Used to be center left liberal

>Used to be center left liberal
>Moved to center through the past year
>Finally arrived on the center right
>Friends still are were I used to be on the compass
>Think that Bernie would be great and that universal healthcare and welfare are good for all
>whenever I see them all I can do is face-palm as they are just like my past self, I was soooo fucking dum

That's just about everyone here, pal. Almost everyone starts off as a delusional degenerate then becomes nationalists without a defining party



Well that makes me feel better about my past self slightly, I guess

8 values thread lads?

Well I guess that makes me feel slightly less embarrassed by my old self

Guess you miss out on a free helicopter ride

It seems to have gotten more extreme than last I took it. I'm not sure if my answers have changed at all or if I've just become more entrenched in them.

But, but I herd my idol was on it, guess I need to become a commie again

>newfag is Libertarian
Wow, what a surprise.

You have much to learn user. All fascists report in!


Please then, teach me your ways.

>be apolitical
>come to Sup Forums become right wing
>move to center
>move to center left
>move to far right
>5 years later
>now apolitical centrist again

Feelsgoodman, anyone else?



Well user to understand fascism you must first disregard senseless propaganda propelled by america and capitalists after World War Two. The fact is fascism is not inherently evil unlike communism which calls for genocide against the old world and those who reject its idea. Fascists believe economically in removing all foreign intervention in government and the domestic market while at the same time giving the people the invisible hand that protects them for them to choose their laws and own constitution if they wish. Fascism all requires a strict narrative of law and order and a healthy nation is a disciplined nation. A militarized police should not be feared unless you are a criminal. As well understand that the nation itself is extremely neautral and only participated in global affairs if the nation and people are affected. Fascism is a beautiful concept that promotes cultural protectionism and a valid strong racial identity for a nation.

Americans being patriotic isn't a meme after all

>let's give complete power over a singe person this can't possibly go wrong

I see, but what if the government deems things I love illegal such as Sup Forums. How may I survive without ones such as you to guide me

Never said it isn’t corruptable but fascism is really the concept of the power and law to the people to decide through a united one party system is it incredibly hard to form a fascist regime absolutely especially in the United States.

So what makes you think Sup Forums and internet as a whole won't be deemed degenerate by the memer you put in power again? What makes you think spenting all day in your house browsing Sup Forums won't get you locked up?

The idea that one must only fear the gun if it is being pointed at him is anti-human nature, It is Stupid to give one man power over another and expect him not to use it and Even more so when you give one Man Power Over an Entire nation

As I said fascism in concept is that the people choose the laws and their ultimate constitution if the people are rejected by the government, the people will rise as it is their duty. Again user it is extremely hard to form a united country regime but if done the nation is powerful.

I must agree

How can we know that the leader will not be corrupted by power, or is good to begin with.

Well where I live the USA, a fascist regime is impossible as a perfect fascist regime requires a united people and strong racial identity so therefore it is unreal to think of it in my country but true fascism gives the people to choose the laws they want and the elected representative will enforce the people’s wishes. It’s not easy user I won’t ignore the tradgedy of the commons relating to fascism.

>As I said fascism in concept is that the people choose the laws and their ultimate constitution if the people are rejected by the government, the people will rise as it is their duty
Uhhh that's democracy, not fascism lad

No once again you are looking at the definition of fascism after World War Two if you can look at what I’m trying to inform you on you will understand why fascism is actually good as fascism directly correlates to a united people choosing their laws and their currency and their representative through a one party system today it is nearly impossible due to intellectual diversity but maybe one day it is plausible possibly in Eastern Europe.

Here here

Let me Tell you this, Fascism and Collectivism as a Whole Does NOT work, It never will work, unless you Force the entire populas into it, And let me tell you why it's because, I Do Not Owe you Shit just Because We're of the same nationality

user you do realize fascism is not suppose to be forced the idea of fascism is to naturally through unity build a one party state that serves the populace and the country’s native population. Forcing fascism is automatically disregarding the original idea of naturally unifying a strong racial identity and forging forever the cultural impact. You don’t owe the government shit yes agreed it all depends on what the populace chooses as their laws. Fascists truly believe that the individual should care for his family and country but always put family first and god.



Based Hilldawg

Someone Needs to be taught that socialism aint gonna work

>Equality 59.1%
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