Pol humor thread

post your best

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Boring and stale

alt-right can't meme




>checks flag

every fucking time. kys fagit

what did you say?



A classic


Last time I did webms. I'll do pics this time.

Daily reminder that these threads are cancer. They cause a board to grow stale and loop back in on itself. This is supposed to be a discussion forum, not a museum. Imageboards need to be focused on producing fresh content, that's why old threads get deleted.



Just a few though. I'm watching the x-files.

/ptg/-tier humor.

More MTG memes ya fuckin' galah



Heil Hitluh

I'm rolling

An old one. /n/ era


>everyone kekking in the background



This is amazing


What am I looking at?







Desu Vult







Why not?

that old Sup Forums era actually



Oh just some tranny mutilating their balls

Don't you know that giving yourself genital surgery is all the rage these days?

more pedo jokes



Well, we don't like to talk about that here.

Did he already cut his dick off too? How is he alive?


old Sup Forums era belongs to a fucking facebook group

everlasting ylyl or something like that

let me see if I can find it

nigger pls





thought this was going to be a spacex joke kek

found it


basically 2004 Sup Forums

Fuck you for that.






Bix nood rollinguthafucka





Chinese are the new jews

I need to know



more of these pls



too much reading for very little payoff in the humor department






thank you for this



rolling brah

who is that indian boy next to michael obama?





a classic


>I finally found something that is wallpaper worthy.


