How to find trad wife without church?

How to find trad wife without church?

Other urls found in this thread:

come home white man ..leave the race traitor American women to find their salvation with based xyz

Church and religion is what traditionalism is

Secular traditionalism is impossible

Finds someone that uses marylin Monroe quotes in here bio

Go to a mosque?

Go pick up a slut and sculpt her into the perfect wife.

I got one off of Craigslist. Tried and tested. It works.

Go to:
>shooting range
>history seminar
>cooking classes
>charity events
>country/metal/traditional concert
>soup kitchen help/admin
>thrift stores
>crafts functions
>get into farming/agriculture/botany
>autoparts store
>off-road/racing clubs
>non club tier dances
>mason/Shriner/elklodge public events
>screenings of classic movies
>writing/book clubs
>camp/forestry/scouts/survival clubs
>X heritage clubs

Contradiction in terms

He said he's looking for a wife, not a butch lesbian.

Butch lesbians sit on the internet complaining all day. You're out of your element Pat

Have you tried craigslist?

Sorry I dont do prostitution I have a wife and family. Merry Christmas hope things look up for you butch.

>How to find trad wife without church?

You don't...

The CIA will send a chad over to cuck you.

>thrift stores
>sending OP to the den of single moms and hipster sluts

literally WHAT

I know a beautiful girl from work, she's from Cameroon, she told me her husband bought her from her mother for 20k and brought her here to Canada. Scrape some money together and you can buy one yourself, girls there are virgins and very religious.

You do know there's other relationship options on Craigslist than prostitution, right?

t. Met someone off of CL 8 years ago and been married 6.

I didn't know Canada has Bedouins

Become Amish, it's the ultimate redpill. They're also in dire need of new dna into the mix

>Church and religion is what traditionalism is
>Secular traditionalism is impossible

It's impossible to have the same religious beliefs, but the ideals of traditionalism such sacrifice, responsibility, marriage and strong family unit are not ideas unique to religion. You can arrive at those values by simply looking at how successful and fulfilled people are when they live out those values and mimic them.

There's plenty of data on that, married couples are more healthy, live longer, earn more money, report greater happiness, etc.

sluts cannot be reformed. Only you will be changed.

>marrying a slut
nah nigga

a "trad" girl is just a slut looking for stable betabux

You know, I can’t handle a classy lady like that. How I do find a woman with just a bit less class, user?



only sluts thare bro.