Amerimutt stupidity

>Amerimutts unironically supporting Trump pissing off the whole muslim world to please his kike masters

Now you're going to get dragged into another pointless war in the middle east that will cost countless lives and another economic crash to defend your kike overlords, grats Amerimutts hope you are proud of your puppet president.

Other urls found in this thread:



Oh no! don't piss off the muslims. We should do exactly as they say otherwise they might kill us!

Its gebroken english, most like what circus businessmen did in the mid XVII spoke to avoid others knowing its human trafficking activities. Or the tarot cards. And no I dont really expect you to read all, not find what you dont look up to

Goyim burger mutt blood sacrifice for greater israel

>mutts are this easily manipulated to die for their Jew masters


Arabs are subhuman. So who cares

I love how this has revealed the shills here to all be mudslimes. Literally all the shill threads right now, are about this.

pissing off the muslins would forward the hate needed to gas all kikes. kek


This is perfect, hahah.
Trump basically killed the Jews with that move, by doing something that looks as if he would help em.

We don't even have to kill the rotting inbred kikes, the Muslime will do that now for us FOR FREE!


The Muds will protest on Thursday, does some Palestinian or generally someone have the equipment to live streem how they kill the fucking Jews?

My uncle Hitler would be proud of Trump!

wow rude

Bump for based Trump letting the kikes get killed by the Muds!

t. Mohammed

>piss off the Muslims
And by piss off you mean kill?


now the arabs have a central location to aim all their nukes.


Every time i start loosing hope in Trump he does something funny or edgy, but this is different.

This is historical, Trump basically made all the Islam world get pissed at Israel and the kikes.
This is the beginning of the end of the Jews and Zionism.

Shit i thought that the whole Plus Ultra stuff was LARP, but this changed my mind!

So 15 million Jews world wide against 1.3 billion Muslims.
Let the games begin!

Heil Hitler!

This, now the Jew and the Kebab will kill each other over this worthless patch of desert.

Where's the federal reserve on this map?

Digits confirm



What if I hate both kikes and mudslimes like 95% of all people on Sup Forums do? Fuck off with your divide and conquer shit, if mudslimes get shafted, great. If kikes get shafted, great. They deserve each other.

But we will be the first to die to protect the kikes.

>Amerimutts unironically supporting Trump pissing off the whole muslim world

I've been in favor of this since 2001. I don't care if anyone else gets temporary fringe benefits out of this, the hopeful resolution ends with the entire peninsula turned to glass.



Digits confirm again



>trump pissing off the Muslim world

The Muslim world has been pissed since its conception you stupid fuck.

I'm tired of worrying about pissing off Muslims or not. Fuck them, it's about time they fall in line to OUR ways, not theirs.


I support it because it will rile up the muslims in Europe just in time for christmas :)

> Unable to show flag

You do know that Donald Trump doesn't represent us in any way, right?

Amerimutts are jewish puppets, fuck all amerimutts.

Well we have to get Crusades 2.0 rolling somehow. If we don't stand up to Islam, the West is going to be a Caluphate with the lifetime of your grandchildren, if not sooner. The barbarian invasion is already a decade or more old.

Hopefully, the mudslimes and kikes will kill each other off while we raze the minarets at Hagia Sophia.

The recent surge of Amerimutt memes was a Muslim Brotherhood psyop confirmed.

Oh no we musn't upset the muslims! Anything but that! Of course they deserve a city they have no right to! Of course they should be allowed to spread all over the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas without one word of criticism! Please, won't someone think of the muslims!



What exactly are you implying with that pic? That every Sup Forumsack opposed to another war for Israel and the world Jewry is himself a kike-puppet and a commie?

fucking checked

>the hopeful resolution ends with the entire peninsula turned to glass.
>9/11 believer

The peninsula will rule over you faggot along with their zionist allies while you die for Israel in Iran. You're a fucking retard if you think you're actually hurting Islam by bombing random countries not aligned with the Rotschilds.

Kill yourself Amerimutt.

>canadian flag

Stopped reading there. Try developing your own culture for once. :^)

T. Schlomo

Either this or it's Trump 88d chess.

>self-important garbage spam

>Trump pissing off the whole muslim world
Are you a shitskin? Why the fuck would Sup Forums care about mudslimes? They should all be bombed you stupid fucking nigger.

Armed forces are retro active abortion. Good for population control.