/sng/ - socialist nationalism general

This is a thread for the discussion of the third position and social nationalism. We support the establishment of a national-syndical state free of both capitalist and communist materialism.

National Bolsheviks
National Syndicalists
National Socialists
Anyone who is interested in revolutionary nationalism.

Websites of interest:
Institute for National Revolutionary Studies:
American BlackShirts:
Revolutionary National Socialism (Strasserism):
Third Positionist National Revolutionary Forum:
The Fourth Political Theory:
Oswald Mosley:

Essential reading:
Germany Tomorrow by Otto Strasser:

Various works by Ernst Niekisch:

Reflections on violence by Georges Sorel:

Manifesto of Gottfried Feder:

25 point plan of the National Socialist German Workers Party:

Choice of texts from the Ba'ath party founders thought:

The Green Book by Muammar Al Qaddafi:

With the Century by Kim Il Sung:

European Socialism (Mosley):

Third Position Book Store (Black Front Press):

Other urls found in this thread:


Volk ans Gewehr (Brownshirts)

March of the SA (Brownshirts):

Footsteps (North Korea):

No Motherland Without You (North Korea):

National Anthem of Libya:

Anthem of the Ba'ath Party:

Marcha Peronista:

Anthem of the BUF:

Song of the fascist worker:

Song of the NatSyn Falange:

>Social Nationalist
Only PR/Mass Movement fags care about rebranding, to be honest why even bother with elections you can't win since they're all rigged by kikes instead of preparing for the collapse by learning how to use a gun, grow your own food, start a family, group up with fellow fascists and prep for the collapse together etc. All things much better than wasting your time with a mass movement.
>inb4 Jew
Just pointing out reality, this isn't 1933 anymore, things have changed.

I think the point is that these guys have a slightly different ideology than typical national socialists, so they are named slightly differently as well. Makes sense to me anyway.

Oh, I was thinking of those golden dawn faggots who changed from NatSoc to Social Nationalist and then watered down so much to now they're nothing more than conservatives.


Hi there anons. Well the board we knew is gone, but I'm glad we can discuss SocNat stuff now that all the stormies have suddenly banished. Anyways a weird question maybe: what do you see in common between SocNat, Mussolinis classical fascism and NazBol ideologies?

We could always retake the board.

ok breaking point here, are you the nice nazis (knowledge, discipline, pride, vision) or one of those retarded stormfags that used to call NazBol outright crypto commies? I really dislike stormfags larping as nazis. Real nazis are just some tweaks away of lining up with strasserism. Real stormfags are steps away of just being a white nigger from a prison gang.

>what do you see in common between SocNat, Mussolinis classical fascism and NazBol ideologies?
More so Hitler/NatSoc than anyone else but the cosmic order comes to mind which basically Fascism itself wasn't created but is nature and was always truth and it adheres to the balance of nature and when other ideas like Marxism come along that are artificial then nature destroys/punishes it much like when some homo gets AIDS or a fattie gets a heart attack, nature destroys all inorganic things.

Signing in

You still have to gain support, obviously watering down the ideology is stupid but so is prepping for the apocalypse instead of spreading the message

Legitimate National Socialist, not a skinhead though I do think strasserisms ideas on hating Jews for economic reasons inside of ethnic are kinda dumb

>is prepping for the apocalypse instead of spreading the message
Who says you can't do both? I said organizing with fellow fascists, though your vetting has to be strict to prevent feds and shit.

That made no fucking sense, you don't know political theory bud, stormfag detected. Why dont you do something for your beliefs ad become a lowlife nigger serial killer, you will most likely get jailed so you can hang with the rest of the gang, pro hint: they will put their penis inside your anus.

Okay? I was just stating that Nature is Fascist and Fascism isn't manmade and nature punishes that, that is inorganic and against it but okay then I guess that makes me a stormfag that only hates niggers because there are too many in his local WalMart though.

get the fuck off

Or maybe you got mad over me pointing out that faggots get AIDS since you're thinking of dicks in my ass. Either way it's an easy concept to understand nature destroys what is unnatural.

okay okay I exaggerated a bit, just making sure no stormie wants to smear on this. I get your point. But consider how fascism goes against nature, nature creates instinctive animals, but this movement is about lifting yourself above from animals, have human pride, all together cooperating for a cause, animals cant do that user.

ITT middle school

How do we eradicate the judeo libertarian plague from Sup Forums?

this is our board, (((ancap)))

you fuck off, strasserism is a real thing, that ancap bullshit is a meme created by HHH to insinuate he should be a king because of his brains and genetic heritage, HHH is a deluded narcissist. Only good thing about ancaps are the memes.

Why is North Korea and Gaddaffi on here? They were communists who backed the anti-white guerrillas in Rhodesia and other parts of Africa

Hitler was a beta faggot who started a war which killed 50 million+ ethnic europeans. I don't get why you edgelords love him so each

Yes but our animal instincts are things like tribalism etc. Which Fascism practices and we are the top of all animals unlike lets say a rat, a rat is beneath a human, George Lincoln Rockwell was much better at explaining it in his speech American National Socialism so listen to that if you want more details and I don't feel like typing an essay but we are the top of the food chain and more intelligent than other animals so we don't do things less intelligent animals do despite leftists trying to make us equal even to other animals with homosexuality and mass rape. You get the rest of my point but like an ant colony is Fascist with natural classes where a worker is born a worker and doesn't try to be something he's not or the queen never tries to be anything else so should humans obey natures laws as do many animals do like lions, wolves, bees, ants etc. I'm a bit buzzed so sorry it came out a bit discombobulated but Ironmarch used to have a good thread explaining it with Fascist Authors' words on the subject same with people like Evola speaking on the idea though the Russian Gov't shut it down and brown man slavros is probably in a Russian gulag at this moment, regardless many early fascists and traditionalists spoke of the idea and Rosenberg also had some good words on the subject.

ask a communist how much of a commie Gaddafi was, go ahead be my guest, not a single commie likes Gaddafi. Did you check any of the links? do you get what third position is?
Now NK by definition might be third position, but that country is a lie, not like gaddafi's regime

okay, so in that case, why would you consider classical NatSoc as a superior regime above fascism (which Hitler approved) or SocNat (which was like inches away from Hitler's ideology).

Gaddafi was a good man same with people like Saddam and Idi Amin as well, all martyrs of course. Assad on other hand is a Jew controlled faggot and Saddam pointed this out when Assad allows kikes to occupy the Golan heights and just shit talks Israel while getting money from questionable sources for his government while he also allows shit like gay bars in Damascus. Basically Assad is just controlled by the same Jews that own Putin.

>this is our board
I beg to differ.

I'm an American Futurist m8 which is basically more close to Italian Futurism it's just easier to use the term NatSoc since it's extremely similar just catered to Americans who have no real culture and we seek to rebuild a new one from this materialist freemason one. Basically destroy Americanism and Patroitardism and build a new one with more organic features.

Fascism will always be different according to nation and region like falange in Spain or National Socialist Hitlerism in Germany/Germanic Nations etc. Or Juche in Korea all their own but all abide by Nature and it's laws unlike capitalism and communism

Revised National Socialism or bust.


I feel bad for gaddafi every single time user, poor basterd.

hey spooks :D

You have a good case there user, but I would really like to make you take the trip pill on the genetic purge, that was Hitler's demise, why did he have to kill even the poor lesser jews? that caused a massive amount of outrage and indignation, we all know elitist khazars are complete assholes who seem themselves as gods, but lesser secular jews why?

Boards are spooks

Secular Jews are worse, they invented things like Marxism and promote it, being from Asia I'd assume you don't live around Jews like me, they all act subversive and like rats in their own ways, Rockwell put it best that the US is a ship and Jews on the right want to crash the ship into rocks while Jews on the left want to mutiny the captain, regardless both are working together. Jews think and act as a tribe secular or religious.

>Le brazilian nazi larper
>Is trapped on the 1940's
>Thinks socialism=communism
>Thinks his country is being affected by communists
>Doesnt really know Brazil is one of the most corrupted nations in the world
>doesnt see then relation between elitist corruption and economical decay
>blames all on an imaginary left wing axis just because he is kinda white

the difference between national socialism and social nationalism is minute. the only difference is that hitler didnt want to start a civil war.

early mussolini fascism had nothing to do with race and evolved from the ideas of national syndicalism.

interesting analogy on khazars and seculars, but you should really know why jews are hated: they are even more racist and classist than any other brainwashed white ethnonationalist. For khazars all secular and ashkens are not even the same species as (((them))). I literally live in a country that has stable economy thanks to crypto secular jews hiding from nazis during WWII, but guess what, they are not considered "real jews" by the khazar elites...(((they)) have their own plans against all "humans" (because remember they see themselves as alien gods). strenght in numbers and identity, the jew elites wants us all divided and confused while they grabble and conspire, have you notices a pattern since 9-11?

>why did he have to kill even the poor lesser jews?
He didn't, holocaust is a lie but it should have happened though, Hitler was just too nice and that was his real downfall being nice was taken advantage of but he'll return though not as nice and as the genocidal warlord the elites portrayed him as.

>Well the board we knew is gone, but I'm glad we can discuss SocNat stuff now that all the stormies have suddenly banished.
early socnat threads didnt know what they were about praising hitler and mosley as good socnat thinkers while denouncing the idea of imperialism which influenced their policy ideas

Jews as in khazars and such, always tend to turn at some point, it's their nature, regardless I agree there is a class divide amongst Jews much like us, Henry Ford put it best that if the top 50 Jewish elite were killed the system would just collapse on itself at that point

agreed. Hitler was an awkward combination of "take action now" (killing all strasserian commanders) and being nice (actually not wanting a total global genocide). In times of war any person is prompt to take bad decision since all decisions are likely immoral in times of war.

>Jews as in khazars and such, always tend to turn at some point, it's their nature...

see user? that is where I think that is self-projecting: you are saying that some people are inherently not trustworthy. But the only not trustworthy person is the one that cannot trust unexpected allies....

Well the deaths of Otto Strasser (hopefully didn't get it confused with the other brother) and others were because there was evidence they were planning a coup and also Hitler didn't want the NSDAP to divide like the German Communist Party did (though they did over a fucking bathroom key or some autistic shit) so it's understandable why the night of long knives happened though you would not like it for obvious reasons but we're long past those days, now we must focus on these capitalists since they're a bigger enemy than any Marxist could ever be with the exploitation and pollution etc.


I just go by record m8 as well as personal experiences with Jews of all types, I'd rather see them gone and not risk it coming back to haunt me for leaving a couple of them alive and then like weeds multiplying and starting back all over again. Just saying user

Every SocNat must know who strasser was. Hitler betrayed Strasser just because he did not choose the populist approach; which irnonically in the end was Hitler's demise: trying to kill ALL jews was his real fall IMO. Strasser was based on letting al seculars and non-crypts to live; they are basically another type of intelligent caucasoid.


Again I disagree but right now we live in a system that is more evil than any biblical beast or mythical demon, we're in for the fight of our lives and not with voting and such but full scale war which could happen at anytime when this rotten system finally collapses under it's own rotten weight


>now we must focus on these capitalists since they're a bigger enemy than any Marxist could ever be.


>I just go by record m8 as well as personal experiences with Jews of all types

Hitler was part jewish; ironically enough it takes a jewish mutt conspirationniste to come up with a plan to take out all elitist khazars. Muttoid jews are actually great allies, since pures see them as human thrash; and this pissess the "impure" jews and their giant jewish brains start to machinate how to fuck the elites for being such assholes....not even kidding, and yes you JIDF idiots reading this: SOMEONE IS OPENLY ADMITTING THE TRUTH.


>Hitler was part jewish
Dude that's just a propaganda meme that has roots with communists in the Weimar republic just to discredit Hitler, the whole thing is around the fact Hitler's grandmother worked in a place where a Jew was a manager so communists came up with a fanfic above his grandma fucking him or someshit when with proper investigation there is no evidence, I do agree though half/quarter Jews have a decent record of being decent allies like the ones in the Waffen SS who shown great courage and bravery though in today's modern world I still have some trust issues but far less than a full blood Jew but I have known very good quarter Jews that were good comrades.

>Hitler betrayed Strasser just because he did not choose the populist approach; which irnonically in the end was Hitler's demise: trying to kill ALL jews was his real fall IMO.
pick up a history book because nazi germany didnt kill a single jew before the war. he was trying to prevent a civil war from breaking out because of rohm and strausser

>Hitler was part jewish

It does not discredit anything, even half jewish Hitler was still based for not being an elite khazar. Its literally looney to believe that a genetic makeup makes you a traitor or an automatic danger to anybody; do you see my point where is self projecting not to trust on seculars? That is a projection of one's own faultiness to embrace alliances, but do not worry even Hitler had this flaw and that is why this thread is about Strasserism...

Not really civil war m8 just a party split which would have destroyed the NSDAP much like how the German Communists were destroyed and dead in the water when they split, though over a fucking bathroom key since one of the leaders chimped out he didn't get a personal bathroom key and it grew from there.

I never said Hitler killed jews before the war user.
But why did they went ahead with the night OTLK then? since strasser believed that all seculars and ashkens were caucasians with great potential to help the new world with their literally bigger heads.
Again we all agree Hitler did nothing wrong, except if we consider the tactical error of relying on populism...

rohm was calling for the sa to replace the army and the army would not consider hitler as a legitimate leader if he did not take care of them what could only have followed was a civil war

Oh yeah true, I was talking mainly about the strasser stuff though forgot Rohm and his shit.

My point is the likelihood of someone being a rat, full blooded Jews nearly always tend to act like elitist rats while mixed ones have ironically mixed results but again it's similar to Hispanics, some can be nice but stats show a large amount act like niggers but caramel colored.

>the army and the army would not consider hitler as a legitimate leader if he did not take care of them what could only have followed was a civil war.

I know, its easy to talk and speculate, but no one can really tell what is it to be a military leader during times of war. He had to do what it had to be done.

Strasser's ideas on the Jews broke me into NatSoc. I didn't like the idea that Jews are just some kind of evil race, but I couldn't ignore the fact that they were vastly overrepresented in both pre-World War 2 Germany and in our present society.

Yeah I mean it was kinda the same for me except it was with Clerical Fascist's idea that Jews of all types and walks are magically okay when you splash holy water on them though I am no longer a christian anymore though it was due to theological differences than "muh semetic religion! Braise Odin!"

>it's similar to Hispanics, some can be nice but stats show a large amount act like niggers.

Trust me user, you wont have a better and diverse ally than relying on a hispanic. I would defend my people anytime, stand on a filthy mexican's side if necessary, defend americans against european smugs, and defend europeans against muslims, and I GUESS even standing occasionally on some regulated civiliZed muslim's side against any elitist globalist jew scum. We know our place, but we know how to stand for our allies. These threads and discussions are to embrace new ideas, maybe you should embrace the Strasserian approach and that our diversity is our strength. Do you see now why the stormer mentality disappoints me?


>that our diversity is our strength

Anthem of the PSUV:

Well I'm speaking of the literal garbage type beaners here in the US that are just welfare scum and criminals m8, a fair amount of Hispanics are good people along with other groups like Arabs whom identify with baathism and such, regardless my point is, I work only with stats and personal experiences myself though as well as historical records. Though on the other hand colonization in the future is inevitable by ethic European peoples due to need for living space, as savtri devi said "our world is like a garden and each race like a flower with it's own place", but if my flower needs more room to grow then that is a shame but it's what is necessary for survival

do you think I'm some brown paco, thin twice, I really care about my euro heritage, I do care about my western values, think twice before bantering on /all of us/ because even if "muttified" we are a majority of defenders of the west (not like the attention grabbing thotsies). But in the end do whatever you want, less allies means more exposition to enemies (check britain...)

>neckbeard with disconnected mustache
Dude just have a clean shaven face, much better desu


>it's similar to Hispanics, some can be nice but stats show a large amount act like niggers.

Trust me I live surrounded by them and I ask for the mental strength every day to be on their side anyways. I have the personal belief that you have to stand for your own regardless of their "statistical faults".

>if my flower needs more room to grow then that is a shame but it's what is necessary for survival

Its true, but still you need to have a "secured ecosystem" before attempting to grow.

Also why did you get triggered over that m8 including posting a pic of yourself flipping off.

What do you goys think of singapore?

Damn you go me there had the same thought for a moment before sending that image.

>but still you need to have a "secured ecosystem" before attempting to grow.
Yeah but as James Mason in SIEGE pointed out, that will come naturally due to this system and it's destiny to collapse on itself, it's already in collapse mode already, we're just in it's death throws and decomposition stage and boy is this body starting to stink.

Pretty based City-State desu.

Just buy a razor m8 and get rid of that shit, young men need to be clean shaven, only older men should have facial hair desu

>why did you get triggered over that m8 including posting a pic of yourself flipping off.

many euros must understand that identity politics are real, regardless of our genetic background, or our racist and isolationist political beliefs as NazBols (or Fascists) we do respect and care for white people and western culture. Its about time to ditch stereotypes.

Based people as far as I understand you are the few and the proud closer to SocNats.

Bih socnat is a stupid name. If anything hitler would be socnat, in the same respect that hilary clinton is not a demsoc but a socdem

>literally doing everything to propagate big business

Hillary is a neoliberal leftie that sucks-on-them, maybe a socdem? but totally agree we need a more appealing name for the masses

I think NatSoc is fine, because lets face it, thats what people will call it anyway. Tho anticapitalist rhetoric needs to be pushed harder to stop hitler babbies and americans from fucking things up again

>Tho anticapitalist rhetoric needs to be pushed harder to stop hitler babbies and americans from fucking things up again.

Agreed boganon,there is a long way ahead to find ways to explain the glory and salvation of cooperative divided ethno-states.


national progressivism
national progressivist

There is nothing inherently conservative about NatSoc anyway, despite what the nazi party would want you to believe. Reading of feminist and Green literature should be par for the course, in order to better combat inequalities and divisions, in turn gearing the ENTIRETY of society to a purely nationalist focus, where there is no division but the nation

Indeed, feminism or "machismo" will be nothing more but a overcompensation of inferiority; the greater good relies in having the same vision. Lets try to be a bit innovative, post-modern if necessary, what about just: Unification, unies, the unipill, the U-N-Y the "unay"; means to unite all logical vies: we are not equal, no one is equal, but we can semantically work as one and the same to achieve one single goal, regardless of class. Critiques and objections welcomed here.

>Lets try to be a bit innovative, post-modern if necessary, what about just.
Pomo nationalism is the best nationalism. Even tho pulling everything under the umbrella of nationalism is modernist, but hey, embrace the contradictions

Okay, so what do you mean, I get your critique there, but what is your proposal then?

My thing wasnt a critique

>my things want a critique
>see you in hell or in nazbol

you sure bog? so do you agree we can call all the crossing point between strasser/fascism/and NazBol simply "Unified theory"? the single position, instead of third position; sound simplified and self righteous (what simpletones love)

The picture was just a meme. I would like unified theory, sounds nice. That just sounds kinda like pre-hitler natsoc

we could give it a try

idk. unified theory sounds kinda silly when its just you.

Take the Marx pill

Show me why Communism shouldn't take over, you're already redpiled enough on Socialist economics to know that 99% of Sup Forumss reeeeee on economics is unfounded. Your just yet to let go of nationalism which divides the working class

lol so that is my point man, third position politics is the equivalent of explaining a black hole to a kid with despaired learning; you have to be a bit silly about it, but serious because you want to have them grasping on the idea.

that "nationalism just divide the working class" argument is so old and outdated that its telling kids to get off its lawn before its afternoon nap

German and French workers should kill each other in giant wars over some land which your 9th century medieval ancestors owned. Nationalism is just a tool capitalists use to keep the people divided.

Yes, German worker do not worry about the Polish workers we shall strike them when they are weak and reclaim out rightful lands instead of bringing socialism to the world