Kuzu no Honkai

Your thoughts?

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you know they're gonna fuck each other eventually


Pretty good

>catch up on reading this after not touching it after the first few chapters years ago

what a fucking ride

I like it.

Pretty hot
Hope it gets lewder as the show goes on

I think you got some nice trips and Hanabi a cute

I want to be Hanabi's substitute.

I want to be oniichan's slut!

Been a lack of shows like it. I'm not a fan of 'high school love means my life' type of stories. I'll watch just because they can hilarious in their supposed mature drama

Kuzu no Honkai epitomizes that which is farcical 3DPD love. Disgusting. There's nothing more revolting than giving and receiving affection.

Looks like cuck shit

I'm going to make up an issue and agonize over it while making everyone miserable in the process: The Anime

I wasn't expecting this to be so lewd.

Mugi is a fucking Chad holy shit

the mom is already best girl


Her daily depression reminds me of me.

I hope once was enough, because I don't think she ever appears again.

Hanabi is super cute, but she also is a slut. My dick is confused. It was pretty nice actually, I never would have guessed that this was the Noitamina show of the season.

It doesn't get less lewd anytime soon.


bliss is but a fleeting moment in a world of pain

kuzu world we live in

>There's nothing more revolting than giving and receiving affection.
Based fedora tipper

Already read the manga, it's barely fappable.

I wonder how they're gonna treat the lesbian sex scenes

I want to break Hanabi's kneecaps

thinking man's anime

>what the fuck why are these retards in love with somebody who doesn't love them they need to just get over it
Why is this opinion so common

This isn't even being socially stunted, this is being so autistic you cannot comprehend even mildly emotional behaviour

Depression moe is the best.

Really enjoyed the first episode. Holding myself back from reading the manga because of it.

Oh.... you won't be disappointed.

It's something different for once. Probably will bore after a few episodes. Like wtf can happen to advance the story? Probably will just be more lewd scenes to keep your attention.

Really liked the first episode, I love an anime with manga style panels like this.

I can't stop replaying the ed. It's too good.

I'm actually watching it when I replay it, it looks as good as it sounds and fits perfectly

The OP and ED are fucking god-tier

It's really good, yeah

It was pretty good.

This show will have a ton of sluts, and that alone is excellent.

Mako is not a slut.

Between which characters, may I ask? Is the cute blonde girl involved?

Oonly one slut.

What kind of show is this? Serious drama?

So which one is it?

>What kind of show is this?

Enjou kousai type of show.

With this emo annoying chick.

She's gonna get dicked straight by her cousin, you'll see.

Well yeah. Her situation is pretty much gonna be the same as Hanabi. She'll use her cousin as a substitute.

sluts and NTR

>cucks and one slut*

So who's the actual slut?

female teacher but Hana tries out being a slut because she wants to know what teach feels or something. it gets silly after they introduce the two friends for the main couple.

This is. Nobody else comes close.

I love her

This is going to be good.

>I don't think I could ever be the person you want me to be
Poor girl has no idea what she's in for.

Preview for episode 2 here.


I can't bring myself to really hate anyone except the teacher woman. She's the only one who is TRYING to hurt people. She sleeps around, who gives a shit, it's her personal life. But sniping people's crushes out from under them, her own high school students no less, is 100% fucked up. Onii-chan's just a pretty nice guy and everyone else is a lonely and hurt teenager.

I think Narumi has an Oedipus complex that he's projecting on Akane. He keeps thinking of his mom when he's around her.

Onii-chan is a retard. Blind fuck.

Ah, that's true. At least that's just his own problem.
He's... optimistic.

I like Hanabi, but she seems like a really selfish and coldblooded person too. Taking a week to answer the guy's confession makes it pretty clear that she's the type of person you shouldn't care about too much, because she'll hurt everyone who's close to her.

I think those qualities in her wouldn't be so destructive if she didn't have this obsession with Narumi. She's focused all her need for love and desire into him to the point that she literally forgot about that guy.

She's really messed up.

How is Hanabi not good enough for Mugi?

Does the dude gets a chapter where he talks his mind or something
at this point he's more like a walking dick to be sucked

You know how she's crazy about Narumi and nobody else is good enough? He's even more crazy about Akane. Hanabi is actually more into Mugi than Mugi is into her. He's just horny.

Why does she want to hurt people?

Pretty much all the major characters get some time for PoV narration.

Man is born evil, and if given the opportunity they will do evil deeds against their fellow man

Wedding soon

Will make your dick hard if you enjoy sluts.

I want to fuck Akane!

Man is born good, and becomes cruel because of their own pain.

It's her fetish. That's literally how she describes it.


i'll keep reading then, the lesbo girl gave me some boners anyway.

Fuck rousseau

Ecchan is best girl
Sadly she have to suffer a lot and then end up getting dicked by her cousin most likely

Stop it with meme. Yokomeng would never do such a thing!

Ecchan is the reason why people would hate Lesbians. Clingy and annoying.

Who is the VA for the MC girl? Sounds like I heard her before.

Is it Aoi Yuuki?

Time will show.

Guess she's just my type then.
I like them clingy and annoying

Chika Anzai, known for a lot of roles.

Chika Anzai. Her best known roles are Reina from Euphonium and Chaika from Chaika.

she reminds me of myself a little too much, still best girl tho

>Listening to Chaika act all slutty and lewd

I'm OK with this.

Rousseau never said that people were born 'good,' just that they're born as a blank slate. Which is true, of course. Newborn babies don't have the mental capacity for much of anything.

user, Hanabi's hand you hold will? Each and everytime she speaks from now on, you'll imagine Chaika.

>Which is true, of course
clearly you've never dealt with kids
rousseau was full of shit and so are you

What part of 'born' do you not understand
Kids aren't born at three or five or eight years old

While i agree with you, actual newborns are sin free, as they lack the necessary brainpower to actually do bad shit

Do they ever show shit from the dude's perspective? I can't relate to the girl's obsession.

Yeah Mugi has some pov moments

I expect the drama to be shit and the faps to be great.

There's a bit of all, mostly from Hanabi however.
Like the scenes where we meet his ex, him almost fucking Mocha-tan etc etc

There's drama, cuckoldry, cheating, and broken hearts and A LOT of crying scenes.

>seems like a really selfish and coldblooded person too. Taking a week to answer the guy's confession makes it pretty clear that she's the type of person you shouldn't care about too much, because she'll hurt everyone who's close to her.
that literally sounds like me

He literally just likes fucking people and thats it[ /spoiler]
and Hana is a mess

It also describes the one person I hate most in the world.
You... you aren't like "her"... are you?

He wanna fuck everyone but the girl that really wants him to fuck her.

Thats basically it user
Nah I actually am user the description fits for me very well actually and I hate it but I do love it because its me

He's self-aware of his own shittiness. Moka is the only person who's interest in him isn't based on a sociopathic fetish or a massively unhealthy coping strategy, and taking advantage of that for one lay is too gross even for his lonely, horny ass.