Garden of Avalon novel information translated

Based translator on /fgog/ translated a bunch of stuff from the UBW bonus novel

Ctrl-F Garden of Avalon for it

>-Lancelot had heard rumours of King Arthur from across the sea, but pretended not to be interested because he thought of himself as the ideal knight, and headed to Britain in the first place because he didn't like how he was being compared to him.

>-Lancelot claims that Agravain knew Artoria was a woman, and that he was using her and threatening and insulting Guinevere, and that's his reason for killing everyone for no reason.

>-Lancelot says that he's an adulterous traitor and a disgusting beast not even fit to call himself a knight, and when he learns that King Arthur forgave him, his first thought is that this is because he's so important and great that Camelot would collapse without him, though he dismisses this saying that Arthur would never be so calculative. He doesn't understand this decision and comes to the conclusion that Arthur is inhuman and is a bigger monster than Vortigern the likes of whichno human can hope to understand. He still respects the king but is also angry and cannot accept Arthur as a human. He thinks his fear will someday turn to rage, then hate, that will curse the king for all eternity, and figures that this is his punishment.

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>>-Lancelot claims that Agravain knew Artoria was a woman, and that he was using her and threatening and insulting Guinevere

>Bitches and whore man, amiright? Arthur's cool though.

So it all went down because lancelot was literally autistic? Like, legit autistic.

to put together everything from GOA this is how it goes

>Lancelot: "I'm the bestest knight in the world! Stop comparing me to that faggot brit king!"
>Tristan: "The king sucks."
>Artoria is sad
>Lancelot: "I'm going to cheer the king up by FUCKING HIS WIFE!"
>Lancelot kills Agravain, and also Gaheris and an unarmed girl for literally no reason
>Artoria: "I forgive you Lancelot."


>tfw still can't summon Agravain

Doujins of Agravain getting gangraped by different versions of Arturia in front of Lancelot when?

>Da Vinci asks Bedivere about the strange stuff he muttered regarding Agravain earlier.

>Bedivere: ...No. It's just that while Sir Agravain was in the former Round Table, he was only met with fear and loathing by his fellow knights. That's the case this time as well. I've just confirmed it.

>Da Vinci: Hm. Because? Isn't it good that Agravain is just a bad seed hated by everyone?

>Bedivere: No way. If sir Adjutant were an evil man at heart, Camelot would not have been able to stand as it did. ...For some reason, Sir Agravain is a misanthrope. As a result, those around him thought of him as a cold-blooded person. It was to such an extent that even his own kin, Sir Gawain, Sir Gaheris and Gareth-chan misunderstood him.

>Dr. Roman: Eh, wait. Wait. Just now, wasn't there a really remarkable phrase mixed in!?

>Da Vinci: Right, the girlfriend-less bachelor can shut up. ...But, you did not see Sir Agravain that way. Why's that?

>Bedivere: ...No, I too disliked the Adjutant. But I noticed it later. The collapse of the Round Table, the fall of Camelot, it all started after Sir Agravain's death. He was someone necessary to the King. Perhaps even more so than the court magician, Merlin.

>Mashu: ...Um. Actually. I agree with Bedivere-san. When we confronted Sir Agravain at the fortress, I somehow felt relieved. It was as if the Saint Graph was remembering, "If this man is around, than the King will be alright".

>Bedivere: Galahad was the most air-he- no, noble person on the Round Table. He was always particularly good at actually seeing people for who they are. If he trusted Sir Agravain, then Agravain must be just from a certain perspective---- watch out!

Agravain did literally nothing wrong.

It's ok, he has his reward in Camelot before dying.

Canonrap translated Chapter 00 of Garden of Avalon:

>takes a million years to translate one chapter

>guy on /vg/ does the whole thing in two hours

Can you link to it?

Did this really happen?

Is Nasu the only guy who made Agravain loyal to Arthur, out of all the people who wrote fan fiction about the Arturian mythos?

No, but he died in her arms as the Singularity collapsed around them. She also didn't give a shit he had just killed Lancelot and was only concerned about his well-being.

Camelot pushed the whole "Agravain and Bedivere are Arturia's most important people along with Merlin."

Possibly. His Agravain is literally Camelot Oberstein.

>Lancelot thought that Arthur forgave him because he was too important to Camelot
>Turns out the most important member of Arturia's clique aside of Merlin was Agravain


Is this for fucking real? Is Lancelot /ourguy/?

We need Saber and Shielder Galahad in here ASAP.

>She also didn't give a shit he had just killed Lancelot and was only concerned about his well-being

Damn that's kinda sweet. I thought Lancer Arturia was inhuman.

>I thought Lancer Arturia was inhuman.

On the contrary, Lancer!Artoria was more human of the two. She never wielded the Holy Spear for long, unlike Excalibur as such she retained much of her humanity. She's a more mature and level headed Artoria that has time to grow and accumulate wisdom.

Bedivere gave her back her feelings. Agravain and Arturia spent their last moments together while the singularity crumbled in a blinding white light.

We're talking about the Lion King.

>forgetting how Guinevere and Lancelot fucked because they were both in love with Arturia

One of the few times that I few agree with this line.

I wish they animate Camelot to see him finally kill Lancelot.

>Lancelot:I love Arturia
>Guinevere: I do too, lets fuck

Makes sense to me!

Ruler galahad plz.

In coclusion, Lancelot is just thinking highly of himself too much.

how is mordred formed?


Lancelot fucked up in every possible way, and kept fucking up despite most of the Round forgiving him his mistakes. Except Agravain who wanted him dead.

Let's be fair with Guinevere here. She held a torch for years, was finally going to marry the love of her life, found out he was a woman, but was okay with that and then was told it was just for 'appearances'. She accepted that but can you understand her feelings? She was married to the person she was madly in love but due to a sham and her feelings would always be denied.

And the novel made clear she wasn't crying or lamenting because she felt sorry for herself unlike Lancelot, but because she hurt Arturia.

Who cares about Agravain

Everyone knows Sir Gawain is the best

Agravain is the one who's holding everything together, his death was the end of Camelot.

Sir Gawain is still the best

Why didn't Arturia marry just him? Honestly this "I-I'm a man" bullshit no longer makes sense when Nasu went completely autistic with millions of genderswaps without this type of pressure.

Marrying Agravain would make Morgan less of a bitch because her grandchild will have a claim to the throne and they would have avoided all this shit.


Gawain would say Arthur is the best.

>---watch out!
Fucking mobages and their random monsters appearing out of nowhere


Shielder Agravain when


He's gay and hate woman

Because both of them have a 'duty before anything else' mentally.

Merlin gave Artoria a futa dick.

He adores her, I don't think he would mind at all if she asked him to marry her.

He loves Artoria.


>Can you even begin to guess what a relief it was when it turned out that the first person I didn't want to be hated by was a man?

For someone who hates everyone with passion, this is a declaration of love for his King. And I am sure he wouldn't mind if she told him she is a woman.

Can anyone explain this whole Morgan is Agravian's mother?

I thought she was Mordred's mother...

user, do you even know how siblings work

Yeah I don't get it how doesn't he know?

too blind to admit that his king is a woman

So are Mordred and Agravian siblings?

Is this touched upon?

That's impossible, he has to be sarcastic there.

Lion King didn't have her tits hanging out all the time, with her armor she can pass as an androgynous man.



-Caliburn was lost because Merlin got caught in one of Morgan's traps due to his womanizing habits. Merlin says this was a necessary rite for Artoria to get Excalibur.

-Kay says that Morgan used to be a good girl, and wonders why she became so scary. He says she was "innocent as a fairy, elegant as a war-maiden, and cruel as a witch" and remarks that it's like she had the personalities of three different people inside her. He also notes that she was Uther's real, proper daughter.

-Merlin says that 80% of Camelot is made by the faeries. Half of the craftsmen who work on the castle each day are humans, but half are faeries pretending to be human; Though most of the faeries at this point in time (the 10-year rule of King Arthur) had already left for the other side of the world, the "door" is still open at this time and they can come and go freely (though Merlin says that this door would soon disappear too).

-The giants cannot survive in purely spirit form like the faeries, and so can't escape to the other side, and are stuck on Britain to the day humans drive them to extinction.

-Merlin calls Bediviere "Bedi" and says having him around is necessary for Tristan to actually get any work done. Artoria protests this saying that Tristan only looks like a womanizer but is actually always serious and that he's not like Merlin and Kay. Merlin protests this saying that his love for all the women he's with is eternal, and that Tristan's love is pessimistic and that Kay's is forgotten the day after. Artoria says that this is Agravain's judgement of them and that he's better at judging people than anyone else.

-Merlin says Agravain is like a "gloomy ghost" and is touchy but also has good judgement, and is the perfect secretary as someone who has no interest in gaining authority.

-The Round Table is actually a magical artifact that served to show bonds, the proof of heroes. Camelot itself uses the round table as a base. Excalibur provides the energy to maintain the castle, while the Round Table is the pillar that holds it in place.

-The Round Table has seats for 13. The 13th seat is considered bad luck and so most of the knights consider 12 to be their full number (at this point in time there aren't 12 yet, but will be soon).

-Agravain is related to Arthur, as the son of Uther's daughter Morgan. He doesn't let his emotions show and Arthur says this is because he is equally fair to all things, and trusts him fully. As he is able to send soldiers to their deaths without the slightest hesitation, the other knights don't like him, but he shows no flaws in his own conduct so nobody can really do anything about him. He rarely goes out to the front lines, but when he does he always comes back completely unscathed, no matter how strong the enemy he faces.

-Merlin explains Excalibur and Rhongominyad to Artoria: Excalibur is a holy sword born inside the planet, a divine construct forged by the planet's own hands, made in anticipation of outside threats that would destroy the planet itself. A sword meant not to protect humans but to protect the planet, made to fight "destruction" itself, which is why its true power cannot be used unless to save the world.

-Meanwhile, Rhongominyad is not a weapon but a thing to keep the planet stable, an anchor. The other of the world where the land of faeries also exists is in a space between the world of humans and the actual surface of the planet, separated from the world of humans by a thin veil. Both the human world and the other side are textures pasted onto the surface of the planet. Planets change their rules of physics based on the life-forms on their surface, and so the age filled with mysteries and magic declined when humans became the largest group on the planet. The gods who were embodiments of nature with personalities became natural phenomena, and the ether in the air vanished. The decline was accelerated with the death of Solomon, and the age of gods (age of mysteries) came to a true end 500 years ago (from this point in time). The planet now belongs to humans, beings that exist independently of nature and can live outside of its cycle. The sentience of humans desired to rid the world of unclear laws, and so the planet's rules were rewritten to be optimal for humans to live. Dragons and fairies go against human rules, and so moved to the other side of the world, and only those who couldn't or wouldn't move remained. The former are mostly harmless but the latter are generally harmful to humans, and strong individuals can last for centuries even after the magic in the air dries up, remaining as threats to humans. Humans may now be the rulers of Earth, but this rule can overturned as easily as peeling away a veil. Rhongominyad is an anchor that keeps the texture of humans in place.

-The mysteries of the age of gods still remain in Britain because it's an island separated from the rest of the world, and Britannia is especially important as the "navel of the world", to those who lived in the mysteries this place is a holy land, their heart. If someone were to plot to fill the planet's air with ether again, their workshop would be made in Britain. As the last remnant of the age of gods, Britain could also become an axis used to overturn the world. Rhongominyad prevents this by holding things in place. What Artoria holds, given to her by Vivian, is its shadow. Because she has it, people can no longer see it as a pillar of light beyond the horizon, but it still exists as the tower at the furthest side.

-Artoria told Guinevere about her gender herself, and Guinevere accepted the secret as necessary to rule Britain. Guinevere knew of Artoria's efforts, and also respected her greatly, and had secretly been in love with her for all the ten years between the drawing of Caliburn and the defeat of Vortigern, and not even Merlin can tell what she felt on the night when she thought she had gained the one she loved only to realise this would only be for show, and that she would never actually gain it for all eternity. Despair at betrayal, or pity, or both. The marriage was a cage for Guinevere, and Artoria worried about her, but Guinevere would always just say that Artoria had it just as bad. Though their marriage was fake, their friendship was true, and their trust for each other made them look like a loving couple to most people.

-King Arthur's search for the Holy Grail began when Artoria told the secret of Britain to her secretary, and he suggested to her that they find a mystery great enough to sustain the island, the grail. This resulted in Percival dying, and Galahad going to heaven when he returned the grail upon finding it.

>. A sword meant not to protect humans but to protect the planet, made to fight "destruction" itself, which is why its true power cannot be used unless to save the world.
Sounds like it's pretty much confirming that it'll be used against the last Beast fight in the future.

-After Lancelot kills everyone like an asshole and runs away, Merlin claims that Lancelot acting on his love for Guinevere is his own form of knighthood, and Artoria says she does not blame or hate Lancelot, and in fact feels sorry for having taken Lancelot and Guinevere's happiness.

-Lancelot thinks about what Guinevere told him about King Arthur. All the kings of Britain had the powers of mysteries, but this faded with time and Uther was the last, and knowing this, he made a child with his blood and that of a dragon with Merlin's help. Two problems occurred: The child was a girl, and Uther's actual daughter Morgan was born with unexpected supernatural powers. Morgan hated her younger sister for stealing her father's love and hopes and spent her life plotting revenge, sending Agravain and Mordred as her pawns. Morgan was a ruler with massive power, a girl who inherited the supernatural forces that were supposed to die with Uther, and as the entire island of Britain belongs to her, her power as the master of the island is greater than Arthur's. But the bigger problem was Arthur's gender; A male was needed to rule over the lands and the knights, and she was raised as a boy, and she spent her life literally clad in iron, hiding her true self.

-Lancelot had heard rumours of King Arthur from across the sea, but pretended not to be interested because he thought of himself as the ideal knight, and headed to Britain in the first place because he didn't like how he was being compared to him. Only when he saw King Arthur fight did he realise what's truly important to a knight, and after fighting alongside the king was invited to Camelot.

-Lancelot and Guinevere fell in love through their common love for King Arthur, trying to help him when he started to look obviously fatigued some time after Tristan left.

Literal opposite, beasts are threats to HUMANITY which Excalibur doesn't give a shit about. It's aliens like Sephar against which it activates.

-Lancelot says that he's an adulterous traitor and a disgusting beast not even fit to call himself a knight, and when he learns that King Arthur forgave him, his first thought is that this is because he's so important and great that Camelot would collapse without him, though he dismisses this saying that Arthur would never be so calculative. He doesn't understand this decision and comes to the conclusion that Arthur is inhuman and is a bigger monster than Vortigern the likes of whichno human can hope to understand. He still respects the king but is also angry and cannot accept Arthur as a human. He thinks his fear will someday turn to rage, then hate, that will curse the king for all eternity, and figures that this is his punishment.

-When Artoria was leaving for Rome, Merlin already knew what was going to happen next, but decided against telling her, because he felt that Britain's end was here, and he wanted her to rest.

-In the first fight with Mordred's forces where Mordred killed Gawain, Gawain did manage to wound Mordred bad enough that she stayed in the back giving orders the next day even though she always insisted on being at the very front "like King Arthur".

-Mordred targeted the return in order to kill the king as soon as possible and so ultimately keep casualties to a minimum.

-Merlin says that the counter force is a defensive mechanism born from the the collective unconsciousness of mankind, and that the difference between heroic spirits and guardians of the counter force is that heroic spirits are summoned by the hopes of men, while the guardians are summoned by despair.

Counter guardians confirmed for upcoming "Edgelord" servant class.

Counter guardians are whatever role they fit the best. Both Emiyas are archer and assassin

Literally, the five children of Morgan are the glue that held the Round Table together

Auntie Artoria needs to repay them all with love and kindness (and her pussy)

Was another Camelot genderbend really necessary?

Why does Nasu have such a hardon for the knights of the round table

Yes its even more hilariously when Lancelot killed an unarmed woman when rescuing Guinevere

Because saber draws in fans.

>Lancelot killed an unarmed woman when rescuing Guinevere

Truly the knight of knights

>Lancelot gets mad at Saber because she forgave him

Truly the best.

He calls her an inhuman monster worse than Vortigern who was a demon dragon that wanted to exterminate all life, and curses her for all eternity. Mad is an understatement.

Yes, he is easily the worst knight of the round, he fucked up so many times, and yet Arturia still forgives him, why ?

Because Arturia blamed herself for the entire mess.

Wait does this mean that Excalibur is stronger than EA?

If somebody was using Ea to destroy the world then possibly yeah Excalibur would be stronger.

It's full power can only be used if the World itself is in danger.

After reading this and looking back with Rider and Gilgamesh its hilarious to see how correct they were in regards to sabers ruling

>Two selfish pricks picking on someone who actually wants to make the world a better place.


Yeaahhh no.

Gil may be the biggest known asshole but he is still an extremely competent king after Enkidu's death.

So would that make Reuenthal Lancelot? Considering part of the reason he decided to play into the rebellion role was because Reinhard already forgave him once.

Prototype Arthur was way better from how it looks

Perhaps but that's not really the "Gilgamesh" who was summoned.

The Gilgamesh summoned was him in his "prime", when he was mostly a selfish prick.

Heroic Spirits have different aspects to them and you can call them while emphasizing different parts of their life/legend.

Prototype Arthur fucked his own sister after she disguised herself as Merlin(female)

Except thats bullshit. Lets see them clash then we can decide but until then Ea is still the strongest NP.

Full power anti-extraterrestrial Excalibur is stronger than Enuma Elish. Otherwise Enuma Elish is slightly stronger than Excalibur.
It's not that much stronger, though.

Ea/Enuma Elish was never anything special, retards just didn't understand what anti world meant.

There are actual anti-PLANET NPs that do what the retards thought anti-world meant, and Gil doesn't have any.

Way to misinterpret the VN. Enuma elish is slightly stronger than excalibur when he uses it without full activation. When he actually uses its true nake it becomes on another lvl.

retard detected

Not an argument arthuriafag. Go back to your futacuck fanfiction.

Takeuchi retcon it so that fully powered Excalibur > everything else

Excalibur in SN had none of the conditions to be powered up fulfilled AND was at minimum output because it's an amplifier and Shirou was giving Saber shit for mana.

The shit in SN was retconned ages ago. Extella established the at full power Excalibur can one shot an alien that until then wiped out all the gods (not divine spirits but ACTUAL GODS, including Gilgamesh's predecessors and creators) single-handedly without a scratch. Gilgamesh himself knows he can't stand up to Sephar and joins Altera's forces because he knows it.

Actually he only joined her because he owed her a favor

why no one discuss F/SF is Sup Forums?

The favor being the one owed to her by his creators, the gods of Mesopotamia, where she didn't fucking slaughter all of them like insects.

Makes me wonder how power scaling would go if we took planet destroying super weapons into the mix like say a Death Star. Would Death Star > Type if you could just blow up the planet that the Type originated from?