Ask a guy with 8 kids but who has never met one anything

Ask a guy with 8 kids but who has never met one anything.

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All white my friend.

what's your favorite brand of gasoline?

If you're black, you're a nigger.
If you're brown, you're a nigger.
If you're white, you're a nigger.
If you're ayylmao, you're a nigger.

how did you get them to get into your van?
ehy do you need 8 of them?

Unleaded E10

What? how can i put them in can if I've never met them.

Are you an abbo?
Or did you go to the Philippines and fuck women over and came back to Australia?

All 1 night stands out in the cross.

Kill yourself degenerate

Can't got a great job, a great life and I'll continue having unprotected sex with bar sluts.

enjoy your stds

I still haven't caught anything permanent after a decade of doing this weekly, I think I'll be fine.


Wtf is that, who would eat that.

I admire you. Being called a nigger for it just goes with the territory. Have enough of them and one is bound to make you proud if you ever find out.


through selfinsemination?
Did you get intouch with the children after tehy found out you are the father or something over the internet?

That's nothing to be proud of man. You just brought more shame and suffering to the world. Abandonment is a pretty fucked up thing.

Well it just kinda happened, the first 1 I was freaking out but it didn't turn out to be a big deal, I was also only 24 when the first one came.
But with each consecutive child the child support payments rose negligibly and I just figured fuck it there's no going back.
It also entertains me that with every new kid the child support gets spread thinner and thinner between all the mothers while barely effecting my income after the 3rd kid.

Nah I got pulled into court each time, there could be a fuck load more for all i know, but these women wanted paternity tests.
I'm easy to find too as I frequent the same 4 or so clubs.

You are piece of shit bro

I'll probably have a few more legally over the next few years, I wonder If I'll hit the big 20.
Best part is at that point the mothers will all be getting pocket change.


I heard be a single dad works pretty well for picking up sluts, I might have a swing at partial custody just to see how effective it is with the next baby, If it doesn't work I can always relinquish my visitation rights.

What's your problem with condoms?

Also, do you feel regret?

Only regretted until the 4th kid, then it became more like a game.

>8 kids
>on Sup Forums

confirmed virgin basement dweller.

No problem with'em, just feel like stopping to tear one open kills the mood a bit when I could have been in her a full 2 minutes ago.

do you literally just never use condoms? do the women act surprised when they find out they're pregnant?

White nigger that needs to be fucking gassed.
Everything wrong with men.

also, why are these women not just aborting your little fuckers? do you only go for white trash chicks with no career or ambition?

i'm genuinely curious about this...


I'm sure they're surprised, I'm never around to see it though.
They probably think they've landed themselves a husband or some shit, only way i can explain so many keeping them.
When i go out I always wear a suit and pay for drinks, which in the long run has probably been more expensive than the child support.

Spot on mate, I go for the easiest root in the room, as long as she's above a 5 in looks I'm going in.

Probably a good looking bloke.
The bar sluts figure they are getting 'good genes' and that's enough for them.

Sad on both sides but insanely sad for the children. My guess is there is a good chance two of your half siblings unknown to each other will fuck one day too.

How does it feel to know that your tax dollars go to raising my unwanted offspring?

It would be really cool if one of your junior grade scumbags beat you to death in a homeless shelter over an old radio or something. I really hope that neither knows who the other is.

Not really, I'm 5"10 with a 7 face at best, I've got money though.

I dropped out of society long ago mate.
I want it to burn so that your bastards starve to death in the street or have to sell their little asses for cans of spam.
That's the fate they deserve for their mother breeding with a piece of shit.

keep doing the lord's work user, and thanks for the entertaining thread

That's hilarious. There's no incentive for you to stop.

Got a few years until then, All of them are under 10 atm.

That's a nice fate for them. Impregnating his own daughter by accident isn't out of the question for this human trash either.

I'll be 47 by the time the first girl is old enough to go out, I don't think It'll happen, if it does let's hope she doesn't get pregnant.

Half quadroon isn't white. Nice try nigger.

>shitting up the world with 8 more pieces of garbage children of single mothers

hope one of them ends up completely off the rials and tracks you down and kills you

Doubt it, I tracked down my own dad when I was 16 and now week smoke cones together nearly fortnightly, he turned out to be a super cool dude after years of my mother demonising him.


i like that picture.

1/8th mate, not half.

It's pretty demonstrative of how fucked our society is.
>Single mothers making dogshit choices supported regardless.
>Garbage guy with multiple kids to different women has no probs finding new women to impregnate.
>Taxpayer picks up the bill for both fuckups.
>Responsible folk not breeding kids they cant afford saddled with the 'scum breeding bill'.
>Guys like me disenchanted at the system just walk away.
Defiantly a winning formula for a successful society. You just stop caring.

lol - I see what you did there

real question is, how didn't he see any of the buggers get in the van

I probably have more of those than you to be honest




Maybe this is what families are destined to look like in the near future and this is the 'normalization' stage.
>Single mothers on .gov money
>Chads impregnate multiple women
Everyone else supports this becuase children starving is wrong.

No worries mate, I'd suggest to anyone who makes enough money that 35% of their income each month makes no difference to their life.

Quadroon is 1/4 nigger, I don't know the old timey word for an 1/8 so just did the math. Single dadfag here user, don't believe the myth, they are social life killers.

My old man's still going, his new missus is only 2 years older than me.
His youngest kids only 6, I've got kids older than that.

No other way to justify it than pure nigger mentality.

Even if ex's are trying to keep them from you, the amount of time you see your kids is solely on you.

But a purely hedonistic self satisfying lifestyle can always act as a distraction or excuse

Sincerely I hope your heart rips out and your kids learn to sell their bodies in their early teens

t. Single and Sole care taker of my 2,4,6 year olds

You're disgusting but also a bit intriguing. Your life is like a performance art piece, painfully making clear what's wrong in our diseased society. Shame that it affects a drove of bastard children though, I don't condone abandonment in the least

what's the best chocolate to melt into milk? i want to make that right now, but i think i only have dark chocolate

Trips of truth. Pleasure doesn't bring happiness. Mine make me prouder and happier to be alive every day. Wouldn't trade them for all the pussy and weed in the world.

Your just jealous I've got all this free time to root, drink, smoke and enjoy life while your stuck at home with 3 little shitlings.

I'm pointing it out not the guy breeding bastards.

70% cocoa my friend.

You ever worry about dying alone? Not leaving a mark on the world other than flawed offspring not raised without a proper man in their life?

I'll probably stay childless because I can't find a man but even that is better than raising it alone.

I've had enough that at least one is bound to do something decent.
Nope not for a day.

Your standards are too high.

All these women should marry some orbiter if they want a male figure in their life, but they won't go for the nice guy that's chased since high school, they'll always fuck guys like me.

It's not jealousy you muppet. It's anger.

If this were 1940 earlier you and the sluts stupid choices might actually have some life consequences and the behaviour would be discouraged.
But its the 'current year' so everyone else will step in and clean up your shit.

How have you not gone bankrupt/to jail due to child support yet?

Oh my mistake. Point stands though, OP's actions show so much of what's wrong in society

>Tax payers need to pay for other people's (literal) fuckups
>Prudent, 'normal' white people don't breed at all because you really need half your mortgage paid, have two cars and 20 years work experience before you can even think about a first child whilst the rest of the world just jams cock in cunt and couldn't care less what happens afterwards
>Women will have unprotected sex with absolute strangers if you just dress a bit sharp and buy some drinks, consequences schmonsequences

I think you're like a modern barbarian, admirable but deplorable. Do you consider yourself a sociopath? Meaning do you have empathy for others and honest emotional responses.

Idle time is bullshit and infuriorating my man

The joy and pleasure of raising them is much better than the blow that I just blew out of a floozies asshole, you were right about one thing, nothing impresses more than a single father

You can guarantee a few junkies from the bunch if they are going to grow up in the cross.
Congratulations, you created entire life's that will be lived mostly in misery and pain.

Upthread he notes their system isn't like ours, it's divided amongst the mothers at a fixed rate.

>Your standards are too high.

Maybe but if this is my level, then I'll pass

Do you ever fuck minorities

I make 2200 a week after tax and live under my means, Child support doesn't increase by a base percentage with each child and they can only take up to a certain percentage of my income, after the 4th kid this shit was negligible.

Kek don't burn the coal something something toll

Asians aren't a minority here.

Yeah well the boomers and feminisim destroyed the family unit and now this sort of shit is becoming the norm.


op doenst actually know he has 8 kids he just has unprotected sex with sluts the last 10 years or so

Actually i do, I don't know if I have more, those are all the ones I pay child support for.

Hehehe slap you have little tan maggot children

I'm surprised more Chads don't follow your path.
You are a superman success genetically. Your valuable genes will filter into all of the country and 200 years from now Sydney will be full of your ancestors.

My genes die with me because I'm responsible.

how exactly do you make a living?

Only one,I think she was philo.

Fucking terrible for your engine

I'd eat it, it's fully cooked

>describes idiocracy
I think they call this dysgenics. Do your part to stop it user, we need more responsible people in the world, race war and all that.

I'm a consultant for a large chain of nursing homes.

hope you end up in a news story in aussie land, godspeed for exploiting the system

Are you a nigger and do you pay child support and kys

I'm not even mad, that's impressive.
Are birth control pills not common down there? I usually use condoms bc I only have one dick, but I've raw dogged at least a dozens girls and never got anyone preggers. Maybe I'm sterile..

Yeah you're still a nigger.
I hope the sole survivors of your line fuck each other so your blood is forever tainted.

I don't understand anything anymore mate. Everywhere I look in my society scumbags are having success because they are protected by other scumbags higher up the ladder.
20 years ago there was corruption, but not like this. It's so bad now. I've stopped caring.
I can't make sense of any of it anymore.