Should women have voting rights?


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Women are fucked up

fuck off

No, instead their husbands should get 2 votes

is this what modern "art" has devolved into? Jesus. Just drop a nuke on us already.

They almost got Hillary elected just because she's a woman. They really should not be allowed to vote anymore, but we'll never be able to take it back due to generations of beta cucks.

Agreed. We need to put those whores in check

I"m going to be the devils advocate and say yes.

Women often vote for left wing parties now but historically men voted for Communist parties at a way higher rate than women, they also voted for social democratic parties at a slightly higher rate while women often voted for the conservative traditionalist parties.

A bug factor of the surge of right wing parties in pre civil war spain was the Republicans giving women the right to vote, they voted for the fascist and monarchist parties at a much higher rate than men and the left unintentionally kicked themselves in the ass

Rehabilitated whores is my fetish

Hitler answers this question perfectly.

kek is this a rewrite?

and you got Trump elected just because you are too retarded to understand what a disaster he is. I rather have women voting than morons.

literally no

>Should women have rights?

>fucked since age 16
What year does she think she lives in if she thinks that makes her slutty?

Most girls lose their virginity at like 14 now.

then why is it that you're still a fucking virgin in 20s?

Because of all the fucking anime your country is producing.


neither men nor women should have voting rights, dipshit.

what good has ever come from letting plebs vote?

digits of truth.

i'm kinda feel sorry for you now

just enjoy your life with 2D girls
they'll never betray you

Only our AI overlords can vote

I see you know your history. I found that fascinating.

I would argue that men are much more concerned with economics and whether the government is working for their financial benefit. Women are much more concerned with social issues and at the the time the church still had sway over them.

The new female religion is post modernism so we get that instead now


Most men shouldn't vote, let alone women

woman should not have any rights at all. think how much employment, education and traffic congestion would improve.

very nice video thank you for sharing leafbro

>Should women have voting rights?

>kek is this a rewrite?
gooks live on the other side of the planet so you are supposed to read this from right to left

>still looks like a complete slut in final pic

Fuck off (you) anti women shills.
You can try to trick us but we know a shill when we see one.


>i ruined my pussy
Please show.

>Rehabilitated whores is my fetish
They are also a complete myth pushed by (((Hollywood))) since the 80s.
They keep telling you that it makes a morally superior person if you can look behind someone's past as a whore/slut/wrung-out cumrag and take care of her when one else in his sane mind would.

Remember: A whore will always be a whore. A slut will always be a slut. People dont change.

Question is rather if prostitute enabling Christians should be allowed to rule. Nothing worse than Christian capitalists and that's why such women exist. Such women didn't exist, not even in darkest corners when we had Communistic party ruling.

They've done a terrible job raising children too.

Yeah, I just wish they'd make up their fucking mind.

>womyn are stronk, empowered, sluts who don't need no man
>womyn are fragile, delicate snowflakes who need safespaces and #campaigns to support being taken advantage of, don't question them no matter how many have lied about allegations

(((Christianity))) is the real problem, not women.

Women are what you teach them to be.

Those fags are complaining all the time about how womyn are screwing them, but in fact they're just making a joke of themselves, proving to be beta good for nothing cucks unable to take any responsibility for anything.

The facts are that women are far less prone to racemixing than men. Men are also bigger sluts and degenerates on average. The women who become degenerates are just following the trend set up by men.

I don't know about "should they have", I think a better question is: Do voting rights benefit women?

I think the answer to that is no, my hypothesis is that women being able to vote has lead to a sociopolitical climate in which women are unhappy.

The science on this is fairly clear, a meta study was done called the Paradox of declining female happiness, which showed that female self reported happiness has been steadily declining since about WW2, yet in that same period women have been liberated in many ways and can work, vote and all that stuff.

In the same period mens happiness has stayed more or less the same.

So I dunno what explains that, what we observe is that when women have greater control over the social and political climate they become more miserable. We know most of them are not terribly happy in their jobs, we know a huge number of women are on anti depressants.

If there were no men fucking those whores then women couldn't be whores. They know what they are doing if they wrote all that shit on her to be turned on by that.

Bloody hell.

What could you even do if you found out that was your own daughter?
It's not the sex, it's the getting off on total humiliation and degradation.


If that's your daughter, it speaks volumes about you as a father.

what a brave and sane man

There's literally nothing wrong with that assuming she's doing it for her husband, fucking normalfags. Go back to le.ddit

I'd say something along these lines but its weird because my mum voted Trump and my dad didn't. I think if women want special treatment then they shouldn't get rights.

I never met a woman that would do this kind of stuff. Writing shit on herself. Fucking anyone, drinking piss. Could this be done with Photoshop ? I mean the text on their bodies ?

Now ? Was the same in the 80s and 90s. Atleast in Germany.

absolutly!!! females are almost the same as dogs in every way ,, my favorite is the more you treat them like shit the more loyal they become and the more they worship you ... its so easy to mind fuck them into being a good little fuck slave :)

No user there are genuinely people this disgusting out there.
Oh yeah treating them like dog shit keeps them in line but you don't ever get to love them. You don't ever get to genuinely have someone you can do squishy fun times with that will also be completely happy with you showing your vulnerable insecurities as you cuddle thinking someone takes you seriously. Them liking you when you treat them like dog shit means you can only be an emotionally locked up tough guy during the times of the day when your supposed to rest in someones arms.
TL;DR you'll still be alone on the inside

Women couldn't vote until 1920, right around the time this country went into the shitter

I would say yes but then look what they've done with them.
If they ruin western nations any further they can scream about the patriarchy all they like as the invading foreign nations line them up on the firing squad.

yea you can in fact just like dogs you must show them that side from time to time ,, in fact the best time to be loving and squishy as you call it is just after you verbally abused her or physically smacked her around a little ... you don't need to treat her like shit 100% of the time but a good 60% is the way to go ... this way the other 40% loving time she actually appreciates it more and yearns for it ... its a win win in my book ... the more alpha you are the more control over her you will have and this includes the loving times .. im telling you just go out and try it , go find a kinda ugly bitch to test it out on for month and after move your way up to a hotter little slut ... usually the ugly ones are easier to break down but the hot ones are as insecure and most times even more so than the ugly ones , the more insecure they are the easier they will be to mind control

message above was meant for you

While democracy was always a wrong system that doesnt really work, giving women voting rights was the last nail to its coffin.
Women effectively made democracy a joke.

That makes sense. I'm just tired on the inside so its kinda hard for me to treat someone I care about like shit.

GI in France is full of women, that pic is greatly exaggerated

no because that pic clearly demonstrates all women are dildo sucking, piss drinking sluts

Which have nothing to do with their political opinions.

Some pretty rare pepes in here

It's fairly obvious to anyone but the most pathetic brainlet that the women didn't write those texts on themselves. They were written by the guys that they were dating at the time.

oh I wouldn't say that
OP surely posted that picture to further his argument: writing things with a marker on your body means your political rights should be conculcated