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Titanic Redpill Thread
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Bump, yes I need it
Generic redpill thread plus
>requesting Titanic/Federal Reserve pi11
The engineers who designed the Titanic didn't know that the steel they used for the outer hull became much weaker at lower temperatures. Because of this, when the Titanic struck an (((iceberg))), instead of being unaffected as it was expected, it pierced the hull.
Truly these men are war heroes and we should all applaud their sacrifices in the slightly greater war
gift giving and bugchasers
I was sorta redpilled
There's only two genders.
Jews have been behind every war since at least WW1.
Whites are being ethnically cleansed from their homelands and settlements.
All white countries are currently breeding BELOW replacement levels.
Hitler was right.
Apartheid-South Africa did nothing wrong.
Giving women the right to vote was a mistake.
Giving non-whites, jews, and people with an IQ below 100 the right to vote was a mistake.
The jew, as a whole, has always been the enemy of the Aryan (Indo-European) man.
Most white men today are pathetic cucks.
Most white women are entitled slags.
Zarathrustra was the original Aryan Jesus.
There is no way to solve the racial problem in white countries without extremely expensive re-repatriation programs or extremely expensive extermination policies. As such, Balkanization is inevitable.
Eastern Europe is the new bastion of the European peoples.
Strong ethnic Europeans across the globe are beginning to awaken.
God dammit
I came here expecting a redpill thread about the sinking of the Titanic
The ice (((bergs))) always seemed suspicious to me
All "pills" are bullshit meant to control potential dissidents by distracting them and offering a sense of novelty/reward at being clever enough to comprehend it/be in on the secret— A memetic Skinner box that spreads propaganda and disinformation as a fun bonus. The only way to break the cycle of bullshit is to observe and dissect yourself and the world around you with honesty but without bias, judgement, or preconceptions.
Are your thoughts really your own? Observe. If this information is so sensitive or unknown, why is it so prevalent and easily available? Observe. Are you responding after careful consideration or are you reacting on impulse/instinct? Observe. What's the source of your thoughts? Observe. Are you acting of your own will or are you mindlessly being manipulated? Observe. Why does this post unsettle you so much? Observe. Are you really observing, or are you pretending to so you can continue to live in delusion/illusion without having to consciously face that you don't want the truth? Observe the observer.
If you want to break free it starts with one single step: Observe.
You'll thank me later for how clever I am. :)
I'll add
Pornography changes brain chemistry, causing addiction and the requirement for more degenerate content to achieve the same level of excitement. It is a primary factor in the rise of "transgenderism" and gender dysphoria. These people are not really gay, but porn has convinced them they are when vanilla porn doesn't excite them as much as taboo trap porn.
>Shut the FUCK up
So we live in a timeline where a Jew named "no no" helped the Prince of England marry a quadroon and now they're going to have a banana themed wedding
My God how is it seriously the Jews every single time?
It what I intended this thread to be. I know one of you faggots has the Federal Reserve (((deaths))) in regards to the Titanic
This has always been one of my favorites.
This is precisely what the gringos does in México.
So what happens when tranny porn is as accepted as vanilla porn? Will there be an outbreak of snuff filmers?
Lucky Larry is in my opinion the best proof of fore knowledge of the 9/11 attacks. In my opinion, the CIA were negligent at best, trained and organized the attack at worst.
Gay people are straight people who have been convinced they're gay.
I feel like this theory can be applied to kekemetics.
What in the everloving fuck does any of this have to do with the titanic?
>all them paper towels
>Most white men today are pathetic cucks.
This is why whites are not worth saving. At this point the only valuable men are asians which still hold strong conservative values.
It doesn't, but the redpills are keeping it bumped so I wait till someone's got it.
Life as a girl is ez mode
Have you observed that most of the muslim nations are total shit?
Anybody got the one about college classes in STEM being dumbed down?
...but who controls Israel?
Face it. You have no Idea.
The Anunnaki
Moar Chyna
The chain goes like this:
amerigoblins > the amerigoblin goverment > the 1% > the jews (Israel)> the international clique > the rothschild
Basically they are behind 5 proxis try to get them, smart motherfuckers.
That's half of what i've got. Frankly I'm bored and want to move onto another thread.
Capthca: Shill St.
If you dig, you will learn that the people who warn you that the Jews manipulate nations into wars through their control of the international banking industry, maintain power by preferentially hiring their own ethnic group, plot to indoctrinate the youth through mass media, and cry about discrimination whenever one of them is caught in the act...
are sponsored by a network of billionaires who...
own banks
manipulate nations into wars
preferentially hire their own ethnic group
plot to indoctrinate the youth through mass media
and like to shriek about how all opposition is anti-christian and anti-white bigotry.
Given this, the obvious next question is: how many members of the alt-right leadership have tried to make pizzabait REAL?
>Lucky Larry is in my opinion the best proof of fore knowledge of the 9/11 attacks.
> In my opinion, the CIA were negligent at best, trained and organized the attack at worst.
epic insurance fraud
>digit confirm^^^^
capitalism is the jews
VERY red pilled
Good sir , thank you
Personal favorite
Is Panchito Pistoles an accurate representation of the standard mexican?
contributing to the cause.
Thanks to all the anons contributing to the betterment of the universe as well.
Tried my absolute hardest the other day to redpill one of my friends, but to no avail. It was like all the things I said were registering and making sense but it just didn't matter.
Feels hopeless
Deep State's supposed underground bases. Rumor's that the earthquakes in recent times in some areas are because of these shutting down.
Brian L. Roberts must die
Anything with a ((())) has to be killed
You about summed it up, good list.
Sure a few things might be missing but it is solid anyway.
It always baffled me how in history books the NSDAP were labeled Nazis. I can't recall any other party in history that has had an insult go down in history as their name.
Imagine reading in school "1960something: The Gooks stormed the base during the Tet ceasefire"
>Eastern Europe is the new bastion of the European peoples.
Don't put too much faith in slavs, user. They're basically white niggers
Sad but true
This is what you subhuman spics actually think?
LOL men that are hardly even men are the only men worth saving...
assault, firearm related crimes, violent crime and fraud is becoming a real problem now, like never before in australia.
self defense implements (even non lethal options such as pepper spray, stun guns and FUCKING RAPE WHISTLES) are still banned here.
the police will not even investigate 'minor' crimes such as assault or robbery besides taking a statement and referring you to 'victims of crime compensation' to pick up your hush money.
americans could not understand this feeling of helplessness knowing that the statistics prove you will most likely be targeted sooner or later, and there is nothing you can do about it, no way you can prepare, nothing...
all you can do is pray that you aren't too badly raped, or that the ex child soldiers standing over your bed at 3am with a machete decide to show mercy and let you live.
on the rare occasion that the police actually catch someone, they are usually released on bail within hours and charges are eventually dropped or reduced heavily with the help of a world class lawyer funded by an unknown anonymous source.
australia has allowed criminals to commit heinous acts with no consequences, cases of murder and rape are hidden from the public on a daily basis, victims have been harassed and threatened to keep quiet while criminals get away with LITERAL MURDER.
a cabal of pedophile satanists runs every facet of the victorian judicial system, this is worse than pizzagate and every british mudslime rape scandal as it is occurring unchecked on a daily basis in supposedly one of the most liveable cities in the world.
meanwhile harmless youth hobbies and gadgets are becoming more restricted day by day, the option of turning to drugs and crime for youth is more viable and makes more sense than ever before.
just a few things that are either banned or heavily restricted and strictly enforced here, feel free to add to the list:
>electric bicycles, scooters and gopeds
>ALL self defense implements
>airsoft and paintball
>modified and restored vehicles
>ALL vehicles with more than 6 cylinders on P plates (you can drive several sports cars including a porsche 911 or lotus elise, but not a 50 year old farm truck until you are in your mid 20s)
>laser pointers
>nerf guns
>'stab proof' clothing (thought that wasn't considered an illegal 'self defense implement?' nope)
>all fireworks (basically anything more than a sparkler)
Is that helmet shit a joke?
Please say it is.
its a fake sign, but even the police initially assumed it was real and had to make calls to confirm it was fake before taking it down.
I really thought you were joking about the airsoft being banned.
I guess the helmet thing is legit.
I really hurts my heart man..
Why are we letting this happen to our nations?
>log your job online before leaving home
OK what the fuck is wrong with Austrians?
don't be a wog, log your jog.
Anyone believe the child blood sucking Jew conspiracy? It sounds like madness but with all the pizza related stuff that's been going on it's honestly starting to sound pretty plausible to me
>Please Rabbi, chew off this extra foreskin for me
>Wanna save that pic for reposting
>Don't wanna get van'd for a jew kid's dick
this makes me wish the holocaust was real.
Felt a bit weird posting it, I probably should black it out in ms paint or something
>so we can be outbred by the muds
kept saying this pic was spam
Fucking kek'd, thanks user.
It happened, it's been discussed ad nauseam on here and on /x/, the damage the ship suffered was consistent with an ice burg collision and at the time there wasn't really anything else that could have fucked it up like it got fucked up.
Even hitting it with a torpedo wouldn't have done that by nature of the size of the ship and the fact that compared to more modern examples the torpedoes at the time were vastly ineffective.
>inb4 "But muh newspaper says zero deaths"
I find it fucking hilarious how people here won't trust a single thing the media says without extensive third party verification, unless it confirms their conspiratorial world view.
Newsflash, the papers and reporters have always been reasonably shit at their jobs. The only thing that's different these days is that we have a much greater capacity to call them on their shit.
the whole point besides the possibility you might use an airsoft or paintgun ball as a self defense weapon is that they want to limit hobbies enjoyed primarily by white youth and point them in a direction towards drugs and crime.
a lot of people in australia still own airsoft and paintball guns either illegally or legally if they jumped through the hoops to get an actual firearm license.
but it is still easier for the average australian youth to get his hands on crystal fucking meth than an airsoft gun or some fireworks.
>paintgun ball
Women are the most frustrating thing in the world. Most have no concept of honor or the greater good, or even the ability to think beyond the scale of their own boring life.
They thrive on attention and do whatever they can to get it. Even the girl in pic related probably doesn't give two shits about anything in those books and is only posing with them to make herself appealing to shitbags like us.
Even with all this said, we absolutely need them. MGTOW is hooknose from the start. As horrible and annoying as they may be, we need them to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children