Is it just me is is the animation fucking rough this season? Maybe it always was and I never noticed.


We've had like 50 threads complaining about the animation in the last few days, so no, it's not just you.

-nosubreddit is shit

They noticed how pwople liked S1 despite it looking so cheap, so they decided to go "fuck it" and not even try for S2

They know S2 will sell less, so they have less budget.

1st episode of s2 was like
5/10 animation
2/10 pacing since they had to start the season at a shitty spot
0/10 comedic value, really what jokes did they even try to make?

I think it's funny the way everyone's contorting, but the animation is a meme on Sup Forums so I can't hope to seriously defend my position.

I don't understand how anybody can look at this and not just think it's adorable.


Because as pointed out it feels like they are trying way too hard to look ironically shit

it should just loop the autism dance part

Most second seasons are given a lower budget to work with. It's especially noticeable for knsb because it barely had a budget to begin with.

>people complaining about animation when they have no idea what they're talking about
every fucking time

I like it. Its cute. Also, its funny.

Most comedy shows don't have amazing animation and don't need it because they're not meant to be visually amazing. Go watch something like Seven Years Hand Drawn for that, which is visually amazing but otherwise shit.

I'ts just you, now fuck off.

>Am I the only one?? LOL
>Le animation xddd
I want Kyoani faggots to leave

>my eyes dont work
Im pretty sure people can say wether they think something looks shit or not without it being a matter of expertise

Usually people confuse drawing quality with animation quality. S1 had shit animation. Look at the OP and watch all the still cells and still frames. Some people apparently don't like the saggy tits style that developed at some point. But I think its nice.

wish the fanfic was a little faster

I thought of making that along with the one I made in the OP. The problem is that there are no frames to get them to change their arm position again for a perfect loop.

Kazuma only raises his arms and Aqua only lowers her arms for example.

Pretty good opening.


I'll stick to Re:Zero, thanks fags


Just about the only good thing.

I marathoned the entirety of S1 beforehand, and yes, S2 was definitely rougher. I blame that on the rushed as hell production schedule where they probably weren't planning on a S2 but tossed one out due to demand.

>drawing quality with animation quality

>what jokes did they even try to make

all people who knew how to draw were relegated to Rakugo

I can tell you now that its mostly down to style. The rougher, looser, choppier style of animation that has more fluid motion is what they're going for. They definitely toned it up since season 1 but its not a matter of budget or time constraints.

The animation's going noticably more off-model, but there's also much more movement with a greater number of frames.

Deen deliberately Deening itself, I think

The animation is identical to the succubus episode, so its probably whoever worked on that again. Presumably there'll be episodes in the other style as well.

I don't see a problem

So how long is Darkness out of the picture now since she's off to be the Lord's slut? Kazuma should be happier. That's one less fuckup in his group.

It was basically the last episode of Seinfeld.

>Dust is one of the strongest adventurer around
>Ex-noble and a dragoon
I suspected he's a noble or something due to him being blonde, but that's unexpected.


>He didn't read the fanfic.
Nigga, the volume being adapted right now has Darkness as the cover girl.
Hope you enjoy more masochism and Kazuma & gang shenanigans as they try to prevent Darkness from getting married.
She might be gone for like an episode if DEEN doesn't rush what's mostly a filler chapter.

I usually hate characters whose whole personality consists of "hurr durr masochism" or "hurr durr sadism", but Darkness is alright for some reason.

10/10 OP

Now add Sup Forums and you got a new banner.

Same here, and I also dislike cowtits and blondes.

I fucking love Darkness for some reason too. I think it's mostly thanks to her few moments of seriousness. (Well, and also the fact that I love the idea of a girl who actively enjoys any fetishy stuff I want her to do...)

The characters are mostly kept in check by the rest of the party.
Plus, the girls have skills that actually play off well from their cut out personality, so they end up being useful.
I mean, being a hardcore masochist lends itself well to being the strong party tank, as well as being obnoxiously chuuni to the point your spells are Explosion or nothing, isn't as grating when Megumin is basically a WMD once a day.

I'm guessing I like her character because she is definitely self-aware about it. She recognizes that acting in certain ways in certain situations isn't the right thing to do, and doesn't always react to any negative thing in the same way.


They're also saved just by being so damn cute.

Megumin is Megumin and Darkness has moments like that redeem any of her annoying traits.

Just finished reading Bakuretsu 4, so it's true Chris is an extremist and will never negotiate with Demons and Undeads.

That's because its just very abrupt that a courageous knight of god only seeks to get hurt out of sheer lust and joy and its fucking hilarious.
Also shit like makes her adorable

How come people are ripping on Megumin for her weird name, but nobody even takes note of Lalatina calling herself "Darkness"? That's a name much more deserving of bullying.

It's Deen.


I wish I were a member of Megumin's tribe.

Being chuuni all the time would be fun as fuck and living in a society full of cute girls that go around in cosplay all the time would be amazing.

megumin looks just fine.. it's only aqua that looks fucked up

Well in that pic Aqua was actually animated while Megumin's a still that literally slid into shot.

I have to feel some pride for having my work posted.

>be goddess of entire world
>descend to the mortal lands to play adventurer
>can't even tell the difference between demons, undead and humans

This is why Aqua is the senpai.

Megamind has the mask now.

S E A S O N 3 W H E N

That's some banner material right there, I agree with

Oh snap. I must see this translated now.

after S2 sales flops and LN dont get the expected boost in sales, naver

Would you master EXPLOSION?


>you will never be nestled in megumin's shitt

I finally made something good for once.

Going to try making it the right size for a banner now.



Oh lord that typo

How's this? Haven't added the logo, but this would be the required 300x100.

Will probably have to turn it into a gif though.

>a bunch of people who watch cartoons and enjoy the visual medium of foreign animation care about the quality of said animation



>megumin's shitt

The flare at the top of the swing is unfortunate.

Not only is this cute, I want it to happen because of how badly it'd trigger the Konosuba haters.


I already acknowledged the meme, you don't need to remind me.



Chuuni society is a great gimmick, especially when they have the phenomenal cosmic power to back it up. I really hope there's another gimmick society before the end of the LNs because casino town is weak compared to Axel, Alcanretia, and the Crimson Magic village.

It's not a fucking 'meme', it's literally why we are here. This isn't a fucking radio drama board.

Where did it mention that Dust was a noble? I know that he's wedded to a noble or something, but Dust's commoner status made it a difficult relationship.

Not sure if you should put the "Sup Forums" on the left or the right, since I'm not sure which fits better, the depressed and dejected group on the left, or the baka on the right.

Turn it into a gif, add the logo on the right and we can call it a day.

I can actually remove it if you want.

I made a version without the flare, but thought it added to the annoying part since they're getting flashed continuously.

Hey man, R is right next to T on the keyboard

Confirmed by Chris in Bakuretsu 4, but blondes in Konosuba are usually related to the nobility.

Up to you. To me it seems like an odd editing choice to leave it in.


Better use the fullthing.


Koichi Kikuta

>anime is ONLY about the animation

Me and most people wouldn't watch a beautifully animated wall of paint dry.


God I fucking hate animation spergs. They literally have autism. Animation isn't everything and when you ignore everything else to sperg about a studio's animation budget it only reveals your severe mental disability.

Here you go.

I'll put the logo on both versions and let Sup Forums pick the best.

I like it better. You're right though, we should let whoever has the most proxies decide.

>mistaking this for a boy
C'mon now Aigis.

It's a bit small compared to I could crop the rocks out to put more focus on the cast.

Sup Forums has always been decided on by proxy. It's tradition.

No amount of aqua ass will satisfy me when it is so poorly animated.


Yeah crop them.