What's the whitest sport and why is it cricket?

Inb4 Butthurt Bongs

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Sorry sweetie but we're talking about sports that actually have some popularity.

>also 56%

Field hockey

It's a great sport too

Not even close tbqh. Cricket is the most popular sport in India.

In reality, the whitest sports are probably Lacrosse, Polo, or Gaelic Football

I thought all football was gay lick football

Huge followings in Pakistan and India though. Not as big as Cricket but still.

what is usman khawajalamadingdong noonga

Obviously ice hockey. Not popular in Pakistan and india like field hockey, and ice hockey is almost exclusively whites.

That's just because they've been anglo'd. Still a white sport.

Cricket is the gentleman's sport.

If we won every single game it would grow stale fast, the bookies wouldn't be able to profit from it either. Why do you think we'd be butt hurt over a game that as far as I'm aware will be on going into January?

Cricket is the most popular/played sport in a foreign country of more than 1 billion pajeets. It's hardly "white" when the majority of people who care about it aren't white. Same thing with Field Hockey. Though those sports are almost exclusively white in anglo countries though.

Slavs like Ice Hockey though.

We've won both series so far, on home turf witg quite considerable margins. You're going to lose as bad as you are with Brexit negotiations.

Pakis like to pretend to be white


The only Muslims that are even slightly white are Armenian/Georgian/Persian, and even then some of those are a stretch. Pakis aren't even close to white.

Ah I didnt mean it that way. Richer pakis and poos like to act like whites, rather.

That is why they pretend to be white.

Waiting to be dropped.

Was pretty chuffed when we won the world cup and got to #1 test rankings without him.

Game hunting niggers

Digits checked.

Also that's how Ghandi fucked over India. He discouraged the whole "acting white" of the upper class of India (which he was part of) and convinced them running around in a rag without shoes doing everything like it was the middle ages was the ideal way of living.

Amazing Indians went along with him since the British actually removed the caste system and improved the life of the average Indian more in 100 years than they ever did in thousands of years of history.

>American education



Old traditions are hard to kill, especially in a country like India where the majority of their identity is their crazy religion.

But yeah, British rulers might have occasionally been dicks to the Indians but they definitely made things better. Ghandi fucked a lot of that up.

Yeah, I suppose that's true. In the US rich Indians and Pakis definitely try to blend in with white elites.

I've met a ton of Armenians, Georgians, and Persians that look really fucking white. I don't blame Pakis for trying to emulate them but that's hilarious. Pakis fucking suck.

>You're going to lose as bad as you are with Brexit negotiations.
Considering how destitute myself and the vast majority of people entering the work force between 2007-2012 were left due to boomers, I'm okay with this outcome. If opportunity won't allow myself to elevate, at least I can say that I helped drag the fuckers responsible into the mud.

Cricket is probably the most boring sport to ever exist, aside from fucking your mother.

A typical idiotic thread which I have indeed come to expect from this board.

"Cricket" is a sport developed in England and spread throughout the Second British Empire (that is, the Empire outside of the American mainland continents). It is most popular in nations such as India, Pakistan, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Australia, Pakistan, the West Indies (Caribbean) and Southern Africa (which includes Zimbabwe).

Out of these nations, only a third would be considered "white", and in those nations, cricket is often second fiddle to sports such as Rugby or Aussie Rules Football.

Indeed, the only white part of cricket is the ball used in limited overs cricket, the purest form of cricket.

In conclusion, you are not worth my time to discuss this further with you due to your inherent inferiority and arrogance built upon ignorance of common knowledge.

The Muslims ruin everything thing :(

"user why don't you play hockey with us?"


>Slavs like Ice Hockey though
Kys retarded Anerimutt we are whiter than you will ever be

>blocks your path

But seriously it was pretty funny during the brisbane test where Usman was dismissed by Moeen ali, given out by umpire aleem dar. All 3 muslims.

Because I only need to look at their posture when playing and my back begins to hurt.

cuz that aint real hockey bish

Afghanistan actually isn't that bad at cricket, how come they've always had cricket teams?

>I only need to look at their posture when playing and my back begins to hurt.
I am 6'4" and I play hockey with a friend who is 6'6". If you bend your knees correctly your back never hurts.


It looks really uncomfortable and nobody knows how to play it properly in the United States. I'd rather just hang out with the soccer or volleyball players.

Jesus Christ, how?

Go back to Padstow, Huang.

>it's not the whitest...poos and pacific niggers play this shit too.

>Gets dropped because he's shit
>cries muh racism
>gets put back in the team and still shit

Golf is probably the whitest sport, even though the best player of all time is half black half thai.

Cycling is the whitest sport.
Only one black guy in the pro peloton as far as I know. Pretty much every world champion and winner of multiple grand tours is white.
Lots of Colombians, but Colombians are pretty cool.

found the faggot.

The whitest sport is minority settling. Nothing says white like forced diversity.

Too many gooks to be the most white sport.

Why are we butthurt?

NASCAR followed by Hockey

If you want to be stuffy about it, then Polo.
Followed by Water Polo.

Volleyball players are the hottest and you're gay as fuck if you think otherwise.

Soccer players are nice because they tend to be pretty smart and grounded.

snooker is one of the most implicitly white things i can think of


You just lost by 120 runs, bitch boy.

Last I checked Germany kicked the whole world's ass (shitskins BTFO) in football so I'll stick with that for now. This shit is gay.

Well that's pretty gay, I guess. Is 120 runs a lot? I don't really know anything about pakiball.

Rofl. India would be a shithole if the brits never laid the foundation for you.

A medium amount. Australia almost bungled a massive lead though which is pretty embarassing.

t. solomon kenechukwu abdelkambi

truly the sport of gentlemen


Try nominal next.

Reminder to all - The English batting lineup only understands one language: Quality Aussie bowling.

Aleem Dar's beard is fucking immaculate though

Some black A-C level teams:
>West Indies
>Sri Lanka

what is polo

Legacy of the Brit invasion.


>Cricket is the most popular/played sport in a foreign country of more than 1 billion pajeets. It's hardly "white" when the majority of people who care about it aren't white.

That's kinda like saying electricity or cars aren't "white" because chinks and poos use them more. They only got them through being colonised.

In terms of history and tradition, cricket is very white and upper class.

Namibia and South Africa do have the occasional darkie in them too.

British mainly leeched off of india

Invented by Indians, you stupid cumskin.

Road cycling.
We play spot the darkie in the peloton, they're up to one in about 200 in the Tour de France.

Found Pajeet
POO IN LOO, and take off your meme flag.

We do

Didn't Australia used to have a brown guy that they sledged my making monkey noises?

you mean the pajeet pasttime?
skotthyll is the whitest sport, hands down

Reminder that there is cross country skiing with a rifle on your back.

I didn't know Jack Nicklaus was Blasian


-t. Kumar the Australia Post delivery man


That looks super fucking gay.

>whitest sport
>2nd greatest player is named Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar.

>he doesn't know about the insane India vs Pakistan cricket rivalry
user, I...

>2nd greatest player

Good boy.

Goes without saying.

Men's tennis.

offshore yacht racing

Swimming. Blacks can't do it due to their massive nostrils letting all the water in.

Could be true. Last time I watched the Sydney to Hobart I didn't see a dark face among any of them.

Wow. A tripfag AND a massive faggot. Never seen that combo before

>mfw two mullas in English team, no mullas in Indian team
>Moieen Ali, Adil Rashid
Sure m8

Fly fishing has to be the whitest past time

Swimming, it's just pure determination.

Swimming is

Cricket, the sport of choice for poos... that's right son, whitest sport indeed...

Water polo.
If ever there was a sport that excludes niggers it's this.

Niggers aren't allowed in the grand tours because they keep stealing their opponents' bikes.

Is being an opener the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being an opening batsman. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are blocking, leaving, nudging and taking the shine off the ball for at least 18 overs, solely so it can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little ball- seeing off the early swing, hitting it into the rough, avoiding letting it get the edge, nudging the odd one to the boundary without getting cocky. All of it has one simple result: its condition is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually smash it in every direction

Prepared the perfect ball? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way it was swinging earlier, who comes in at 3. He gets to fuck its tight seam every delivery. He gets the benefits of its scuffed and swingless condition that came from the way you prepared it.

As an opening batsman, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 overs of your life simply to prepare a ball for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

>limited overs cricket, the purest form of cricket.

Surely this is b8.

>all out for 100 against a team literally comprised entirely of refugees

Even Zimbabwe wouldn't lose that hard.