The pinnacle of leftist memes. Oh god how can we ever compete?
The pinnacle of leftist memes. Oh god how can we ever compete?
why did they put a fucking triforce there?
are they implying video game players are nazis?
on top of it overall being NOT funny
I chuckled.
because they intentionally don't understand their enemy
Are they retarded or something? If anything, black sun is welcome.
That's the first thing I thought.
Leftist confirmed (again) for uncultured swine.
If there would be an solar eclipse during a nationalist march, I would be sieg heiling hard.
with sick beats
Can all political cartoons be banned - including Ben Garrison’s?
I’ve never seen a more insulting form of political persuasion in my life.
Haha they made them all fat too
Why does nobody ever point out how fucking fat Spencer's neck and tits are
>black sun
>a bad omen for national socialists
The Black Sun represents the Essence of the Sun. Fire and Light represent the Spirit. As Black represents the Essence, the Black Sun is a representation of the Essence of the Spirit.
How many leftists mastered entry grade occultism to know this?
After a minute of hard pondering trying to figure out what the fuck that 'meme' meant, my guess is that ''Even the sun is turning black'' refers to their belief that we hate black people for their skin colour and even the sun is against us? Something like that.
What they probably didn't mean was the Black Sun.
Because he's an oldfag
What logo does identity evropa use?
Tone rbig uass mistake pamerica?
Sup Forums BTFO!!!!!!!!!1
What's with all this digital al right artwork? I think I saw a video that had it too.
Alt right*
They don't know...
Ok I am bad with dialogue and working with a trackball so someone finish this edit
This one is very telling, because they aren't mocking the actual Trump, but the mock-Trump of Alec Baldwin. They probably haven't ever seen or heard a Trump speech, to know that he doesn't actually speak like that.
This leftist is the final boss of Pol
"Lefitsts can't meme kek"
lefty no memey
>Nazis don't want a black sun
Wow leftists really are the superior intellectuals.
Why is he talking like Bane/Connery?
>tumblr noses
throw it back where you found this comic
I think my favorite thing about the left trying to meme is when they undermine their own values.
They are all about body positivity, but always portray their ideological opponents as being either obese or scrawny.
They look Irish...
3 row is literally me. Spice with a red head white QT
Underrated and checked.
They won, it's clear to me now.
The real funny thing is, majority of leftists actually think this is funny.
And how's your bf called?
I'm confused. Are they implying that alt righters are good people?
Typical leftist cartoon. They focus immensely on creating a slick "recognisable" drawing style (the drawback being that they all look alike) and forget about the humour at all.
Rightist cartoons/memes often disregard style as a whole, some of the best ones are 3y/o tier MSPaint drawings, but the humour is very often on point. It's like the baking a cake and putting houra and hours in it to make it look 'perfect', whilst the inside is just dry, generic sponge cake which tastes like shit. Meanwhile, some other guy bakes a cake which looks like it was sloppily thrown together by a child yet it tastes like heaven. It's good old leftist hubris.
Best comment itt. Good insight.
>majority of leftists actually think this is funny
No, they don't. But they'll act like they do and all play pretend with each other. Or else.
absolutely horrible
the state of leftist """"comedy""""
why is it always heehee poop, butthol mouth, drumpf talks funny
could they imagine if the president started firing back the same shots? headlines would say: trump a ableist shitlord who makes fun of people with speech impediments
God, I really want a "I don't care about your feelings" song. It doesn't even have to be good, I just want something to link those "but muh feelz" liberal leftists milenial MeMeMe types of NPCs.
...well, maybe I should start to learn using a modtracker?
>the acronym is actually supposed to spell out Obama
Please tell me Sup Forums got this at least after seeing the two posts together? It’s actually a really good comic
>Award-winning U.K. born / LA based Cartoonist and illustrator for FYF, Festival Supreme, etc.
thanks, bongs, for another great addition to our country
>not understanding what the black sun is
What the fuck does this even mean?
Are all lefties downsy?
>It’s actually a really good comic
you are uncultured swine.
>Shit, that nigger moon's stealing our sunlight
>Wait? Darkness with niggers around? My bike's fucked!
>I knew I should've brought my rifle
Change it to anywhere but mcdonalds for nuggets
they removed the transfats 2 or so years ago and its been shit ever since
fuck even arby's nuggets are better and thats like the worst thing on their menu other than that shit they serve under the name 'venison'
fuck yuo racis
i have black lips not red ones yuo fuckig racis bitchass KEK.
Yeh i fock yo women, yeah they fat...but FUCK YOU FOR GIVING ME RED LIPS I AIN'T NO BITCH ASS HOE
Fashwave is pretty fucking popular
Why the fuck is theshining a tag on this?
That's the only funny part of the photo.
>No 7'6" Amazon GF
It's funny because there was an eclipse, and during an eclipse it gets dark, and these people had torches that they would use to march with, and when it became dark, they were glad they had the torches so that way they could still see.
One of the people is exclaiming that the sun is turning black! LOL, because of the eclipse.
It's a parody of this brief scene at the end of the movie, when the Overlook is manifesting spooky shit to fuck with Wendy (in this case, the ghosts of random homo proto-furries from the 1920s)
Forgot pic
I just keep meaning to watch that damn movie.
furries havn't really changed much though to be honest.
Indians are caucasoids.
could someone make webms of these things?
it is not available to view in my super tolerant country that tolerates everybody except those who don´t tolerate the things the people who tolerate everything tolerate
My favorite leftist meme
I could actually get behind this one.
Probably easier just to proxy on your end (especially since 4mb is data limit on pol), there's also many videos that haven't been (((taken down))) or (((reported))) yet.
that damage control, disgusting
Also they put a normal size pen cap to go with the "lol normal size pen right guyz, fuckin trumps hands are tiny lolololol"
now THAT was funny, the left should hire you
> It’s actually a really good comic
What? How One big ass mistake america started as an anti-Obama meme like 8 years ago
his version makes zero sense
this is good. where's the shieeeeeet?
My sides are in orbit
Something like 20% of the time HookTube resorts to normal embed. I'm up in LeafLand so I don't get censored but would that affect things?
Annnnd another.
uh oh (((youtube))) finally black listed this one, a shame.
beta af
>youtube flags a video because of nazis walking around
I saw the black sun on my birthday. It was fucking amazing. We will rule the universe, my friend.