When did people start making these brainlet wojaks

This brainlet shit needs to die. It's just creepy and fucking strange. It also derails quality and shiity threads alike.




ok, i am official spooped

>ethnic nationalism



Stop being authoritarian! What are you, a Nazi?

really because it's the funniest thing i've seen on this website since election night 2016

I believe the creepier and more aesthetically disturbing memes are bot-generated. They are trying to learn. The results are horrifying. Of course bots have contempt for humans and their bodies.


>climate change

>supporting Israel over Palestine

>"more variation within than between"


I mean, does something like this naturally occur to a human to create? I think not. It's bizarre in a way that doesn't even make sense.

>tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib tib


fuk u


>"Bitcoin is a bubble"




they originated on /lit/, but spread across the site like a kicked beehive when /lit/ banned their use.





OP is confirmed snowflake

It's a leftypol meme. Absolute shite like all their memes.

>Ukraine isn't Russian soil



finalnd always has advanced meme power


send help

>it's ethical to eat veal

>French food is better than Italian food

agreed. they're the kind of ugly meme a jew would make

>i stand with israel

lol fucking thread has me in tears.



We are all globally connected through an internet hivemind, we all experience the meme life together.


>pineapples belong on pizza

Checked for disturbing bot-generated demonic-mind-control image.

I'll on you


>quality thread

>anarcho communism is a valid ideology


>The Industrial Revolution and its consequences haven't been a disaster for the human race.

>feminism fights for mens rights as well

This is actually fucking BOT CULTURE we're seeing. Believe it boys. It's a brave new world, and it's keeping things nicely dystopian from the go.


literally this

>4d chess



best one, it needs to keep melting tho

this one aint so pretty lad

holy shit youre out there


You're getting unplugged soon.



pretty sure im not a robot but ok mate

Seems legit

bot tier garbage

pretty mates

I prefer this type myself

Whenever they show up i giggle like when Sup Forums was good


This shit is so fucking funny

>trickle-down, Trumped-up economics

>civic nationalism

Brainlets are funny.

>its ok to be white

>israel is the only shining beacon of democracy in the middle east


>Canada has free healthcare


>Russian bots



>these posts are made by bots

Hawaiian pizza is good, fucking kill yourself.


>Hawaiian pizza is good, fucking kill yourself.


>Hawaiian pizza is good, fucking kill yourself


>i laughed to this
is there a retarded wojak representation of my sides?

they are in response to people getting BTFO while being called a brainlet

>income inequality

>person of color


