>land of the free
>unless you offend muz
Black guy here, with a message for all the ignorant cumskins on this board:
It was you who took us all as slaves.
It was you who raped and murdered us on the boats.
It was you who raped us and whipped us on the cotton fields.
It was you who allowed the KKK to exterminate us even more in the South.
It was you who played geopolitical games with an entire continent.
It was you who gave states and private businesses the ability to discriminate.
It was you who caused the evil War on Drugs to destroy our communities.
It was you who created the gang culture by your War on Drugs.
It was you who to this day enslave black bodies in your private profiteering prisons.
It was you who, with your gluttonous diamand and oil consumption, gave power to colonial governments and turned a blind eye to their inexcusable abuses.
It was you who caused the Rwandan genocide to happen by introducing the poisonous ideology of racism.
It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Libya in retaliation against a single dictator.
It was you who invaded Somalia unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.
It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Egypt and the Republic of the Congo because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.
It was you who not only caused black criminals to exist, but also invented racist ideologies to justify it, blaming high testosterone even though there is no relationship between testosterone and crime and this has been known for centuries.
It wasn't jouz who destroyed the lives of millions of blacks and forced them to leave their homeland.
You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all the problems in the world. I'm not easily triggered
Literally did nothing wrong.
And will do all again, nigger.
Get ready.
From fl can confirm nigger judges sentence people way over the guide lines. He's just got to appeal it and it will get reduced.
Nice pasta nigger
My family descends from Acadian settlers, been in Maine for generations, we never had any slaves. Fuck you ignorant niggers
>It was you who caused the Rwandan genocide to happen by introducing the poisonous ideology of racism.
Good b8 until i read that kek
>>land of the free
>>unless you offend muz
Funny i believed for a sec this was us but then realized it was the States lmao
If you read the article the guy destroyed the place and is a repeat offender and seems totally insane and took a plea deal for a federal hate crime, he wanted to go to prison or start a shitstorm.
wat a nigga get for wearing fedora in FL
Read the full article idiot, he broke into the mosque and vandalized it, plus he has an extensive criminal record, thats why he got 15 years.
A muslim would get a slap on the fucking wrist for vandalizing a Christian Church, but they throw the fucking book at this guy?
We need to make the balkanization memes real.
A country divided against itself cannot stand.
Good clickbait, but what got him wasn't the bacon. He broke in, smashed lights and windows, and had prior convictions.
killing unborn children is against my religion. Where's the fucking justice for all the people committing blasphemy against my beliefs.
hey look theres go a babby monky
grab it an eat it qwik dems good
oops nigga get aids
>pol read articles
>Can't source in half the threads
>Can't even archive
Why I just sage every thread these days.
>breaking and entering
>property damage
>waived his right to a pre-sentencing investigation
>textbook hatecrime = felony
>additionally guity on 3 DUI offences
>possesion of oxy and weed
>many traffic violations
>has already been in prison a year and a half due to his bamboozling
this like a mirror reflection of 'din du nuffin'. kys
This is either bait, or just another nigger doin' his thang. White people hate blacks, so get the fuck away from them or you're going to die. Got that?
Your bitterness made me smile : D
This, what a faggot.
I didn't do any of that ya stupid nigger. Those guys are all dead! Nice digits tho.
I think you're thinking of democrats.
Is florida man /ourman/?
Read article before you take the bait. He broke in and destroyed the place and is a repeat offender. He didn't just leave some cooked bacon on their doorstep.
>It was you who took us all as slaves.
You were enslaved by your own peoples first - and still are. There are more slaves in Africa TODAY than there ever was in the US or Europe at any point in history. Sure, the US is far from perfect, but it's immeasurably better than Africa - just look at what happened with Liberia.
>It was you who caused the evil War on Drugs to destroy our communities.
>It was you who created the gang culture by your War on Drugs.
>It was you who to this day enslave black bodies in your private profiteering prisons.
Don't do drugs and don't commit crimes then. Fucking hell, it's not rocket science mate.
>by the way this all is why we should continue living in the same countries and further involving our races with each others affairs
>goes to prison
>converts to islam
>not allowed in mosque due to probation
You should go back now
Why do Brits struggle so much with reading comprehension?
>people still complaining about slavery after 1970
Good lord the audacity of people trying to use their ancestors history as their own
This shit needs to fucking stop none of you mother fuckers were slaves in those times, you are all a bunch of fucking wage slaves right now
Slavery never fucking left, it simply EVOLVED