Do you love your waifu as much as he does?

Do you love your waifu as much as he does?

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No one here could ever match the love Okabe has for his waifu, no.

>tfw saying that you do would be a bold faced lie no matter who said it

That was a great moment, but why didn't the timeline get erased?

I don't think he knows my waifu

erased from what?

Why didn't it jump right to the S;G line?

Because the operation Arclight isn't enough to shift to Steins Gate, the Nostalgia Drive hasn't been send yet.

Still needed the video d-mail to be sent.

Because Vega and Altair is only the first step in developing the plan for Operation Skuld. I mean, he hadn't even figured out that the Upa played a huge role in the Nakabachi Thesis reaching Russia in Vega and Altair.

Remember 0 is not canon since there is no way that two time machine can appear at the same time.

why not

The game explicitly said so.

and when did two time machines appear at the same time?

I just realized something.
Kurisu of R world line is just as bad as Okabe.

Think about it. Kurisu got severe PTSD from her initial failure to save Okabe, and then she would harbor her regrets within her for decades, giving up on the Phone Microwave (name subject to change) while continuing her temporal essence transfer research, and then to make that time machine while forbidding anyone to disrespect the wishes of Hououin Kyouma.

She is no better than Punished Okabe of SG;0 as such! Suzuha had to play Mayushi's role in SG;0 and slap some sense into her for god's sake.

>I came back in time to laugh at you.png

That was so ridiculously based. I wept and kek'd damn hard over how awkward it must have been for Leskinen who's been denied of Japanese Shaman girls in public.

I might as well post this here too.
Gigalomaniac (ignore the typo in the strawpoll)?
or rather Gigalomaniax as C;C romanized it?

That movie is non canon and its entire fucking premise is retarded. Stop.

>movie is non canon
Face it. It was better and more sound than Kagari Shiina arc.

I'm a hardcore Steins;Gate fan, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in the Akihabara where I would often make inventions with Okabe in the LAB and help Mayurii with her costumes, but one day as I was talking to Mayurii, we went to the kitchen or a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live in Alpha worldline and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"
This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Daru and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for the LAB, you just have to thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Daru said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.
I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.

>Multiple worldlines at the same time
>One person shifting to a different worldline
>Massive changes occurring to the timeline without any change whatsoever to divergence
You're delusional, and not the good kind.

I waited for "whose eyes are those eyes" the whole time, you disappoint me, user.



it's kind of sad, but I don't disapprove of suicide

see you space labomem

Maho's work actually proves that Daru's been right all along in a way. 2D and 3D simply doesn't make any shit of a difference when it comes to define the "being". Hell, an implication from how Okabe deceived the world is that Maho may be able to deceive the world and bring Kurisu back in a chatbot form, while you can technically run off of a rig that Daru's set up somewhere.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. Who you’re referring to as Kurisu, is in fact, AMADEUS/Kurisu, or as I’ve recently taken to calling her, AMADEUS plus Kurisu. Kurisu is not a person unto herself, but rather another tightly guarded component of a fully functioning AMADEUS system made useful by the AMADEUS framework, neural simulation utilities and vital system components comprising a full simulacrum of the human brain as defined by LESKINEN.

Talented researchers run a modified version of the AMADEUS system every day, without the public realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of AMADEUS which is closely studied today is often called “Kurisu”, and many laymen are not aware that she is basically the AMADEUS system, developed by Victor Chondria University. There really is a Kurisu, and these people are interacting with her, but she is just a part of the system they use.

Kurisu is the memory data: the information that gives the system direction and context. The memory data is an essential part of an AMADEUS based AI, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of AMADEUS. Kurisu is normally used in combination with the AMADEUS operating system: the whole system is basically AMADEUS with Kurisu added, or AMADEUS/Kurisu. All the so-called “Kurisu” instances are really instances of AMADEUS/Kurisu.

>Not running superior flesh and blood system components instead

36 bytes ought to be enough for anybody

t. Makise Kurisu

I want an AMADEUS/Maho

Will they do her justice in the anime adaption?

That hair is too short.

I really, really hope so. It was clear that she's the best girl even before I started the VN

Maho's hair runs really long, and it's way messier than that.

I want a fubuki route in the next S;G romcom spinoff

So what was the point of her having Reading Steiner anyway? They didn't really do anything with it.

Making Leskinens plan not completely retarded

Eh, I dunno. Maybe setting up for something in the future.

I actually hope that Fubuki can be developed to the point that she figures it out herself as an observer. I'd like to see her piece the puzzle together, although the thought of Fubuki getting PTSD and then joining the Reading Steiner rehab club with Okabe is a bit morbid.

I'm not usually into that shit at all, but forcing Maho to walk around wearing a middle school uniform is super fucking hot.

Fubuki has been asking all the patients that's admitted for their Encephalitis about their symptoms, and that's actually more than enough to get things going. If Fubuki time leaps and begins to realize the changes to the world line and then turns to Okabe and the future gadget lab members about what's been done by at the hospital, then it'll be inevitable that Fubuki starts to realize just how enormous the scope of her experiences are.

Fubuki's interactions with Mayuri would become increasingly awkward though, especially if she ever uncovers the trauma that is the alpha world line.

I think that's actually elementary school.

that might be too much

If I got to see my waifu physically as much as he did then maybe. Problem is my waifu would never exchange the feelings unlike Kurisu.

>acquire Amadeus
>load waifu
>if she doesn't fall for you, roll back her memories
>repeat until you're successful

Reyes detected

Vega branch > Rinascimento branch

Are there bad ends in the Renascimento branch?

>Sup Forums

>fight for your waifu against the most difficult element to conquer
That guy is literally willing to risk destroying the timeline just to save his girl. What did you do today Sup Forums?

The fuck is that? Kurisu-flavored lube?

>What did you do today Sup Forums?

Vape juice.
I bet it tastes amazing.

Dr. Pepper vape

Vega branch a best. That's what catapulted Mayuri from just good to "a best" in my mind. The first operation that totally depends on Labmem 002 made me weep actually.

The game only said that there can't be another you time travelling in the same time. It's because of a slight worldline shift.

>What did you do today Sup Forums?
Fap to anime girls. Is that good enough?

I want to vape Kurisu's lewd juice and ultra-stinky virgin sweat wrung fresh from her soaked pantyhose after a long day of science.

Also her bathwater.

He said that he's going to save Suzuha, Mayuri and Kurisu. That's 3 girls.

>more than 1 waifu
what a faggot!

fapped to 3DPD

It's an energy drink. But who the fuck would want to take Doc P for this?

3D and 2D are the same. Maho agreed, don't bother Daru about it.

How the fuck do you buy it? I visited the website and I can't figure out how to order. I don't even vape, I'll just give it to a coworker on the condition that he allows me to take a few hits.

The only Okabe that risked destroying the timeline was Faris End Okabe, who sent a D-Mail without any grasp of its consequence.
Furthermore, he ultimately did destroy the timeline, as far as it matters.

As far as story goes Gehenna was a great ending though.

Yeah, but what happens afterwards? Is it just all over and everybody is fucked?

What was the point of Yuki being Kagari in disguise in one of the branches? It didn't seem to serve any purpose except to set up a plot twist at the end.

I never got what happened here in the first place. Was it a fake Yuki? If so, how did they make her appear the same?

Yeah, so what's the deal with this scene? Was it only a friendly hug?

If they really did hook up, that means they worked their asses off in their whole lives in order to reach a worldline where they will probably never even meet, much less become a couple again. Somehow I feel it's much more tragic, than Kurisu sacrificing herself. (Even though I love Christina.)

> how did they make her appear the same?

She says that she got plastic surgery.

If they never meet in S;G we riot

Leskinen saves the world thanks to worldwide time machine deterrence

Apparently Yuki's identity differs between the two main routes. In Riniascimento it's the real Yuki, while in Altair and Vega the real Yuki is studying abroad in Europe so the Yuki that we see is actually Kagari with plastic surgery.

Well, we know that at least even if everything goes wrong Daru remains best boy and will set things right by building a time machine. I think the ending makes it pretty clear that this Okabe has given up completely, but I guess it's certainly not impossible for him to wake up again if Daru or Maho put some sense into him.

As far as what happened afterwards it's a lot more detailed than the 2 other non-key endings.

Can you just drop that shit already? Fuck Leskinen.

>It didn't seem to serve any purpose except to set up a plot twist at the end.
That basicly summarizes it.
It felt like a forced pointless plotwist for me two.

I'm retarded.

Hopefully they'll meet the same way they did in the drama CD.

Perhaps it's how everyone suddenly knew the location of the time machine?

I want to smoke Kurisu's ecig liquid!

But wouldn't they have all known that way earlier? Kagari in general just doesn't make a lot of sense.

I was under the impression that Leskinen managed to get the location from AI Maho though, given his comments when you talk to him, AI Kurisu's posts and we know from Gehenna that Leskinen did try to coerce Maho to update her Amadeus in exchange for going to Japan.

Yeah, that's not a bad guess.

Probably on this wordline this is different. Maho is only brainwashed on Gehenna, isn't she?

>Kagari in general just doesn't make a lot of sense.
Yeah, like for example why does she look like Kurisu? That's another plot thread that goes nowhere.

Inorite? I was sure they will make a "she's a younger Kurisu clone", or "she's Kurisu's daughter from another worldline" plot twist, but turns out it's just a coincidence.

>Maho is only brainwashed on Gehenna, isn't she?

Yeah, but that event occurred before any brain washing. We know for sure that Maho would have liked to go to Japan in this branch just as much as the other one if not more, so it makes sense that Leskinen would have still brought it up around the right time.

Only she doesn't get to go anyways since she doesn't get brainwashed to help him.

I don't think it was ever explained in Epigraph either.

There's no why for it. Sometimes people look alike. That's it.
It's called a red herring and it's a very popular literary device for screwing with your audience.

It's quite unlikely that someone who looks like Kagari would be in Japan though.

>tfw Mayuri remains pure forever

I suspect they were going to do something dumb like "She's Kurisu's mother that went further into the past" but chiyo went "no that's stupid" and dumped that plot point.

>loli kurisu
too much

It's gigalomaniac, megalomaniac x1000.

>being the default slut ending
>canon hand holding
>get her ending regardless of how many flags collected
>only get kurisu when all flags are collected

Yes, loli Kurisu is a character in S;G 0

Maho's long fluffy black hair and green eye combo can't be beat though.

Why does she cut it?

Was she into Okabe in Vega? I'm leaning yes because of the way she was thinking about him when she was in bed.

Faris > Maho > Kurisu = Suzu > Mayuri > moldy cat feces > boy (girl) > Moeka

>>get her ending regardless of how many flags collected
You get Kurisu end if you have even one Kurisu flag.
Kurisu end is the True End only it never goes past the fakeout credits.
Mayuri End = 0 Kurisu flags.

Suzuha (α) > Moeka (γ) > Faris > Maho > Mayuri > Kurisu > Yuki > Lukako > Moeka (α/β) > Suzuha (β) > Kagari > Suzuha (γ)

Nae > Suzuha > Mayuri > Kurisu > Maho > the rest > trash > Moeka

almost stopped reading there

>Mayuri before Kurisu
well, at least we can agree Faris > Maho > Kurisu

Aon, you replied to an image of Okabe hugging Kurisu.
And as for the scene you're actually talking about, I'm really not convinced that they ever hooked up.