How has this man improved your life PERSONALLY?

How has this man improved your life PERSONALLY?

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Watching interviews that are older than me where people are literally cumming their pants asking him if hell ever run, essentially verbally bowing down and worshippig him as someone with far superior intelligence, and now seeing him run the country after winning the election on the very foundational idelogies which he has been preaching for 30 years, its an inspiration to all men seeing how someone like himself can transform a nation also trump was sent by jesus christ

He taught me that it’s okay to tell a fat girl that she’s disgusting, and a pig.

+20% daily keks

By beating Hillary.

my boss hired 3 more people which technically makes me management
movin on up baby

The flow of Chicago niggers into my small white town has dried up.

By making it ok to love ones country once again.

By liberating my neighborhood from illegal aliens who terrorized everyone who lived here.

By greatly improving the economy, thereby also improving my personal fortunes.

He's set precedent for me to eat all the ice creams I want

I won't wear denture


WEnt from C’s to A’s

watching libtards cry everyday has brought me more joy than anything else in life.

I don't rely on government to fix my life, it's up to me.

He's hurt people like you by virtue of living, and vindicated my efforts and beliefs.


He hasn't. Now refugees are turning up at our borders and he wants to sanction us but retards in our country actually want him too.

all i have to do is say maga in a crowded area and salt instantly materializes
it is beautiful

make that 21%

I’m happy. Fuck the Muslims
Pic related

Loving your country was fine under Obama too you delusional retard. You people are hopeless.

Trump once came over to my house and personally gave me $100 and a sweet high five
He didn't stay long tho

Tax plan will save me thousands, the economy is growing rapidly , I live in Arizona and his deportations are great,

Every day I enjoy left wing mental breakdowns

So yes it’s good

My interest in scientific politics and economy and overall knowledge has increased.

Also I no longer want to move to the US because I decided to love and improve my own country.

Oh, and i no longer fap.

Thanks Señor Trump

Then why did just today BHO condemn Trump for encouraging “nativism”???

He appointed a judge to the supreme court that will preserve my right to own a firearm. My stocks are worth 30% more than they were the day he became president.

Anyone have the gif of the Muslim riding the pig? Lost my fucking shit the first time I saw that

The biggest good someone can do is prevent problems. Being in office means Hillary isn't. The "problem" with this is that people love when politicians solve a problem even if they were the one creating it, but they don't give a shit when someone prevents one

>The biggest good
derp, meant to say "the best thing"

He gave me a reason to wake up every day for the past year, when before I just woke up disappointed I didn't die in my sleep.

So what I'm getting here is he just makes you feel good? His policies haven't actually improved your lives?


There's a difference between being a patriot that loves your own country that treats everyone in their country with respect and just being a cunt that hates all other countries and the people in them and wishing ill on anyone that isn't an American.

3 get

By helping BASED Jews MAGA and sending Americans to die for Israel

no, my taxes are going up and his are going down

I eat two Big Macs and two McFishs instead of one.

Fuck yeah

Only Rossie O'Donnell

he made the liberals eternally butthurt.
that satisfies me/

Obama certainly does not love his own country.

>How has this man improved your life PERSONALLY?

Jew here.

He's given me and my pople new hope. Thank you, Mr Trump!

Male power.
Great long hair.
Racism isn't a bad thing.
4D Chess.
Trolling = Winning

I live in liberal London and it's glorious watching everyone have an aneurysm any time he does absolutely anything. It's even better trying to get a straight answer out of people about why they hate him and hearing responses that consist of nothing besides stuttering nonsense.

I hope it was worth it, because the country is about to whiplash left

I own a business. I'm waiting to see but my personal taxes are going down.

If a picture is worth a thousand words
Then this one is worth a million keks

He hasn't impacted my life at all, but the outcry from the left has been some of the best entertainment in a long time.

here, have more.

I need more of these please

I don't have to review every gun bill moving through committee, write my legislators, call my legislators, and petition/knock on doors to stop the next major gun ban. I know he's got my back.

The amount of time that frees up is astonishing.

>but the outcry from the left has been some of the best entertainment in a long time.

This! When he bombed Assad and caused tremendous butthurt for the libs, I laughed for days.

$2500 Federal tax cut

K kid, whatever makes you feel better in that fantasy world of yours.

Was a great week

use and post results.

Until net neutrality gets repealed and Sup Forums ends up behind a paywall for you.

Get to watch liberal sjw retards chimpout every other day on twitter and kikebook

Crown Point Indiana?

Repealing the individual mandate plus tax reform will save me several thousand dollars per year. Maybe now I can afford to get a better car so I don't have to Keep praying that mine starts every morning

it will never turn left again.

I sleep better at night.

a lot

Clinton and Obama sold this country out, Uranium One being the cherry on top. They successfully spied on and corrupted every thing they touched.

Yes, it's now better.

Trump has improved the life of all patriotic non socialist Brits in many ways...

>Stopping the globalists in their tracks by killing TPP
>Calling out the EU as being an undemocratic parasite leeching off nation states
>Explaining to the UN that the nation state is the future and that socialism has failed each and every time it's been tried
>By retweeting Britain First Muslim tweets, that exposed the insanity of our liberal establishment for all to see and smashed a gaping hole in their narrative, through which patriots can now pour
>Initiating events in Saudi Arabia that has resulted in the severing of revenue streams that were funding wahabiist Islam in the UK

I am certain there's many more things I cannot recall right now, and indeed plenty more to come.

God bless Donald Trump and his defeat of the globalist cabal

On the contrary it makes me feel bad that the first nonwhite president was a typical race hustling grievance peddler that hated his own country. Sets a bad precedent for the future. lucky we wont see another black potus for many decades if ever.

the taxplancalculator was made by fox news on early taking points, not any actual bill.... dont be a retard.

I was inspired to start my own business, drop porn, move out, stop drinking.

>trump was sent by jesus christ
>digits confirm

i slept like a baby on election night despite a migraine brought on by the stress of watching states turn red. It was fucking great.

It also motivated me to lose like 40 lbs so now im at a healthier weight.

so you are saying that it gives false results.
ok then.

He hasn't! Honestly Trump may be a good President but he's a false hope. I thought Trump would make my life great but I'm still unemployed just posting on Sup Forums Sup Forums all day.

And she is an eating machine. He is an inspiration on constructing better bantz and to sharpen the mind to be able to unleash a storm of them at a moments notice. To learn your opponent's and what theyre weaknesses are.

Trump is the best president ever hands down. I would even add that he's the first true president of my lifetime. HE CALLS THE SHOT.


Yes, his administration has shown me the true psychotic colors of many of my acquaintances.

proud to be an american again

Trump is pro EU and called it "wonderful".

He taught me to become a Jewish ally
Thank you, daddy thank you

I don't know about improved, but after him, I'm pretty sure we will never have a conservative president again, which that sucks.

I now have hope for the future.

>He taught me to become a Jewish ally


He's forcing Europe to cooperate rather than depend on American support.

That's pretty good.

Wrong, he stated very clearly at the UN that sovereign nation states were the future and that customs unions etc had no place in the modern world. He also called Brexit a truly great day and likened his election to another brexit.

He made me care about politics again. Everything, both in my home country and in the US, is filled to the brim with corruption of all kinds. He got me excited in the same way Obama did: by calling this shit out. While Obama completely failed at doing anything about it (which you could have guessed by looking at his donor list), Trump seems committed.
Plus memes. Memes have positively impacted my life.

Women are gross.

no homo

Hello friend! Are you lost? We can help you find your way

No, but no president has or will prove me wrong.

this. We have an entire generation of Millennials just now having kids who are going to shove their liberal ideologies down their throat, and by God if any of the kids are white they're going to grow up believing they're evil.

He brought a woman back to the white house which personally makes me happy.

He made leftards butthurt all over the world, and still does.
Seeing leftards getting their panties in a bunch amuse me.
When I am amused, I feel happy.
Trump is making me happy

You are a retard it’s made by a guy who works for John stossel and has been continually updated based on what is going on in the congress

Stop shilling

Your dumbass will believe anything.

He caused the communists hiding in our country to crawl out from underneath their rocks and expose themselves

It's all about power.

Hook, line and sinker. I bet you also believe the tax plan will hurt trump bigly. There's a reason america thinks the south is backwater, cause of idiots like you


yeah thats what I said. you would be an actual retard to trust it.

you are a dumbass and will believe anything