
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs pastebin.com/0znNg4MM

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Banjo/Bannon/Moore rally in AL 12/5/17
>Pres Trump talks w/American biz owners 12/5/17
>Pres Trump has lunch with Sen GOP 12/5/17
>AG Sessions @GOFAR 12/4/17
>SoS T-Rex meets w/NATO Sec Stoltenberg 12/5/17
>SoS T-Rex arrives @NATO 12/5/17
>SoS T-Rex @US/EU Presser 12/5/17
>StateDep DepSec Sullivan on US bid for 2023 World's Fair 12/5/17
>GOP leaders speak on taxes 12/5/17
youtu.be/MgLwNJP1GLc (Senate)
youtu.be/FN_-qiQ3MkI (House)
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 12/5/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 12/5/17
>WH VIdeo: Pres Trump in UT 12/5/17
>Pres Trump speech in Salt Lake City UT 12/4/17
>IntSec Zinke in SLC 12/4/17
>Pres Trump meets w/mormon leaders 12/4/17
>Pres Trump tours LDS grocery store 12/4/17
>Pres Trump arriving in SLC 12/4/17
>Pres Trump comments before leaving for UT 12/4/17
>US Naval Inst Defense Forum 2017 12/4/17
>NSA HR McMaster on FoxNewsSun 12/3/17

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't forget to MAGA and AWOO

We did it MAGApeeds! Trump will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Greater Israel, fucking based!


>"Talking about to Drumpf is so CURRENT YEAR"
>Trump shitposted about MSNBC and Lori
Trump must be laughing his ass off.

why is there never a Heather edition boo

Holy fuck this is a whole new level of WUZ


Why do blacks steal Egypt's culture?


She's right you know

ay hol up

They can't help themselves from stealing everything. That's why they're always projecting on other people by saying whites that rap are "culturally appropriating"

He would have been a dindu punk who lived off welfare until he got shot by another kang

Fear mongering traitor.


She can be right all she wants, doesn't change a damn thing. The only people paying attention to politics right now are not moderate, and they're definitely not going to jump ship because an old hag virtue signaled.

ya its pretty much death and mark of the beast when obama gets his obongo care system

They're allowed to because they have no culture of their own on account of whitey stealing them away from mother Africa - whitey who also has no culture of his own and is not allowed to steal anyone else's in any way shape or form .

I approve of this edition.


You're not ban evading, are you?

>Then after saying this someone told her not really
>She says" Well...yeah, because Jesus protects us and makes sure it wouldn't happen."
I love this senile cunt, she is the gift that keeps on giving.

>the soyboys choice of pet.
>I'm not letting those faggots monopolize cats as a cultural symbol.
Damn straight, pic related.

>Same post pattern with all caps and anti-Trump jargon
>Same images with same filenames and MD5's
Yep. That's a 30 day for sure.

You're not even trying

I love the impeach meme. People don't even know what impeachment is

They have no culture or history of their own. Egypt isn't the only civilization that they've taken credit for either.

The huge republican majority in the house will impeach....Because reasons


Nice full house, and I agree; the left loves to push impeachment not realizing it doesn't necessarily mean remove from office.
Also isn't that spic presenting articles of impeachment tomorrow?

Could you please stop posting these fucking Trump threads? Nobody gives one fuck about that loser asshole in the United States. Can we just NOT keep bringing the fucking dipshit up? We're getting rid of him, not discussing his numerous failures.

cats are the second most faggoty pet behind small dogs, the only acceptable pet for a man is a big dog


For most of the 80s and 90s, we were told that Egyptians were black.


She lost, get over it.


I'll believe it when I see it actually officially happen. Until then, it's just another bug bomb dropped into the global roach nest.
But you're just a shill anyway, so - in you go.

>tfw im going to be sent to war because that orange president drumpft recognised jerusalem

Now that's a flag you rarely see thanks to memeflags.

Make sure we get some sweet white phosphorus webms shlomo

The God Emperor speaks and it is so, to oppose him is madness



>truepundit is legit goys

I warned you
I've been warning you
You're just motivation

Enforce the borders on the med. Fuck off or we're going to fucking kill you...we're going to fucking killllllllkk you..kill. What don't you understand

Don't be afraid little jew, your american slaves will protect you.

I'll think about you while I sit in my comfy room shitposting

>We're getting rid of him


t. liberal faggorino

We're going to progress from destroying Hollywood and winning elections to killing you

Atlanta race is probably going to come down to a recount. That hasn't stopped the Dem from declaring that "black girl magic" is real, though

I want roy moore to fuck my daughter so bad

Reminder: It's not that women don't abuse in Hollywood, it's that nobody cares when they do.

Remember that Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer by their own story are actual rapists, and Hope Solo was physically violent towards her boyfriend and child, and not a single bad thing happened to them.

Who cares? I have no fucking clue.

No, I'm not going to die
we're bored with hacking macron and getting people elected

You have to go away. if that means we make that happen so be it

Fuck off or die, your choice



women cant be rapists you fucking retard. women do not have sexual agency. they are barely above animal intelligence. you are an obvious feminist shill.

Niggers would rather be slaves in the US than kings in Africa

>Hillary won, Trump LOST MASSIVELY

Back out the ILLEGAL ALIEN vote and try again, shitlib.

>While states control the voter registration process, some states are so notoriously slipshod in their controls (California, Virginia and New York — all of which have political movements to legalize voting by noncitizens — come to mind) that it would be shocking if many illegals didn't vote. Remember, a low-ball estimate says there are at least 11 million to 12 million illegals in the U.S., but that's based on faulty Census data. More likely estimates put the number at 20 million to 30 million.

>What's disappointing is that instead of at least seriously considering Trump's charge, many media reports merely parrot leftist talking points and anti-Trump rhetoric by pushing the idea that Republicans and others not of the progressive left who seek to limit voting to citizens only are racist, xenophobic nuts.

>But there is evidence to back Trump's claims. A 2014 study in the online Electoral Studies Journal shows that in the 2008 and 2010 elections, illegal immigrant votes were in fact quite high.

>"We find that some noncitizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and congressional elections," wrote Jesse T. Richman, Gulshan A. Chattha, both of Old Dominion University, and David C. Earnest of George Mason University.

>More specifically, they write, "Noncitizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress."

>Specifically, the authors say that illegals may have cast as many as 2.8 million votes in 2008 and 2010. That's a lot of votes. And when you consider the population of illegal inhabitants has only grown since then, it's not unreasonable to suppose that their vote has, too.

>Who cares?
Anyone collecting salt cares:

>tfw you outJew the Jew and get him to remove kebab for you

They were slaves in Africa, too.

> Women can't be rapist
>You're a feminist shill
> I absolve women of all guilt
> But you're the feminist

Tradfems go away

>He gets btfo again
Ok, now its bed time since its getting late.
Nighty night!





youre an obvious cuckold. women are literally worse than children and driven by emotions and natural instincts, not logic. would you call a dog a rapist for humping your leg?

Who here is ready to ride the Scromit Comet? dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5150081/Heavy-marijuana-users-showing-ER-scromiting.html

Don't bother Sup Forums hates christians

We really are full of boomers

"Dawgz", as you folks call them, are the niggers of petdom. Leeching off their "owners", totally incapable of any self-sufficiency. Even niggers can keep dogs as they will remain with you even if you treat them badly.

Tradfems, go away

>the age of smart phones and not one video of said scromiting

jesus I think I became a little jewish from that picture

Why is /ptg/ so Jeb-tier tonight?
Even for real awoo hours this is glacial

>Don't bother Sup Forums hates christians

What gives you such an impression? Assuming you are sincere.

cuck, cuck, cuck. you voted for hillary.

>tfw got a /comfy/ job from home working for the NRSC for the summer

Anyone else working on campaigns or with the state party ahead of 2018?

So how are /we/ justifying /our/ sudden, organic love of Israel now

Agitating mudshits is its own reward why is everyone sperging out about the fact that it happens to please Israel?

>people unironically think muslims dindu


jews are based. Trump already said so. Anti-semitism is a strictly leftist agenda.

Nope. But here, sweetie, just for you.

Christians are one of the best jewish slaves in history. They even organized crusades to save jews while had trouble with muslims in Europe.

I hate Palestine, terrorist meme state

Thanks Spin Doctors.

Okay, you're a troll gotcha

Not love for Israel hatred for Muslims. This is a pretense to get them to sperg out so we can bring down the hammer.

I think our friends over at feddit are too emotionally occupied with NN and SALT deduction's deduction to even notice. I bet there will be no hype going into it, but a small reaction afterwards of virtue signaling which lasts at most an hour with around 150 people. MSM determines what's next for liberals to get mad about and they've said nothing about this so far, except months ago (when people still kinda cared about politics)

We always say how christian we are but every time some Christian is getting killed or oppressed it's

>They are not 100% huwhite so who cares
>They shouldn't have done X so they deserve it
>Christians are cucks
Even back in the day everyone said "they should have just baked that cake"

>10 months into the Trump presidency and he still hasn't crowned himself God Emperor yet
Is it too late to switch my vote to Hilldawg?

you're the one who thinks women are smarter than men.

Just wait until she runs again in 2020

Can someone recap NTNN for this brainlet?

Clearly smarter than you, but then again a rock is smarter than you?