Why is it okay to be so anti-Russian, but not okay to be anti-Muslim?
Aren't they both forms of bigotry/phobia/racism?
Why is it okay to be so anti-Russian, but not okay to be anti-Muslim?
Aren't they both forms of bigotry/phobia/racism?
Because there is no consequences to being anti-russian, so its free speech.
Being antisemitic causes muslims to riot and kill non-believers, so its akin to screaming "Fire" in a crowded theather, so its not okay.
people aren't anti-Russian; they're anti-Russian governmental interference in American policy. this doesn't extend to russian culture, individuals, etc in the same way islamophobia typically does
Because Russians made that big evil meanie Drumpf become our president and we need to start a World War III so we can teach those jerks some progressive behavior. #NotMyPresident #NotAllMuslims
Racism against whites is okay.
Racism against poor, disenfranchised, helpless, refugee non-whites is not okay.
>inb4 Russians aren't white. They look white and that's good enough for the anti-white crowd.
Two words the American press will NEVER put side by side.
( pic related )
russians are white so its ok to shit on them.
russians and muslims are both forms of animals
*polacks and muslims
because one's a country and one's a religion you god damn moron. rephrase the question to use a muslim majority country and maybe you'd actually have an argument
Bring more missiles to Kaliningrad Ivan, Poland don't give a fuck and laugh at you with everyone else when your people smuggling fucking cheese
you thought I wouldn't notice your little weasel word
Russians is a close relatives of polacks so their animal behavior is obvious. But what is wrong with muslims? This is not even ethnos but religion.
sure is abdul in here.
everyone ignore this nigger, all poles love Russians and are willing to fight alongside them like brothers.
>No consequences.
Russian don't like when you discriminate them or accuse them of random shit they never did, cause you can't handle the fact that your people voted for a reality star.
You realize Russia has the largest Muslim population in Europe right
It's okay to be either. There should be a grand total of zero fucks given if your fellow Americans hate our enemies/rivals. That is a good thing.
One is obviously evil and fascist while the other is obviously oppressed and misunderstood. Do you even marxism bruh?
I'm not anti-russian, but the stereotype I have of russians are loud, disrespectful and violent people who are usually stupid, but that's my view of most slavs.
>Why is it okay to be so anti-Russian, but not okay to be anti-Muslim?
It's perfectly fine to be both. In fact, it's the default position for most people.
Muslim is a death cult. Russian is a nationality.
Because Russians are white and Russian immigrants are not suicide bombing on nations that criticize them.