I want to get a alt right gf

help me pol, will this video get me a based right wing female?

Other urls found in this thread:


how to get an alt right jewis

Nice Yiddish kolkhoz you got there.


So tasty and pale

What happened to dreary faggot?

Oy vey goy, hands off our beatiful noses, thats only for our Moshes

I would love her milkies yes mmmmmmmmm bobs and vagene


Girls that are into politics are weird. Just find a religious gf that doesn’t give two shits about politics

>jewesses running to the alt-right
Even reddit has noticed this trend
>see webm


That look is the in thing


talk about a hatchet nose. pic related

sorry bud but if you're looking on the internet the best you can hope for is a submissive trap

Best guess for this image: Angelina Jolie

She does a wonderful job of explaining why women shouldn't be allowed to vote or work outside of the home. Women are fickle creatures who do not care about their people. The only people they tend to care about is family, or more specifically their children (and western women don't even care about that anymore). Women voting is one of the main causes of our birth rates collapsing and mass migration/accepting refugees being pushed.

Alt-Right = gay guys in the CIA and sneaky Jews. /our/ movement" is dead and they're creating gender controversy to revitalize it.



I forgot how cute she was, did she die?

in a way...yes. yes she did.

She has nudes

I'd like to turn her nose the right way during sex.

post them... oh right, Sup Forums doesnt allow nudes to be posted on the bastion of freedom /pol


Just googled that thing, it's fucking real.

There's literally nothing in that meme that's correct. Did you see the Charlottesville march? They're shouting "Jews will not replace us" and now you're telling me they actually consider Israel a friend?

You're either a fucking retard or a shill.

Her channel is empty prob got spooked

>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!

Considering the video has no actual advice, I would guess that it will not.

The soft whispery voice pisses me right off.
Has she ever done that ASMR shit?
I bet she has.
Day of the rope. GAS, GAS, GAS.

Why is Dreamydiglett so perfect? A woman that can think like her really makes the noggins joggin' and my benus throbbin'.

>You're either a fucking retard or a shill.

you are the shill, how come you dont know that no one other than a khazar can replace a a khazar. They knew their place as goyim, I hope you are kidding or I will have to alert JIDF about this user.

>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!

Well, she's right.

If you're restricting yourself only to looking for this "Alt-Right" or "Traditional Right" or whatever specific brand of more radical right girl, you won't make it anywhere.

You need to put in the effort and do the red-pilling yourself. Girls that are unresponsive or resistant to understanding and evolving as people-- especially towards a more traditional path-- are not worth keeping.

Hello my future gf. This is what I sound like.

im kinda weird so that would be cool.

haven't seen this dumb cunt shilled here since 2016 I imagine its her or some thirsty beta orbiter .

So is your slavery.

Someone needs to open V.A.T.S. and take this thing out to rid the wasteland of the ghoul problem.


Anyway, choosing a gf by political alignment is retarded af.

The alt-right supports Israel. You too can get a qt Israeli girlfriend if you become a friend of Israel.

>Anyway, choosing a gf by political alignment is retarded af

Only partially.
Political attitudes directly relate to personal attitudes and behavior.
While you should not be looking for a girl into fringe right politics for example, it is perfectly healthy to judge a girl by how traditionalist/right her political ideas and behaviors are and whether she has any hope in accepting your beliefs and even adopting some if not most of them.

My heart for Israel


I know what you mean