The UK is a good example of what happens when you allow a country to inbreed for far too long

The UK is a good example of what happens when you allow a country to inbreed for far too long.

You eventually have to import your royalty

This is why we need immigration for genetic diversity, they are basically like our inbred hicks.

We're not more inbreed than Germany, France or Spain.

And you voted a Nog into office

Inbreeding?? The British Isles are perhaps the most mongrelised of all European nations.

>psyop to demoralize Sup Forums makes a bunch of 56% faces
>memes inevitably get co-opted by Sup Forums

These memes are going to really, really piss British SJWs off when they inevitably go mainstream.

It checks out

yes you are, being inbred isn't just how often cousins marry, its the total amount of genetic diversity in the natives, and you have less than mainland europe because you had a smaller founding population

And you're gonna get one for life


UK is a hub, more people come and go through UK than most countries, only France has less birth defects (less inbreeding) in the world. Not surprising Saudi Arabia is top of the list, followed by some other despotic Arabs states Pakistan, Somalia, basically Muslims nations where fucking your daughter is all the rage and perfectly legit, no encouraged.

>Burger has no idea how genetics work

I'm not surprised.

well.... how about Iceland?
UK is an example of what will happen if you let the Jews kill your kids in an industrial scale


Oh look, it's another butthurt brown person trying to attack Europe. Fuck off. Our ugliest woman is better than your most beautiful.

what is Sweden then?

I study Genetics.
Have an actual argument, otherwise no one cares what you have to say.


A better example would be the middle eastern countries

Then we need to get sharing and circulating

You can't get rid of homozygosity with white cock and pink pussy, there needs to be brown and black somewhere in there. This is why UK needs Muslim immigrants because to diversify the gene pool and cure each other of inbreeding.

Obama's mother was white. Obama is white

theyre uncut and like to show themselves and to drink and to have fun and to conquer world and to have ugly women. how more based could a people get

flag checks out

i wish i was in the middle and the other two were black

Could be, except pic.

We're just trying to be more like America

Literally looks like your average american "white" woman

Shall we begin scrutinizing the average British slag

It's a sad state when a nog is better looking than the average brit slag.

That's how genetics work, bitch.

>refers to pic of a jew.

Exactly, we're four different ethnicities mixed up for fucks sake, the only inbred peoples on this isles are the pakis

>be conquered by every people in Europe over a thousand years


>meme flag

That dude on the right IS NOT from the UK, the dude on the left might be


Puerto Rico is 4550x more inbred than England.
