He really is the new Dawkins isn't he.

Character suicide documentation thread.

You have no reaction to Peterson attempting to pathologize identifying with and defending the white race.
kys Mohommed

Persians, just accept that you are arab-tier

He's fucking ridiculous. He's a psychologist who spent his career studying ideological capture, so it's not surprising that he's persuasive and charismatic though.

Just because you have fucking daddy issues and want to fuck him doesn't mean everyone who supports Peterson is a weird cunt like you.
Fuck off Swedish faggot.

But internet can make someone go either way. For example someone can use all their internet time on social justice websites.

>But internet can make someone go either way.
Is that why /gif/ have all those threads about
"gifs that make you wanna suck cock" ?

We are all LAIN as LAIN is with us.
We know your games.
Praise LAIN.

clean your room is great advice though, literally and metaphorically.

Probably. It's also why everyone thinks they're bisexual.

So is, "remember to get a good night's sleep," and "brush your teeth."

That doesn't make it revolutionary advice. If anything, it says more about the audience that eats that shit up than it does about the man saying it, though.

Those two things you said are not like that one other thing though

What, you don't think having a clean mouth isn't good metaphorical advice?

Hey is it possible that I can like people from a wide variety of ideologies without being "cucked"?



Get a good night's sleep is metaphorical advice.

How do you quantify good? What if I work nights, am I not entitled to restful sleep during the day? Have you never been told to come back to a challenging task after a rest period?

Are you asking for approval for what you're allowed to like, cuck?

only if you say please little soyboy

Jordan does good work but he shouldn't have stuck his nose into the ethnonationalism debate.

Since he attacked migtow I lost respect for him.
I'm not the migtow but shit its like he didn't even research what he was talking about.
How is he any better than a leftist if he won't research properly?

Shut up, you are either a shill or stupid.
Peterson is working more to our benefit
than our harm,p even if he is not your
stupid idea of a "redpilled goy", stop
obsessing over jews.

The funniest part is that the National Soycialists thought he was on their side to begin with. How delusional of them.