

This is the most marriable woman ever.

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You posted the wrong picture user

>Lives like a slob and drinks like a fish


>smokes and drinks
>casual sex
>daddy issues

>these are bad things

you sound like the kids she takes care of.

Asako is the most marriable woman

right. I'd be her shota plaything but I wouldn't marry her.

Misato doesn't have sex with their kids though, shw knows the limits.

>marriable woman

Top kek d/a/non.

>casual sex

She only ever slept with one man.

>most marriable woman ever
>is a cake


>Lives like a slob
That's what househusbands are for

>drinks like a fish
That can be a problem. Korsakov is scary as fuck.

are you 12 or something?

Yeah, for sure she's been 8 years without fucking when her problem is that she fucks as a way to fill the hole in her heart.
It's like saying Shinji only cries once.

who are you
what do you want
go away

Except she's not. She's a fucking train wreck and had Asuka and Kaji not appeared when they did it would have just been less of a wait and more of scandal when she finally made a play on fucking Shinji.

When I first watched the show I couldn't decide if Asuka or Rei was best girl.

Ten years later, I rewatched it and the answer was plain.

>used goods
Pick one.

Not so sure about that, but then again, Misato was never funny either. The only thing about Misato that's funny is Misato herself, as in we laugh at her expense.

You omitted

user said "WOMAN".

Not little girl.
Not clone.
Not disposable trash.

Shinji is almost 15 god damn it. At worst she is ephebophile.

>he likes recyclable mass production TRASH

>having a problem with younger women because of Eva



Holy fuck, you idiots still don't get it do you?
Anno made rei as a satire of the submissive, cute moe girl and how creepy it would be real life
Reifags literally missed the point of the snow


Actually, Anno made Asuka to show how to not live your life, or how to make a good character.

Truth is Asuka is only a self-insert fanfic version of Kushana from Nausicaa whom Anno made in a fit of rage because he couldn't make an OVA about Kushana.

Asukafags really missed the point of the show.

>Asuka turns to a life of crime.
Moot was right she was the worst girl.

She has standards for men. Get over it.

>Guys I'm fat now do you still love me?
Ugh oh Sup Forums, looks like you will be cooking for 3 now.

I never loved you Asuka, you're little more than a cumdump for old men.

So she's like most 3D women?


But Misato is pretty fucked up as well.

The Eva fandom is built on memes. Anno is a greasy otaku who stumbled upon a phenomenon. Rebuild vividly shows what sort of guy he is.

Best taste user.

t. Toiletfag

>Satan is a toiletfag

Of course.

Toiletfag = Asukafag

Nice samefag, Asukafag autist.

Why is Rei holding a miniature Rei



wow, this level of autism


>Asukafags vs Refiags devolves into toilet insults and autism.

>butthurt enough to check the archive

wow, this level of butthurt


I would marry her and drink with her and fuck her brains out. Why can't she be real, Sup Forums? ;_;

>two mouse clicks to confirm a suspicion

No, just disappointed in the Evangelion fanbase, Asuka fans in particular.

You're a sad little person, judging by the archive - and I mean that in Sup Forums standards, which makes you a real piece of work.

That's fresh coming from the fanbase that spent a year doing the same thing with Asuka but calling her a tranny instead.

20 years.


Toiletposter is based, fuck you

You're just sad. I wonder what your parents think?



You also forgot to add in:

