Wowwww sooo diverse
Wowwww sooo diverse
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The amount of camera cuts is actually sickening holy fuck what an obnoxious video. YouTube was truly a mistake. Do people like this?
now I truly realize just how cringey 2017 memes have been and how normies completely ruin them
where is trump?
Im guessing they made the deliberate attempt to not put him in there.
They probably had to phisically restrain Stephen.
Jake Paul. Pedo-channels, Pewds and Trump were pretty much viral.
Spiderman and Elsa farting on each other would have been a nice and refreshing touch to this shitshow of a video
WTF is this homosex?
>youtube right now
forced memes are forced memes
made it a few seconds in, saw colbert, had to turn of
And I thought last year's was awful.
This is cringey "13-year-old always on the Internet" levels of bad, I have zero ideo who any of these people are.
There is no larger circle jerk than these shitshows.
>steven "TOOSC OOOPP" colbert
>despacito starts playing
>litterally who?
>litterally who?
>litterally who?
>litterally who?
>big shaq with a fidget spiner
>tons of litterally who soyboys with slime
>they try to make a forced contrived shooting star meme
stopped watching there
>those "animators" at the end
shameful, just shameful there are lots and lots of great creators on youtube but i guess it's more important to go with the "successful" guys. SAD
>cringe compilation of literally whos
Into the trash it goes
Directed by soyboys, acted by soyboys and made for soyboys.
This was the gayest shit i have ever watched.
Why no Pewdiepie?
He said a naughty word!
uhm... it's mucho diverso shitlord?
He made an enemy of the juden and an enemy of the juden is an enemy of Youtube.
He's the Führer of the Alt-Right and browses Sup Forums. What do you think?
Worst one yet
Horrible, I only recognized that DeFranco guy and the Paul brothers.
I feel really disconnected from “mainstream” culture. It feels like they try to be so open and inclusive and shit that they end up appealing to no one and no one can identify with these things.
He literally said Death to All Jews in front of million of kids. To the eyes of Youtube, he is an uncomfortable creator to big to shut down, to little to ignore.
Did I hear a Tim Farron voice clip in there?
Hey, some of those folks are decent human beings. I feel dirty knowing they signed up for this, though. It feels like a betrayal to those who can't get anywhere on the site now due to how shit it is.
4:43 is a real devil worshiper!
Literally who are any of these people
I only recognize the Jaiden girl at the end because there's tons of porn of her on /aco/
I don't say this because I hate youtube, but that was just horribly produced.
No storyline or continuity. Just a very compressed mash-up.
>Spic getting angry at diversity
Now I've seen it all.
One of the worst videos I have ever seen, who was the retard that directed and edited the video.
>meme flag
Hello fellow pedro!
Ya know I would say I'm surprised, but people will draw porn of any sort of avatar or persona sort of thing. I didn't expect le british combover 20 somethings old fox fuck icon to have anal porn be drawn of it, but what do ya know.
The very word "diversity" now instills an almost unshakable rage within me.
I'm not even going to watch it. I already know it's going to be a complete cringefest.
They even let a tranny in.
I doubt they did but it would be pertinent to the rewind at least a reference to the weird pedoish videos that they finally addressed after 2 years just because a MSM covered it now
he wasn't a good goy so no bonus points for him.
Who are any of these people?
I liked the Poppy part.
Wheres Mars Argo tho?
The title of the video should "Why are we still unprofitable"
Where in vid?
Also what's up with youtube and bright distinct colors?
It attracts children
wtf is that
surely his fame had nothing to do with the fact that he's an androgynous underage
fucking pedos
fucking normalfags reeeee
So am I supposed to know any of these people?
Of coutse they did, I'm pretty sute the girl on the right is a lesbian too. "Gigi Gorgeous" is JewTube's favourite tranny, they even funded a movie about it's life growing up, first it was gay, then a tranny, and now it's a "lesbian".
over 100k dislikes on the official jewtube channel
that dyke on the right has probably sinned much worse
imagine the disgusting things she does to herself when shes alone
They're trying so hard to be MTV. I don't know exactly why but these kinds of videos always fill me with the most extreme disgust.
>This is what normalfags actually watch these days.
Pewdiepie seems so quaint now by comparison.
the hell is this bullshit?? who the fuck are these people??
people kids must watch I imagine .
you tube is great I love it
lets plays
and underground conspiracy networks
the problem with it is 90% of people only watch trending garbage thats pushed by you tube . nobody even knows whats actually on the site I love it though yts trolls are to stupid to be able to find and delete whats hidden
Correction, selling it to Google was a mistake.
I just hope 2018 will be better.