At what age should people stop browsing /pol?30?40?

What do you think?



22-23 at most

Are we talking physical age? Or maturity level? If later then never.

This forum probably has some of the best discussion on the Internet.


When I am old I will be still for the news. You have to sort through some shit but its still better than any mainstream site.


Sup Forums 4 lyfe nigga

Whenever they hit puberty.

why ?

Better question is at what age should they start

you shoulldnt have come here in the first place
once you start you never stop
death is the only way out im afraid

Post more
This guy is right


after break up with first gf

most people here are 18-30

All that ass.. no tits

only if you lose your memory or something at old age. so possibly like 85?

I have a plan for about 20 or 25 years from now

65 year old here, AMA

I'm 44 and i can't stop

what stories did your grandfather told about ww2?whats his opinion on ''nazis'' ?

There is no where else to go.

Death. All else is just lies.
You are here forever.

Don't forget, you're here forever

Sup Forums needs a minimum age of 30. You young retards need to be out in the woods losing your slabs of lard and pasty complexions. Learn what actual work is you whining, goofy useless fucks.

That's why you impregnate them with white seed and watch them grown user (:

welp,that means im here forever

You're here for life nigger.

We're talking about Sup Forums, not /r9k/.

the internet changes fast
I am gonna bring it all back in 20 years

you will know where its all coming from