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Ask a Communist Anything
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Why do you hate God's word
why is the sickle a communist symbol if you guys always cause starvation
Do you know that communism does Not work?
Could you kindly kill yourself?
Do you have a fundamental fear or dislike of food?
I don't.
I believe in god. There is actually quite a large Christian-Marxist community
> Christian-Marxist community
> Man who lead the march that got Marxist Communism in was a Christian
> He specifically says "There is no God" after the Zhar's men shot the workers marching on the capitol.
How many deaths will it take this time to convince you that communism does not work?
How in Communism is ambition incentivized?
Why would a person work hard when you are provided for regardless of your work ethic?
Why would anyone invent anything?
Is communism just another tool of the Jews?
Because under lower-phase socialism (right after the revolution) people will still need to make a living in order to buy food and other necessities.
There will still be government projects that the people can work on like space-travel and other forms of innovation. It isn't until late stage communism (once everything is automated) that the need for work fades away.
Do you only answer one question per thread?
From each according to his ability, to himself according to his needs, I always say. When you think of it like that, I guess we're not so different, you and I.
Communism hasn't ever worked in the history of economics, why do you think it will work now?
Anything. I won't answer if it's a shitpost-question though.
it's important to note that communism isn't gibmedats, but rather a system where the worker receives the products of his labour rather than the capitalist
>but communism doesn't work
it's pretty obvious that it does work, given the amount of communist states that have survived for longer than 20 years. the only reason they implode is liberal agitation.
why do you do it?
Nope. But there's no way to prove it so you can continue to believe your conspiracy theories and get cucked by the ruling class or you can step into a new realm of human solidarity and innovation.
What is the best series of Netflix?
What do you think about Israel?
CBS 60 Minutes Exposing Israeli Apartheid
Israeli settlements, explained
The Zionist Story. (Full Documentary)
Israel Lobby
The Israel Lobby's Impact on America
Documentary on Israel / Palestine - Occupation
The Pain Doesn't Go Away - Rachel Corrie's Parents on RAI (1/3)
>it's important to note that communism isn't gibmedats, but rather a system where the worker receives the products of his labour rather than the capitalist
Please share the name of a country that is thriving from communism.
commies hate israel and support palestine more than the right.
I hate Israel. It's a bullshit country that has too much power. Also fuck ethnostates.
I am not antisemitic though.
Yu like sage with yur pepper?
How much dick do you suck on a regular basis?
what is the main difference between a communist and a Nationalist Bolshevik?
Why do Communists want to elect Bernie Sanders, who wants more big America government to meddle into your life? Also, when will Communists denounce their degenerates who want to destroy other people’s way of life that are different than their own?
Expound, sir
>the ruling class
you mean jews?
Breaking bad. But if you want an NF original probably Ozark.
What's your favorite type of helicopter?
all of them have accomplished impressive economic growth while using a system of centralized planning that is nowhere near as efficient as it can be. "thriving" isn't the goal anyways; growth for its own sake isn't always good.
What are your thoughts on Socialism with Chinese characteristics?
To signify how sickly they are.
Youre a puss cake liberal experiencing hormonal emotions and cognitive dissonance. Your parents are probably middle class but very deeply in debt. (Most likely their own fault) but theyv told you for your whole life that you are poor. Kys
How many fascists have you killed?
How many police stations have you bombed?
Answer the fucking questions
NazBols are racist and isolationist. I am a Trotskyist so the whole global revolution thing is kind of why I subscribe to this stuff.
Easy questions first:
>1. What is a communist, really?
>2. Why are you a communist?
>3. Is there a difference between mainstream communism, and your particular brand, if you pardon the term? If so, what is it? Why do you accept that form, but reject others?
Thanks. Have a good night, man.
Not sure. But China has some pretty horrid conditions because of a number of factors.
Read "Critique of the Gotha Program" if you want to know what Marx actually proposed as a system of distribution. Essentially, workers receive credits for the amount of socially necessary labour they do, and goods are priced based on the amount of work it takes to produce them in aggregate, roughly. This is, of course, for the first stage of communism; the second stage is an ideal to reach, that we really aren't able to describe yet.
I am racist and am actually proud if my race and people. Go and live with africans and see how well your organised "trotsky style global marxism" will work.
Make a rational argument, ask a question, or just shut the fuck up. Dumbass.
Can you stop stealing our stuff communist scum? Even our mottos.
NazBol is meme entryism
Opinoin on Marxs labour theory of value?
Good old fiat currency. The American dollar is already based on debt!
>I am a Trotskyist so the whole global revolution thing is kind of why I subscribe to this stuff.
>buying into propaganda this hard
There is a reason the Spartacists were stomped in 1918.
Shut up fag. Communism is a meme at this point. Don'r try to defend splitting credit equally between people who did hard work and people who did jack shit.
Why don't you do what the amish do: get a plot of land, make a community of like minded individuals, implement your economic ideals amongst yourselves and not try to force anyone else to partake in your experiment?
Important to note is there labour credits aren't transferable, but rather tied to the worker who earned them.
Do you have any thoughts on James Burnham/Sam Francis's theory of the managerial revolution?
As a Trotskyist what would you have had the post-Lenin USSR do differently?
Is North Korea really Best Korea?
why are your fellow communists such degenerate leftists freaks of nature gone wrong?
You are not a Real communist.
>1. What is a communist, really?
Someone who adheres to the writings of Marx and Engels.
>2. Why are you a communist?
To unite humanity, end oppression, and give workers (the backbone of this world) more say in how we should go forward rather than leaving it to faith.
>3. Is there a difference between mainstream communism, and your particular brand, if you pardon the term? If so, what is it? Why do you accept that form, but reject others?
Communism is kind of a broad term. I am a Troskyist so I believe in state-socialism and continuing the revolution world-wide. Anarcho-communism for example doesn't seem realistic to me.
How you reconcile the fact that the symbol you're choosing to identify yourself has more proletariat blood on it than any other shit that ever happened on this sick'n'sad world?
Also, can you suggest a book on communism I should read, to understand the position? I would suggest "The Law, by Frédéric Bastiat" as a great representation of most the Purple section. A shorter book may be preferable, thanks.
user I'm so glad for you clearing that out using your communist flag, before (((the happening))) all these retarded stormfafs accussed me of being a communist while I endlessly tried to explain that I was a s much of a racist isolationist as they were. Thanks indeed for letting them know how much of an ignorant bunch of white power ex convict tier of shitheads they were.
Why do assholes have no solutions for muh "post capitalism" other than murdering millions of people?
Asking for a fren
I agree with it. Although it still leaves a lot up for debate. Personally I think value can never be 100% determined considering everything that goes into production.
>Join or die
>*block your path*
You're kidding right?
Comments on these pseuds debunking Dialectical Materialism? (Begin this video at the 1:11:55 mark.)
>Essentially, workers receive credits for the amount of socially necessary labour they do, and goods are priced based on the amount of work it takes to produce them in aggregate, roughly.
The premise of this is that all labor goes into the production of goods, which is not a good view of any economy. Second, there is still a massive ammount of room for inequality, who determines the "social necessity" of what labor is done? Isn't there some forms of labor that are more valuable than others? Would a ditch digger earn the same as a skilled tradesmen?
>every step heavily regulated and strict
>innovation gets tied up in red tape
>other nations surpass you because they're incentivized to excel
>fall behind economically and outclassed by other societies, government collapses
Every time.
Why do believe in an ideology that causes mass murder and oppression by the very nature of said ideology?
>inb4 not real communism
>inb4 but capitalism does X
>be a commie
>subscribe to jewish ideology of Marxism because you thinks you have the right to steal other people's money and possessions
>ironically starve to death poor as you didn't understand that redistribution of wealth only goes to the jews and not you
>jews laugh
Why is this factor important/relevant? How is this any better than, Say, dollars? which are transferrable?
While that would be nice, the main reason is because capitalism is destroying our planet and causing a lot of unnecessary death and destruction.
>the main reason is because capitalism is destroying our planet and causing a lot of unnecessary death and destruction.
So the solution is to cause more unnecessary death and destruction to make your system work this time, right?
>what social Marxist indoctrination do you recommend, OP?
>I seek understanding
Sorry, but the only thing you seek is mental retardation backed by emotional platitudes. None of your communist Herod are functionally literate when it comes to economics.
You do realize you would regret if it was actually put in place right?
Why not be National Socialist instead?
NK is not as bad as everyone says, but still not what Im aiming for.
If the USSR had followed Trotskys model, it would have had more expansionism, foreign aid for insurrectionist groups in other countries, etc.
State and Revolution and Imperialism (both by Lenin) are short reads that go into great detail about this stuff.
I agree.
DPRK > degenerate west
There are various ways to incentive different kinds of labour fairly. In addition, we're rapidly making jobs like ditch-digger obsolete. Look up Towards a New Socialism for a better explanation of this. Essentially, it's fair to pay a little more (say up to 50%) for a job to increase demand to move into that job. In addition, students studying for that job can be recompensed for their studying (how else would you complete 8 years of medical education?).
Soviet Union held their own pretty well.
What do you think about antifa? And about actual revolutionary organizations not funded by third parties, like worker class groups and such?
Because they are destroyed after being used, rather than being collected by some capitalist.
Way too many reasons for me to write down.
>be asked a “rational” question by an autist
>ignore it
Interesting, interesting. Now, there are a couple of reasons I am not a communist. Most importantly, I believe that human beings own themselves, that value is subjective, and that economic systems can spontaneously organize themselves to fulfill the values of those within the system, if certain rights are upheld. Now, all of these claims need a defense, but this is not the the context to do it well and fully, so, please contact me on Discord to discuss this more fully, if you would like. Thanks.
Kikes love communism and socialism. Hence why they hate constitutional republics that regard personal property as a paramount obligation to protect.
Antifa are mostly anarchist, but I don't mind them. The IMT and IWW are what I would put more faith into, seeing as worker-led general strikes are bound to happen with or without some pre-organized insurrectionist group.
How long have you been in line for bread?
>There are various ways to incentive different kinds of labour fairly.
>In addition, we're rapidly making jobs like ditch-digger obsolete.
Now, what are the ditchdigger's of the world supposed to do now that they are out of the job, study for a position that they may fail to get or are under qualified for? There has to be a chair for every ass.
>Essentially, it's fair to pay a little more (say up to 50%) for a job to increase demand to move into that job.
How is this any different to a company offering a higher wage for a higher skilled job to keep up with the increased demand?
>In addition, students studying for that job can be recompensed for their studying (how else would you complete 8 years of medical education?).
What happens if they fail their studies or are shoe horned into the position because they have the certification needed but do a sub par job? How does the planned economy work around that issue?
>Soviet Union held their own pretty well.
Do you like Martial-Industrial?
Wow, really makes a big statement on how smart communists are. I could show you Nazi propaganda too and say it's a utopia, nobody wants to run through the border while getting shot in a utopia
Wanna go forba helicopter helicopter.ride?
Where are you from?
If not sliding, why do you post these gay ass threads almost every day?
Same with China. It worked for awhile. The system in place was not flexible and could not cope with the globalization of markets and trade.
Communism can really only exist in its own little bubble.