Gabriel vs Umaru

Gabriel vs Umaru

Who do you prefer?



Both Gabriel is superior. In show and character.

Gabu chann

The answer is obvious.

I'd prefer that nice thick holy ass

You're making a strong case for Gabriel here.

Useless angel, only good for sex.

Of the two I'm going to say Umaru just because Gabu has only had one episode. But neither is best girl.

Gabriel. I liked the Umaru anime but I really dont like Hamster Umaru.

Umaru is love, Umaru is life?

Gab doesn't turn into a retarded chibi in an attempt to make living like a slob look cute. She makes it look cute naturally.

I hope they actually show people dying in this and it's not just moeshit

Umaru because that looks like a stupid slut.

I want to protect Satania. She is innocent and I want to buy here melon bread.

Gabu, Umaru is unwatchable.

Angel vs ass-nugget?
Gab easily best

Gab is boring and overshadowed by other characters in her show. Umaru easily carries her anime by herself.

Gabriel is okay, but Umaru feels like she was literally designed for using to create forced memes and shitposting.

Can't we all just get along?

Gab. She isn't a two (three? four?) faced lying bitch who's ashamed of others finding out about her true self.

Umaru for sure, but I've only known Gab for one episode,so that might change.

How can anyone dislike that cute hamster? I honestly can't tell if people hating on her are being serious.

Gabriel is superior.


Why do you insist in comparing them so much when they're completely different?